Poeple are worried about political correctness..lol
anyway i personally don't mind it and really don't care about it since the decision ain't mine.I guess it depends why do yu wanna marry outside your culture.Some people do it coz of genuine love, some of coz self-hatred(i hate somalis people lol", and some coz of circumstances.I think a Somali male/female should first give his kind a chance before moving on....it is only fair...that's neither racist nor an un-Islamic....as being part of community,you have an obligation to your people.
One should also consider the consequences of being married to non-somali in the west,Divorces are as common as the next starbucks or walmart.The chances of losing your kids are high.
Anyway i guess at end, it all depends on the person.
P.s could plz stop somalis are judgemental or racist crap!....every human is more or less the same, Think about it if you were a somali person marrying a white or hispanic mate, Would the family of your mate react to you?