Che -Guevara

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Everything posted by Che -Guevara

  1. If i had a penny for everytime a black person says the word," hater" , i would have been billionaire by I don't know you walaal but welcome back anyway. Did wat i just said count as "Hating" later nomads
  2. is funny Barwaaqo....Good point, i guess the ladies didn't take that into consideration. Lefty.....Wat do yu suggest..? Another Hippy movement....Make Love, Not War!
  3. I thought this article was pretty interesting n funny. Sex boycott urged over war That's close enough, say the campaigners Women opposed to the war with Iraq have been urged to withhold sexual favours from their partners if the menfolk are pro-war. On Monday thousands of actresses all over the world are taking part in a reading of the ancient Greek play Lysistrata, as part of a protest against the war. In the play, penned by Aristophanes in 415BC, a group of Greek women, fed up with their warmongering husbands, go on a sex strike in a bid to end the endless conflicts. Eventually the menfolk cave in and agree to a truce. The Danish group have taken the interpretation quite literally and are encouraging women to slap on their chastity belts if their men are pro-war. Bawdy play The Lysistrata Project is planning around a thousand readings of Aristophanes' bawdy play in 56 countries. Readings will raise money for charities working for peace and humanitarian aid in the Middle East and elsewhere. In Denmark several of the country's leading actresses are at the forefront of the protest. Actress Anne-Marie Helger told BBC News Online: "Mrs Blair, Mrs Bush and (the wife of the Danish PM) Mrs Rasmussen should stay out of their husbands' beds until they call their dogs off." Basically we are saying No Peace, No Sex. Rhea Leman, director Some of Denmark's most famous TV and stage actresses, including Andrea Vagn Jensen, Lone Hertz, Lykke Nielsen and Trine Appel, are staging a production on Monday night of Aristophanes' Greek comedy Lysistrata. Worldwide protest Rhea Leman, an American theatre director who is directing Monday's play in Christianhavn near Copenhagen, said: "Basically we are saying No Peace, No Sex." Ms Leman told BBC News Online: "The essence of the play is that if men go to war women should not go to bed with them. Until these men stop the war they will not get any sex." She said: "What makes the play a comedy is that it is as hard for the women to go without sex as it is for the men. But they stick the strike out as a matter of principle." Mark Greene, one of the world co-ordinators of the Lysistrata Project, said: "Each country and each group of performers is free to interpret the play in different ways. "This is the first time I have heard of anyone actually suggesting a sex boycott, but then that's how these things start. "We are limiting our advice on a sex boycott to the First Lady and Mrs Hussein (sic)," he quipped. I was wondering what if somali women try this on their men to find solution to somalia...LOL later nomads
  4. Cushtic Cutue n Sol Prez...I agree with you...Cell fones are useful but there should be free cell fone zones , libararies , ciname halls should be at top of free cell fone zone list..Ppl also used cell fones even though there is no need for it at times. One time , i was on a visit in another town.We were gonna head to somebody's house, and dis guy who was with a friend of mine, called the ppl we were meeting. He called agian to let them to know we were in the car driving to their house. N he called for third time to let them know that we were at their doorstep.Now i call dat insane! Cushtic-Cutie....Luckly I never had a date talking on cell fone.thats pretty inconsiderate.If I was in da same situation, i probably would have paid the check n left unless if she was worthy of sucking up to. N yeah, Fone signals can be picked from air.The National Security Agency "NSA" of US Defense Dep does that kind of monitoring, picking up fone signal from foriegn leaders, orginazation, and wat have yu. I don't know if yu guys remember but while back, two radio DJs from Vegas picked a signal from Hugo Chavez, the president of Venezuila who trying to call Fidel Castro. They have recorded the conversation, n yu could hear the Chavez all confused thinking what happened to Castro.
