Che -Guevara

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Everything posted by Che -Guevara

  1. Haystack....Feeling little afrocentric Huh? Here is dose of reality, somalis have more things in common with arabs and ethopians than they do with bantu Africa. It is not just the religious and cultural connections but also linguistical connections.Somalis along with ethopians, Hebrews, egpytians, nubians, berbers and arabs are in the same Afro-Asiatic langauge group.Since you are trying somalis are not related to arabs, what i like to ask sir, what do we have in common with Yoruba of Nigeria, the bushmen or the pygmies of the congo other than our skill color. Apart from Swahili which is mixed arabic and some cushtic languages, tell me any bantu langauge that related to us in anyway. As for ethopians, if we would check their history, they claim to be the descents of queen sheba and king solomon and eriteans trace their back to southern yemen. As the for the question who are somalis, we did mingle with arabs, the arab connection is over-exxagurated, the somali along with our cousin oromos, afars,egyptians, berbers, Chadians, and nubians are part of the Cushtic family who have lived in east and north Africa for ages.
  2. N let me guess , Somalis are racists..pakis are angels....Dear south Asians with their caste systems are some racists people on earth. Need i say more?
  3. Most people pretending to be foriegners in somali forums turn to be distrungled Xaliimo and Farax or simply attention seekers! Paki.....i have seen in these forums with your anti-somali chanting!....Yaar Agar somali log tu basan nahii, baatow idar kiyaa kariihay Ghaandu. Yee somali site hee, Samaj, kow paki waki nahee, Lagtaahay tu somali hindustani samajaa...Stop chewing too much Baan, and get your head straight. N you siad yu are gal, be careful dear, Honor killing still goes on in pakistani culture, your family might hang if they find out yu are socializing with somalis and others. Back to topic.....Beauty is just one's perception of others. what might be considered beautiful by one person could be labeled as ugly by another person. It is all in our minds.
  4. I don't trust anyone. We live in world everybody is self-serving.I try not put myself in situations that i may regret later. NO SHALAATI! I only have confidence in my God. I know my family is always there for me. Scorpoin-Sista...I wouldn't single out somalis when it comes relationship. Relationships here in the west are superficial for most part.And people back stabb each other.
  5. Female genital mutilation can't be religiously or medically justified......It is pharoanic practice handed to us by our ancestors. One can't use their culture as excuse to continue this practice. It must be stopped. N people believing mutilated girls will remian virgins are totally misguided. A human desire can't curbed by anything. Circumisions can't be a substitute for parenting. Teach your daughters to respect themselves. Thats better way. P.S , i think the business of female circumisions should outlawed since it creates an oppurtinity for the HIV virus to speard.
  6. Pure-somali....Cool down bro, i don't think anyone here condones what happens in somalia. We all know it is racism. To all people....i think each one of us has made his/her point. What goes in our society is very un-islamic and very racist. We can take forever point out the ills of somalis. I think this topic will be more useful if we talk about the ways we could reform our society and correct the wrongs of the past.There is no point repeating agian and agian how bad we somalis are?....Iam certian everyone is already well aware of that?...maybe we should move to the next level and exchange views on how we could tackle the problems of racism in Somalia. Aishah.....If the man is muslim somali and you love him, you have every right to marry him regardless of what your family says. As somali male from a so called pure tribes, i don't hesistate a second to marry a beautiful somali sister who happens midgaan.As long as we click and respect each other, everything else is secondary.
  7. Darman....It is graphic....Remind me of Mogadisho, 1991. OG-Man.......I understand your point...but yu didn't have to dehumanize the other races.After all we are in the same human race.....Personally i would only settle for somali woman simply coz i want the continuation of my culture and the existance of my people as distinct group in this world. Allah made us(humans) into tribes and nations so we could recognize each other and tell one from the other. Wanting your nation to continue to survive is not racism. Bu what's qualifies as racism is praising ourselves at the expense of others. We don't have to put down others to make ourselves look good. Thats racism. Period. So we be clear, i think everyone has the right to marry into any culture of their liking.
  8. The Rock's chick.....Well said. Haniif.....Qabiil is in the very fabric of our society.Lets be honest, Somalia belongs to the ethnic somali nomadic tribes(Isaaqs, daroods, and Hawiyes) and the Rahanweyns somalis who finally stoop up on their feet to establish themselves as prominent somali tribe. Everyone else is client or victim of the crazy nomads. The nomads don't think much of what the smaller tribes like midhibaan and other minoroties want. This is specially true in the south where minorties are violated everyday and their lands taken away by the nomads. The southern somalia is most diverse part of somalia in terms ethnically and culturally.Nomads are however somalinazing the place , a process that started with Barre.If order returns to the land, who do yu think is gonna run the country. It certaintly won't be any midgaan, Barawane, or bantu. We somalis lack a sense of nationhood. Our loyalists lies with the clans not the nation or the state.
