Che -Guevara

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Everything posted by Che -Guevara

  1. "Maxamed Abiib tol miyuusan lahayn. Hadaan system u jirin reer Somaliland oo xildhibaan xasaanad ku laheyn, dareenkiisana cabiri karin, shacabku xagey joogaan. Reer Awdaloow nagu soo biira. Dastuurka DFS ma odhan laba gobol xuduud ha lahaadaan. Cirka iyo badaan isku mareynaa" Garaad Mukhtaar
  2. Apparently, Muse's cartel accessed Abiib's phone.
  3. #Sudan closes #Ethiopia border after Fano militia seize nearby town Authorities in Sudan’s eastern Al-Qadarif state have closed the Gallabat border crossing with Ethiopia after the #Fano militia seized the nearby Ethiopian town of #Metema. According to the Sudan Tribune, Sudanese authorities allowed disarmed Ethiopian federal police and army personnel to cross into Sudan, while Fano militia members allowed stranded Sudanese nationals to enter Ethiopia. The Metema-#Gallabat border crossing between the two countries faces frequent closures due to localized tensions in the area. Since conflict erupted between the Sudanese army and the paramilitary Rapid Support Forces (#RSF) last year, thousands of Sudanese have fled into Ethiopia.
  4. Abiy is massacring Amharas daily. It's matter of survival. They don't have lthe luxury of picking ideall allies. They also understand Ethiopia might collapse. They are positioning themselves in advantageous situation.
  5. Authorities in Sudan’s eastern Al-Qadarif state closed the Gallabat border crossing with Ethiopia on Sunday after the Fano militia seized the nearby Ethiopian town of Metemma, sources told Sudan Tribune.
  6. Nagadaa ninyahow. Let's be serious, no high profile gets arrested with Muse's permission. Same goes for every Somali region.
  7. "Breaking : Fano/Amhara forces have surrounded Abdurafi another major Sudan/Ethiopia border crossing town. Heavy fighting still ongoing with some ENDF forces fleeing to Sudan."
  8. EXCLUSIVE: #Somali Senator @SenDrHussein of #SouthWest state constituency says his region has no objection to the withdrawal of #Ethiopian troops from #Somalia but it should be conducted through an agreed-upon process "to prevent any security implications".
  9. How times have changed! "For argument's sake,if Abiy Ahmed has aligned himself with the UAE & Turkey, acquiring drones to target our people. Why should it be unacceptable for Amharas to collaborate with Egypt or Somalia? If Oromo Prosperity Party/OLF can then Amharas have every right to do the same!"
  10. 100 Ethiopians soldiers flee to Sudan after Fano/Amhara forces captured strategic town of Metemma which is located #Sudan/#Ethiopia border-local media reports.
  11. Agaasimihii hore ee NISA Fahad Yaasiin ayaa galabta shaaciyey inay iskaashigii siyaasadda ku kala tageen Farmaajo, isagoo aan bixin faahfaahin intaas dheer, waxaana soo baxaya xogo ku saabsan waxyaabihii sababay kala tagga kooxdii Farmaajo ee Nabad iyo Nolol. Sida ay ogaatay Caasimada Online, kulan uu dalbaday Farmaajo ayaa Arbacadii toddobaadkii hore ka dhacay magaalada Istanbul ee dalka Turkiga, halkaas oo Farmaajo uu ku soo bandhigay go’aankiisa ololaha doorashada dambe. Farmaajo ayaa saaxiibadiis Fahad Yaasiin, Kulane Jiis iyo Cabdishakuur Cali Mire u cadeeyey in ololihiisa dambe ee doorashada aysan qeyb ka noqon doonin, wax garab ahna uusan uga baahneyn. Source Read more
  12. HSM is not coming back, but he will try to extend his term at any cost.
  13. Reer Galmudug are not reliable partners. Reer Unuku Leh are.
  14. What does this mean for Farmaajo? His chance of coming back diminished?
  15. Atleast, he said it right to his face instead stabbing him in the back. It's safe to assume Qatar will back whoever Fahad backs.
  17. The huffing & puffing from regressive-cum-revisionist elements that covet Eritrea's inalienable & sovereign lands seems to be on the rise again! Ignorance; reckless arrogance & imperial hubris; and perhaps a toxic mix of both, are apparently at work. This is not what the peoples of the region who broadly cherish peace and stability wish or deserve. And in any case, these are perilous red lines and political/legal apostasies which should never be contemplated... Yemane Meskel Eritrea Minister of Information
  18. That H@rti clans don't want to secede from their home country.
  19. #DEGDEG; Isimada dhaqanka ee SSC oo hadda warbaahinta la hadlay ayaa Nabad & Walaalnimo ugu baaqay dadka reer Ceerigaabo waxaanay sheegeen inay diyaar u yihiin wada-hadal lagu dhameeyo colaada si looga fogaado fidno uu dadka kala dhex dhigo Korneyl Muuse Biixi.
  20. It is never good to rush to war. The idea is everybody to live peacefully in their corner. It will take some time for secessionists to accept reality, you would have to undo 33 years of delusions, but an all out war is not in anyone's interest.
  21. Looks like Muuse played his hand well. No elections in Sanaag.
  22. Somaliland President blames election opponents for stirring insecurity in Erigabo district Hargeisa (HOL) — Somaliland President Muse Bihi Abdi has accused unnamed individuals opposed to the upcoming election of orchestrating acts of insecurity in the Erigabo district of the Sool region. In a statement, President Bihi suggested that recent clan conflicts are part of a deliberate effort to disrupt Somaliland's elections and undermine the region's unity and governance. "Today's conflict in Erigabo is being sought to disrupt our elections. Every elected person must develop Somaliland, and that progress is being disrupted. Today, we all focus on the election," President Bihi said. The conflict has already claimed at least nine lives near the village of Goof, approximately 40 kilometres from Erigabo, following violent clashes between two militia groups on Wednesday. The violence erupted after the murder of Salman Adan Abdi, a prominent local figure in Erigabo, who was shot earlier this week. Salman's death has been linked to escalating political tensions in the region, particularly after he supported the Khatumo administration. Federal Ministry of Internal Affairs and Reconciliation has issued a strong appeal for an immediate end to the conflict in the Erigabo district. The Ministry emphasized the need for reconciliation and called on local elders, religious scholars, and regional administrators to take swift action to stop the bloodshed, noting that the violence has displaced dozens of families.