Che -Guevara

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Everything posted by Che -Guevara

  1. ^You speak from both sides of your mouth. Have decency to stick one cause. But meanwhile you enjoy this, I'm sure it will be short lived celebration.
  2. ^Women section makes more sense than this st-upidty. All I see is oppurtunistic Qabiilist. When reer Waamo dagaal barteen?
  3. Baydhabo(AllPuntland)-Weerar gaadmo ah oo ay soo qaadeen kooxo ka tirsan Ururka Al-Shabaab kuwooda ka howlgala gobolada Bay iyo Bakool caawa bar kontorool oo ku taala magaalada Baydhabo ee xarunta gobolka Bay halkaasi oo ay ku sugnaayeen ciidamo ka tirsan Dowladda oo sugayey amaanka. Weerarkan oo ahaa mid kadis ah oo aysan filaneyn ciidamada Booliska oo halkaasi ka hayey ilaalo ayaa dagaal dhex maray uu socday mudo, iyadoo markii danbe lagala wareegay gacan ku heynta bartaasi Kontorool oo ku taala gudaha magaalada Baydhabo. Ma cadda ilaa iyo weli khasaaraha labada dhinac iyo shacabka soo kala gaaray maadaama xiligu uu ahaa mugdi iyo halkaasi oo ay xereen kooxihii weerarka soo qaaday ee ururka Al-Shabaab oo si dhuumaaleysi ah ugu nool gudaha magaalada Baydhabo. Warku wuxuu intaa ku darayaa in kooxahan la wareegay bartaasi kontorool ay xereen wadooyinka iyadoo ay adag tahay in ay halkaasi ku sii waaraan, waxaana laga yaabaa hadii ay ku sii sugnaadaan in ciidamada Dowladda iyo kuwa Itoobiya ee magaalada ku sugan soo weeraraan si ay dib ugu soo celiyaan gacanta ciidamada dowladda. Magaalada Baydhabo oo ah xarunta Baarlamaanka ayaa waxaa horay Xildhibaano ka tirsan Dowladda ay soo jeediyeen in aysan ku shaqeyn karin maadaama magaalada amaankeeda uu yahay mid la isku haleyn karin, waxaana la ogsoon yahay in horay weeraro lagu qaaday xarunta Baarlamaanka iyo goobo kale. C.M.Cali
  4. Originally posted by Afr0 GirL: I see all the puntlanders are coming out of the closet Just the TFG supporters!
  5. GJ....It's Khamees day at the mosque hence Pucca's absence. I didn't much care for Toronto-somewhat dull city. Maybe you I should try Montreal next time. Hopefully you are enjoying urself Serenity.
  6. Cl..We have an aging population in the State of New Hampshire just north of us who opposed developers to build moderate to low income housing for young professionals and young families just cuz they don't wanna pay taxes to pay for schools that these young parents could send their children to. These people seem to forget young people are the ones paying their social security and are the ones who get up two in the morning to rush senior citizen to the emergency everytime they have cardiac arrest or fall on the stairs. Young people are leaving in droves cuz of expensive housing and as result employers can't get quilified employees and the state is going bankrapt.
  7. Cl..I don't know if this is interesting but have ever been segregated cuz of your age? Dam senior citizens. Die already.
  8. ^If it's Kismayo Malika. You are probably Yeey's sphere of influence Puntland is another story.
  9. Cl-For pointing these guys to the right direction.
  10. Originally posted by Ducaysane: Wan ka xishoonayaa in aan qabiil afka soo mariyo. Don't say it, just write it down. LooooooooL@NGONGE...Yeey's subclan increases or decrease with the circumstances. It also depends where they are in the old country.
  11. Malika-Religious zealots lack common sense and add Qabiil oppurtunist to the mix.
  12. Hiiraale's exit from Kismayo seems to be more important to some rather the death of so many Somalis. It makes no sense why this war has to happen now creating another new wave of refugees, risking Ethiopian attacks and destabilizing the south even farther.
  13. ^LooooooooooooooL but I like Unknown's answer though.
  14. Ayeeyo..She's deliciously awesome and saksy. I don't know to hold or eat her. No wonder you were keeping me away from her. Here I thought my ayeeyo had my back. :mad: Seriously Ibti!
  15. Ayeeyo....I just find out the missy from Qardo is surfing through these pages.So, I had to tone down my game little. P.S. You guys I'm joking though
  16. Ethiopia has blasted Somalia’s political leaders for getting bogged down in ”internal squabbles” while millions of Somalis live on the brink of a humanitarian disaster in a country that remains violent and ungoverned. Thousands of Ethiopian troops invaded Somalia at the end of 2006 to reinstall an interim government headed by president Abdullahi Yusuf. But it has a tenuous grip on power and its time in office has been marked by growing insurgency, clan warfare, and the mass displacement of civilians. Seyoum Mesfin, Ethiopia’s foreign minister, told the Financial Times that a rift between the president and prime minister Nur Hassan Hussein, appointed eight months ago after his predecessor fell out with Mr Yusuf, was the biggest obstacle to peace. Ethiopia’s own security and credibility are at stake in Somalia, which it invaded to oust a coalition of Islamist groups that had taken control. As the interim government’s main international backer, it has closeted the president and prime minister in Addis Ababa for the past week as it seeks to bridge the divide between them. In Mogadishu, the Somali capital, Ethiopian soldiers and troops from the transitional federal government remain the target of almost daily attacks by Islamist insurgents and clan gunmen opposed to Mr Yusuf’s regime. “The main challenge now is not what they call the enemy. It’s an intra-government crisis that is preventing them from focusing on the tasks they need to get done,” said Mr Mesfin. “There has been a lack of vigour and, if I may say so, a lack of commitment.” Since the beginning of last year more than 8,000 Somalis have been killed and 1m forced from their homes by fighting, which has centred on the capital Mogadishu. Humanitarian relief efforts have been undermined by the assassination of aid workers and the United Nations says that, due also to the additional impact of a drought, up to 3.5m Somalis – or nearly half the population – could need food aid later this year. But Mr Seyoum gave a less bleak account of the security situation today than many independent observers, saying the country was experiencing less daily violence than Iraq and Afghanistan. To create a durable peace, he said the president and the prime minster needed to implement plans to create regional administrations that would give people a greater stake in government and, potentially, help to reconcile Somalia’s warring clans and sub-clans. The rift between the leaders overshadowed the signing of a peace agreement in Djibouti on Monday between the interim government and one of two factions of the Somali political opposition. The agreement was welcomed on Thursday by the African Union, but it did little to lighten a mood of gloom among western diplomats who follow Somalia, because it had already been rejected by the other faction as well as by the al-Shabaab Islamist extremists leading the insurgency. Mr Seyoum said that al-Shabaab, which the US says is linked to al-Qaeda, had been critically weakened: “They cannot sustain their own activities, let alone disband the government.” But other analysts say their strength and boldness appears to be increasing. Source:The Financial Times
  17. peace-You say something intelligent. I shall argue for or against it. LooooooooL@Ibti
  18. . Never heard of anyone with the name Ashkiro, other than my beloved ayeeyo. You are kidding right?. It's probably coincidence that her ayeeyo's name is Ashkiro.