  9. Honesita....I don't know if it is cute , i agree with Runaway-virgin though, they are gentlier and kinder words.
  10. Does virginity matter anyway.....If iam somali guy who ain't virgin , i won't expect my gal to be virgin but at same time, i don't expect her to be total $luT either!
  11. Iam drifter from Upstate New York presently stationed in Pyongyong, North Korea,wishing to go back to my hometown Xamar Caddeey Aka mogadisho.
  12. The mistakes of the past shouldn't be repeated. We don't wanna live in city state again. The most sacred thing in Somalia is the human life which is violated everyday in mogadisho. The somali unity, flag, and mogadisho are secondary things and come in distance second. Mogadisho was fine town ,but i think it has out-lived its purpose. Moving the capital to the north should be avioded too since the north is less ethnically and culturally diverse. I think towns like merca and Baraawe can be replace mogadisho as somali's political center. These towns are ideal since they are along the coastline, away from Ethopia, and diverse to an extent. The rights of the native people should however be protected. I see in the future as economic powerhouse competing with Kismayo, Hargeise and Boosaaso. I luv my hometown but i think its days as somali's political center is over.
  13. S.O.S , Shuju, Cushtic-sista.....True, a child represents innocence and goodness...but do yu think anyone would tempted to take a child's life knowing before hand this child will grow up to be living monster one day.Do yu really believe it is how we are nurtured that determines our actions. Scorpion-Sista....By our very nature, humans are predisposed to being evil-minded. We are creatures of thought. Our brains is both a gift and a curse.
  14. The somali culture and language is one of the few ones that use the same terms when a parent is calling his child or vice-verse.A somali mother would say Hooyo when talking or calling to her her kids. The same goes for the father(aabe), the uncles( adeer, Abti),the aunts( eedo, habaryar) n the grandparents( Ayeeyo n Awoowe. I never asked this myself but iam wondering why our Hooyos call us Hooyo when they wanna our attention. How could the same word be used by the parents and their offsprings?
  15. That just shows the sorry sad state ,we somalis are in right now!
  16. Honesita....Sorry , yu had to go through dat...Iam not picking on anyone particular ppl. It is just some ppl go to the extremes....maybe i had one too many encounters with ppl who are less considerate of others around them. The last time ppl with cell fones ruined my day was at Hoytes Ciname, I came to watch a movie. Bunch of Afro-Americans boys who were sitting in the front rows talking on the fone with speaker on, this went on through the previews, to the begining of the movie and i finally the theatre ppl had to call the Sheriff to remove them since they wouldn't get off da dats bad!
  17. Honesita....Sorry , yu had to go through dat...Iam not picking on anyone particular ppl. It is just some ppl go to the extremes....maybe i had one too many encounters with ppl who are less considerate of others around them. The last time ppl with cell fones ruined my day was at Hoytes Ciname, I came to watch a movie. Bunch of Afro-Americans boys who were sitting in the front rows talking on the fone with speaker on, this went on through the previews, to the begining of the movie and i finally the theatre ppl had to call the Sheriff to remove them since they wouldn't get off da dats bad!
  18. Paki....Idar kiyaa karahay....Agar tu somali log basan nahii kartay....Bahar jow....jal teraa gar, tumara logay saad. Samaj. I dought if yu are really a pakistani.
  19. Whiteman...Whats a white person....A human without many melanin cells to produce melanin which protects humans from diseases and sunburns....Get dat in your head....You are saying you are white.....If it gets too warm or you get angry.....You turn red, pink, etc. n Like Shyem...we somalis don't blame anyone for what happened to Somalia....The blame lies with us. It seems America like previous empires never learns can't impose your will on the rest of humanity....It is when empires starting believing that can be God, they start falling apart!......N speaking of Darwanism, don't you think yu are loosing the survival war since America is getting more darker......Even western Europe is getting darker....With lower birth rate among Euro whites , it won't be long before entire America will speaking Spanish since the faster growing race, black and whites will assimalate into the hispanic world. The irony here is that the first white immigrants in America couldn't have survived without the help from the natives. The whites repaid the natives with genocides. Now those whites are loosing America even without single bullet being fired! FYI....Your so called leaders care about their corporate freinds than you.....The war in Iraq is not about crazy dictator with MoD, it is about corporate interest.
  20. Good points guys. I personally think it is combination of an inherent evil in us and the circumstances that determine how we behave in wars and bad times. Let me ask this, i have seen a picture of Adolf Hilter as baby taken in 1890 and below the picture, there is massage which said," Would you kill baby Hitler if yu were transported back to 1890"?. what is your view?
  21. we don't think like to be reffered to as somalis. Many hate somalis which is understanble considering how we treated them back home.
  22. He should be killed and pay the price for what he he did to Shiites, Marsh Arabs and Kurds.
  23. I simply don't care! wat difference would it make anyway?