  5. Cushtic Cutue n Sol Prez...I agree with you...Cell fones are useful but there should be free cell fone zones , libararies , ciname halls should be at top of free cell fone zone list..Ppl also used cell fones even though there is no need for it at times. One time , i was on a visit in another town.We were gonna head to somebody's house, and dis guy who was with a friend of mine, called the ppl we were meeting. He called agian to let them to know we were in the car driving to their house. N he called for third time to let them know that we were at their doorstep.Now i call dat insane! Cushtic-Cutie....Luckly I never had a date talking on cell fone.thats pretty inconsiderate.If I was in da same situation, i probably would have paid the check n left unless if she was worthy of sucking up to. N yeah, Fone signals can be picked from air.The National Security Agency "NSA" of US Defense Dep does that kind of monitoring, picking up fone signal from foriegn leaders, orginazation, and wat have yu. I don't know if yu guys remember but while back, two radio DJs from Vegas picked a signal from Hugo Chavez, the president of Venezuila who trying to call Fidel Castro. They have recorded the conversation, n yu could hear the Chavez all confused thinking what happened to Castro.
  6. Ok...I like modern technology and how eases our life but sometimes people don't know when it is appropiate to use technology.This is particulary true when it comes to cell fones.I don't have problem when ppl talk on cell fones in subways, buses, etc.I don't have even a problem when ppl speak so load as if i wanna know what they are talking about. What bothers however is ppl talking on their cell fones in places where it suppose to be quite and peaceful like libraries, cinema halls,etc, and sometimes even class rooms.This may sound harsh but people using cells should wear a phone boat over their heads?. It really gets annoying on many occasions to see inconsiderate person talking loadly all day on a cell, and what's even worse,they could be talking about NOTHING!
  7. Ok...I like modern technology and how eases our life but sometimes people don't know when it is appropiate to use technology.This is particulary true when it comes to cell fones.I don't have problem when ppl talk on cell fones in subways, buses, etc.I don't have even a problem when ppl speak so load as if i wanna know what they are talking about. What bothers however is ppl talking on their cell fones in places where it suppose to be quite and peaceful like libraries, cinema halls,etc, and sometimes even class rooms.This may sound harsh but people using cells should wear a phone boat over their heads?. It really gets annoying on many occasions to see inconsiderate person talking loadly all day on a cell, and what's even worse,they could be talking about NOTHING!
  8. Someone once told me, everyone of us(humans) has a good side and evil side and that one pre-dominates the other in different circumstances.Iam beginning to believe that maybe true. I was reading a story about the Rwandan Genocide( the killing of million tutsis in just under one month),the story was about this pastor and his son who is doctor both being tried for actively participating in the genocide.These men are by anybody's standard good people, one tolerant religious and an educated doctor. They are both respectable figures among their community.They were equally good to the Hutus n Tutsis before the ugly massacres started. My question what turns normal reasonable people into cold-blooded killers?. This story is repeated all over the world from Nazi Germany, Bosnia to Somalia where neighbors turned on each other. The oppisite is also true.Normal folks rise to the occasion to stand up for their freinds n neighbors. A lot Hutus were killed defending their Tutsis neighbors and friends. what movitated these people stand up for what is right in the face of grave and immenent danger? This too repeats itself all world including Somalia. Is the circumstances that control how one behaves?.
  9. I think love is just an illusion.It lasts not that long. Couples stay together coz they learned to respect , understand, and co-exist with each other as time passes. I think today somali's defination love is through western eyes, I will do this for you, do that for me, and you failed to do your part. We have a problem.
  10. Sayid-Somali.....I second yu on that....Iam not Islamic expert but i think killing a somali might not constitute as Haraam.
  11. President...thats pretty sad thing for somalis in jabouti. Personally i think Somali should be the official language of any future somali State. Arabic should also be taught at schools since we are muslims and it is also economically useful since we interact and trade with da Arab States.English should also be required subject for pure ecnomical reasons.
  12. Iska warama....It is good to be back. Later
  13. Garyaqaan....Everybody acts different when they are around foriegners. It is not something unique to us. Illmatic....Maybe regionalism is not bad idea. It could help in driving out tribalism.
