Che -Guevara

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Everything posted by Che -Guevara

  1. ^Reread what I wrote little more keenly,and contrast it with the post above mine-tell me where I have said anything about Somaliweyne?
  2. ^Reread what I wrote little more keenly,and contrast it with the post above mine-tell me where I have said anything about Somaliweyne?
  3. ^Reread what I wrote little more keenly,and contrast it with the post above mine-tell me where I have said anything about Somaliweyne?
  4. ^You will keep your dream in a store till such time someone else brings it to reality but in the meantime you would support an entity that goes against the very principles you want to see take hold in about convoluted reasoning. Good luck since you seem to be lost in the woods. I hope you would find your way home, and I mean that sincerely.
  5. ^You will keep your dream in a store till such time someone else brings it to reality but in the meantime you would support an entity that goes against the very principles you want to see take hold in about convoluted reasoning. Good luck since you seem to be lost in the woods. I hope you would find your way home, and I mean that sincerely.
  6. ^You will keep your dream in a store till such time someone else brings it to reality but in the meantime you would support an entity that goes against the very principles you want to see take hold in about convoluted reasoning. Good luck since you seem to be lost in the woods. I hope you would find your way home, and I mean that sincerely.
  7. ^Khat was banned by Barre's government, and it was not consumed in the south, not by general public anyway, that's why southern stereotype of the northerners. It started trickling in slowly when the government eventually lifted, and when the civil broke, it consumed the whole country.
  8. ^Have you joined bash Puntland group?, Usually you try to be fray.
  9. ^It was historically used as insult against reer Waqooyi, I guess that never died even though everyone is hooked onto the thing now.
  10. ^Are we talking about general sentiments of the voters or actual poll numbers which I don't think anyone conducts?
  11. Warancade...It doesn't tell how the current electorate would vote..It is misleading unless you know something we don't. Qalbi-Adeyg...Take it easy for once. Warancade..You could start by using the proper name instead of Buttland.
  12. How about Che Ben Yahuudi. You guys sound like trendy kids.Al Falastine was yesterday
  13. Originally posted by Xidigo*: U naagayn minyar lagumo helo. Oouuuuuch.
  14. Is this how married folks flirt? Subax Wanaagsan Ayeeyo.
  15. Shabelle: MUQDISHO Xaflad lagu sagootinayo ciidamada Ethiopia oo la sheegay in ay ka baxayaan dalka Soomaaliya ayaa maanta lagu qabtay hoyga uu Ra’iisul wasaare Nuur Cadde ka degan yahay magaalada Muqdisho. Kadib xaflad loogu magacdaray sagootinta ciidamada Ethiopia oo mudo ku dhawaad 2-sano siinayay dowlada kmg Soomaaliya taageero ayaa waxaa ay maanta ka dhacday guriga uu magaalada Muqdisho ka degan yahay Ra’iisul Wasaare Nuur Cadde. Ra’iisul wasaare Nuur Cadde oo munaasibadaasi ka hadlayay ayaa sheegay in ay dowlada Ethiopia iyo ciidamada Ethiopia ka dhabeeyeen meel marinta heshiiskii Jabuuti ay kuwada gaareen dowlada kmg iyo Xoogaga Mucaradka. Nuur Cadde ayaa si gaar ah waxaa uu ugu mahad celiyay Ra’iisul wasaaraha Ethiopia Messe Senawi iyo Taliyaha ciidamada Ethiopia ee dalka Soomaaliya ku sugan general Yohanis waxana uu sheegay in ay dhaqan galiyen oo ay qeyb ka qaateen hirgalinta heshiikii Jabuuti ay kuwada gaareen dowalada iyo xoogaga mucaaradka. Mar uu Ra’iisul wasare Nuur Cadde ha kadlayay arimaha doorashada Madaxweynaha ayaa waxaa uu sheegay in aysan habooneeyn xiligan in madaxweyne la doorto iyadoo aan la mideyn baarlamaanka labada dhinac. Gudoomiye ku xigeenka dhinaca aminiga ee isbeheysiga dib u xoreynta Xuseen Siyaad Qoor Gaab oo isna ka hadlay madasha ay xafladaasi ka dheceeyay ayaa waxaa uu sheegay in dowlada Ethiopia ay u dhaga nuglaatay ka mira dhalinta heshiikii Jabuuti,waxana uu dhinacyada Muqaawamada ugu baaqay in ay ka feejignaadaan dagaalo ku dhex mara goobaha ay baneeyaan ciidamada Ethiopia. Taliyaha ciidamada Ethiopia eek u sugan gudaha dalka Soomaaliya General Yohannes Abete ayaa sheegay in dowlada Ethiopia ay markii hore dalka Soomaaliya u soo gashay iyadoo caawineeysa dowlada kmg oo ay sheegeen in ay taagdareeyd xiligaasi hadana ay baxayaan marba hadii ay heshiiyeen dhinacyada dowlada kmg iyo mucaaradka. Taliye ku xigeenka ciidamada AMISOM oo isna ka hadlayay munaasibadaasi ayaa ku dheeraaday ka hadlida ahmiyada ay dalka Soomaaliya u yimaadeen,waxaana uu sheegay in ay sii wadayaan sugida ammaanka dowlada kmg Soomaaliya oo ay sheegeen in ciidamada Ethiopia ay qeyb ka qaadan jiraan difaaca dowlada kmg Soomaaliya. Xafladani lagu qabtay hoyga Ra’iisul wasaaraha dowalada kmg Soomaaliya Nuur Cadde ayaa waxaa ka soo qeyb galay xubno ka mid ah xildhibaanada golaha wasiirada saraakiisha ciidamada dowlada kmg iyo odaydhaqameedyo Soomaaliyeed. Aqriso oo la soco Saacad Walba si aad u hesho wararkii ugu dambeeyay ee Soomaaliya.
  16. Munaasibad lagu sagootinayo ciidamada Ethiopia oo maanta lagu qabtay hoyga uu Ra’iisul wasaare Nuur Cadde ka degan yahay magaalada Muqdisho.(Daawo Sawirada
  17. Ethiopia hands over security of Somalia Tuesday, January 13, 2009 MOGADISHU, Somalia (AP) — The Ethiopian troop commander in Somalia has handed over security of the country to a Somali joint force including government security officials and Islamic militiamen. The soldiers are leaving Somalia in stages and it is unclear when all of the thousands deployed will have departed. Ethiopian Col. Gabre Yohannes Abate relinquished control of security at a ceremony Tuesday. Ethiopia has been propping up neighboring Somalia's weak government for two years, but recently said it would end its unpopular presence, without giving an exact date because of fears of a power vacuum. The Somali joint force taking control is part of a power-sharing deal between the government and some Islamists reached last year. SOURCE: AP, Tuesday, January 13, 2009
  18. Norf...Caleyntii muu lasoo daahe? Cl Jee keysaa jal rahaahey.
  19. ^Legitimized by the elites of Hargeysa, I'm sure average Somali in the north would wanna get a piece of Riyaale...You gotta love it from notorioys NSS operative to a president.
  20. ^Leave granpa alone. He didn't get steady diet of suffering reer Mogadisho lately.