Che -Guevara

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Everything posted by Che -Guevara

  1. 1) A nomad you always read his/her topics and replies Shyhem 2) A nomad you think is an asset for SOL Buubto n Baashi 3) A nomad you have a feeling is Habar or Oday (old) Proud-Sista...just a gut no offence 4) A nomad you would love to meet Scorpion_Sista 5) A nomad you are proud to know…. Malakia....since we used to be 6) A nomad you think is popular in SOL (in terms of the replies to his/her topics) Darman(simply popular for annoying people) he is creative bro 7) A nomad who has an extremely cool personality Camburo-luul 8) A nomad who makes you laugh out loud Shyhem 9) A nomad whom your like his/her mentality Scorpion_Sista 10) A nomad you want to whoop his/her ass Iam gonna second G-Money on dis one
  2. Heheheheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.....that was cool pic. Laakin Nacas baatahay Darman........Yu left me with no choice, but tell everyone who yu really are?......Since Yu and I are identical twins and therefore blood brothers, that picture ain't just my face but yours ass well.....Nice going bro....Now yu blow both our covers and scared da sistas away :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: Ilhaam.......looooooool......darman should be worried, coz iam gonna sink my fangs into his ugly eyes!
  3. Ameenah.....anyone who worked for the notorious NSS is guilty. If i had my way , no one who worked for Barre's regime shouldn't hold any office......and lets be honest , everyone in somali politics faithfully served my aabi siyaad one or another!
  4. Admin.....thanks, i was wondering wat happened to front page , music section?.
  5. Heheheeheeeeeee.....Hibo....No bending rules.
  6. Gediid.....anytime man...iam just giving a folks of dose of reality. Yu Haven't answered my question though? is upto Sland who they wanna chose as their leader....My whole point somali proper needs to fix its own house before moving on to other things regarding the other somalis.
  7. Two old ladies were sitting in garden of a nursing home enjoying a smoke. One had a condom with her, the other wondering wat the condom was for asked her freind about the condom. Her friend replied that she was gonna put her cigarrates in the condom in case it rains.Thinking it was a good idea, she went across the street to pharmacy and asked the pharmicist for a condom. The stunned pharmicist ask if she prefers any size and the old lady replied," Give something that fits a camel".
  8. originally by nazra I recently discovered, that somali ppl are animals well since you are one of us(somalis), you are animal too right? well sis.... if yu wanna engage in useful debate,yu need to change your tune and be civil to others.
  9. Isn't love and lust more or less the same thing! i don't think you could seperate one from da anyway i think iam gonna second baashi, da guy couldn't handle the fact that the woman was married to another man. He eventually lost it!
  10. It is sad story indeed...Never trust people!
  11. Darman...wats with dis man....i thought we were on da same page i guess i was wrong. well, Che is rebel , we don't pay laaluush....we kick ass!
  12. Originally posted by Gediid: Bari Nomad and HornAfrique: The number of people killed in Hargeysa alone and the whole population of Mudug plus Bari ayaan isku mid aheyn.I do not have the intention of trying to even make you comprehend that but I thought maybe I might enlighten you with that lil bit info. [/QB] Gediid.....let me see if i understood this right. The number of civilian lifes lost in 88 was in the range of 50,000-60,000. Are yu implying the entire mudug and bari population is less than 50,000?....Come on bro....yo gotta be kidding me! Bari-Nomad n HornAfrica and all pro reunification advocates in here. Your argument for re-unification has a merit, but before yu could argue for re-unification. Maybe should ask yourselves first , how did we ended up in dis situation?.....Secondly you need to face the music and deal with reality. The southern somalis are in no position to tell any other member of somali nation whether be somaliland, SGalbeed , etc what to do with their future. Somali proper need to fix its own house before it restart talks with da north. The idea of mogadisho warlords and Yusuf insisting on the presence of Sland in somali peace talks is a joke to say the least. A goverment must formed in the south before any talks with da north can start. N believe me the mogadisho merchants and Yusuf the maniac won't deliver da kind goverment da south needs. USC has become a total failure and Yusuf is power hungry dictator. I hate to say this folks, reading some of your arguments, there is still qabiil tune in the air. Reconcialations won't go forward in any somali negotiations as long as the qabiil is more important than the nation. Finally, All crimes commited against civilians populations regardless of clan origins must be acknowledged and justice must be served. Yu can't have morgans, gani , aidid, etc getting away with murders!