  14. Ladiif...well, walaal the parts involved decided to break it off. It is kind of sad considering one invested so much time and energy.but i guess it was for the better.
  15. Lol..SolPres. These are my fav qoute.....War isku xishood, bisqin taada geel bay dabri kartaa. Ninkii soo joog laga waayo soo jiif saa laga halaa.
  16. Bad times call for desperate solutions. These kids and parents are both victims of civil war. I hope things change for the better.
  17. Iam not shallow or look women for their physical beauty only.....I personally like slim girls with brains.
  18. Legend of Zu....Actually, that's good question. I guess all this could be in one person's mind and their partner could be cluesless.
  19. People....This is not pessimistic argument. It is reality. There is no Somalia. It is only there in name. We have to get real. We might be the same people but we can't coexist together as a nation( atleast present generation can't). I was merely saying consider dividing country as one of options to get out of this mess. ProudSista and others who said we will be more vulnerable.....Come on, Nomads how we can get any more vulnerable.....We already are very vulnerable to point where anyone with enough fire , man power and money can take over Somalia. Barqaawo.....I get the feeling the Sayyid was one time phenomenen. I dought we will have the likes of him anytime soon.
  20. The Russian Roble. Do I get a prize? Who were the founding members of SYL?
  21. Thanks to everyone for your input. Depart if you can't take the heat. Give another chance Just walk away or the guy should initiate the process. Not bad list, i will see what works out. Honest-Sista....I know how it feels. It really sucks when you invest in something and it seems it ain't gonna work out. Good luck walaal.
  22. I think i will have to agree with Nafisa, Tamina and Shyem on this one even though i still believe the idea of one somalia is not entirely dead. It certainly has suffered major or rather collosal setbacks. I think the idea of ministates should be discussed as one of the ways to get out of this miserable present day situation. These ministates don't have to be independent forever as i believe in more peaceful and prosperous times, eventual reunifacation process can start. Ladiif....Iam well aware of the sharks sorrounding us, our land and seas. Our enemies shouldn't be the only reason we somalis unite. Lets take a look back at our history the last we went nuts about soamaaliya hanoolaato crap , we ended up shooting ourselves on the foot and our enemies prevailed. We shouldn't build nation just cuz ethopia n kenya wanna tear us apart. ProudSista.....It is all good to have fresh minds but where are they?...n what have they been doing?. Jazeera...walaal, solutions can be worked out but who will implement them?.
  23. It is saddening to see the present situation in Somalia. Genocides, femines and wars have haunted us for ages and things don't seem to be getting any better. Our history is filled with tribal wars and never dying hate. The only time we ever did something constructive are moments when we are being besieged by the outside world. Somalia was never one united state and the way it looks, it will never be one. A decade has gone by since the civil war broke out and the dream of peaceful Somalia let alone United State is distant one. I think it is about time we somalis should admit to ourselves that we can't share anything in life. We have same physical traits, religion and common language however it seems our homogenity is curse all in itself. Talks after talks have gone by and no concrete results ever comes out of them. Iam not pessemistic person but iam begining to think Somalia is better off as divided country. Let every ethnic group with sizeable landmass and significant population have its independence and lets hope these ministates could self-sufficient vialable states.Hopefully we could be peaceful neighbors.
  24. Prettyboy....I guess you are not wrong but I think the parties involved in this situation are not willing to take the dive....they are each waiting for other to drop the bomb.
  25. Hello Nomads, Iam just wondering if anyone of yu here has been in the following situation....Have you ever been in obselete relationship where everything went dry and the relationship has run its coarse.Break-up looks inevitable but the problem is that the couple have known each other for so long. They have also been together for so long and the depth of understanding and respect for each other is immense.Both understand the end of thier romance has come but no one wants to initiate the break-up process for the fear of nasty break-up or what other person might say. To complicate the situation even more is that couple wanna leave each other on goods terms and perhaps be freinds.Who should initiate break-up? :confused: Later nomads.