  13. Scorpion_Sista....HEheeeeeeeeeeeeeheeeeee...dat was funny , i cut ,
  14. Darman......That was creative man.....n funny
  15. Akash....Hum tiik hay yaar...tu kay saahay Malaika...Iam not sure if i would say we get so much love for each other, but we do respect each other!, atleast i think so! Pakistan was quite an experience for Remember omar later
  16. Akash....Do they still pay da These two countries can't afford to continue stockpiling arms....Only through negotiations can peace be achieved and the kashmir problem be solved. I get da feeling that neither pakistan or nor india wants the kashmir problem to come to an end. As for the security of pakistan , i don't think pakistan could survive long conventional wars if india decides to invade and storm the eastern cities of lahore , hyderabad, etc. I guess that Musharaf reserved the right to strike first with da nukes. Lets not forget even Islamabad and Pindi ain't dat dar away from the border. later
  17. Akash....Do they still pay da These two countries can't afford to continue stockpiling arms....Only through negotiations can peace be achieved and the kashmir problem be solved. I get da feeling that neither pakistan or nor india wants the kashmir problem to come to an end. As for the security of pakistan , i don't think pakistan could survive long conventional wars if india decides to invade and storm the eastern cities of lahore , hyderabad, etc. I guess that Musharaf reserved the right to strike first with da nukes. Lets not forget even Islamabad and Pindi ain't dat dar away from the border. later
  18. Malakia....Sae kahaa yaar! Akash......Are yu not hanging around Qaalaa Joog aka Somali Joog Aka G/10/1...? they still play soccer in dat G/10/4 ground?
  19. Maajo....Aastaa baayii....give da brother a break. murefu.....she must be pretty Ok....yu get some situation...yu can't break up with her in person or over da fone ( iam supposing hearing her voice will soften your resolve too)....Well, it will be inappropiate to email a break massage....How about writing her letter and mail it to her apt. Be careful with da word "HATE"
  20. Muraad...come on dude....Don't give us " Somali is somali" crap......Democracy in Sland is in its infancy. There are going to be problems aight but iam sure they will be solved without resorting to the old ways of doing things. The brothers from da north have made considerable progress, give them some credit!!!!!!!!!!!!
  21. I don't think Silanyo is happy about da results. Lets hope things go smoothly!!!!!!!!!!!! Somaliland presidential poll loser rejects result HARGEISA, Somalia, April 20 (Reuters) - The defeated opposition candidate in Somaliland's presidential election accused the government of vote rigging on Sunday as violence flared between rival supporters. Ahmed Mohamed Silanyo, who emerged as the main challenger in Somaliland's first multi-party presidential election, claimed victory in the April 14 poll. Official results on Saturday handed victory to President Dahir Riyale Kahin by just 80 votes. "I can confirm that I won the election," Silanyo told reporters. "The government has used public funds and its authority to win the election for its candidate. I call on the government not to suppress the (will of) the people." He spoke as violence broke out between supporters of Kahin's United Democratic Party (UDUB) and Silanyo's Solidarity party (Kulmiye) in the capital Hargeisa and other cities. Officials said four people were wounded and a teashop destroyed in Burao, Silanyo's hometown, as his supporters clashed with police. In Hargeisa, police shot in the air to disperse a protest against the election body. There was no immediate comment from the government. On Saturday, the enclave's National Electoral Commission said Kahin received 205,595 votes, 42.08 percent of the those cast, against Silanyo's 205,515 votes. Silanyo's party rejected the result, saying the figures given by the electoral commission for some polling stations did not tally with the count approved by its representatives. Somaliland declared independence in 1991 after the overthrow of Somali President Mohammad Siad Barre, the disintegration of central government and an explosion of factional fighting. The enclave is hoping that holding a democratic election will win it international recognition. Previous presidents in Somaliland have been picked by parliament.
  22. I think i have seen dis kind of topic in a lot somali forums.....very OG-Moti....Don't worry man , there will always be somalis in place called Somalia. The somali language and culture won't die out.The jungle fever is just another trend that will pass. One day somalis run away from each other and the next day they will run towards each This is common thing in every ethnic group. Iam gonna stick with a halimo. If i date a mon-somali , it would be out of curousity...I think i have satisfied my curousity .
  23. These men are murderers. Rewarding them with by appointing them to the presidency of the somali is simply immoral.