Che -Guevara

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Everything posted by Che -Guevara

  1. People....This is not pessimistic argument. It is reality. There is no Somalia. It is only there in name. We have to get real. We might be the same people but we can't coexist together as a nation( atleast present generation can't). I was merely saying consider dividing country as one of options to get out of this mess. ProudSista and others who said we will be more vulnerable.....Come on, Nomads how we can get any more vulnerable.....We already are very vulnerable to point where anyone with enough fire , man power and money can take over Somalia. Barqaawo.....I get the feeling the Sayyid was one time phenomenen. I dought we will have the likes of him anytime soon.
  2. The Russian Roble. Do I get a prize? Who were the founding members of SYL?
  3. Thanks to everyone for your input. Depart if you can't take the heat. Give another chance Just walk away or the guy should initiate the process. Not bad list, i will see what works out. Honest-Sista....I know how it feels. It really sucks when you invest in something and it seems it ain't gonna work out. Good luck walaal.
  4. I think i will have to agree with Nafisa, Tamina and Shyem on this one even though i still believe the idea of one somalia is not entirely dead. It certainly has suffered major or rather collosal setbacks. I think the idea of ministates should be discussed as one of the ways to get out of this miserable present day situation. These ministates don't have to be independent forever as i believe in more peaceful and prosperous times, eventual reunifacation process can start. Ladiif....Iam well aware of the sharks sorrounding us, our land and seas. Our enemies shouldn't be the only reason we somalis unite. Lets take a look back at our history the last we went nuts about soamaaliya hanoolaato crap , we ended up shooting ourselves on the foot and our enemies prevailed. We shouldn't build nation just cuz ethopia n kenya wanna tear us apart. ProudSista.....It is all good to have fresh minds but where are they?...n what have they been doing?. Jazeera...walaal, solutions can be worked out but who will implement them?.
  5. It is saddening to see the present situation in Somalia. Genocides, femines and wars have haunted us for ages and things don't seem to be getting any better. Our history is filled with tribal wars and never dying hate. The only time we ever did something constructive are moments when we are being besieged by the outside world. Somalia was never one united state and the way it looks, it will never be one. A decade has gone by since the civil war broke out and the dream of peaceful Somalia let alone United State is distant one. I think it is about time we somalis should admit to ourselves that we can't share anything in life. We have same physical traits, religion and common language however it seems our homogenity is curse all in itself. Talks after talks have gone by and no concrete results ever comes out of them. Iam not pessemistic person but iam begining to think Somalia is better off as divided country. Let every ethnic group with sizeable landmass and significant population have its independence and lets hope these ministates could self-sufficient vialable states.Hopefully we could be peaceful neighbors.
  6. Prettyboy....I guess you are not wrong but I think the parties involved in this situation are not willing to take the dive....they are each waiting for other to drop the bomb.
  7. Hello Nomads, Iam just wondering if anyone of yu here has been in the following situation....Have you ever been in obselete relationship where everything went dry and the relationship has run its coarse.Break-up looks inevitable but the problem is that the couple have known each other for so long. They have also been together for so long and the depth of understanding and respect for each other is immense.Both understand the end of thier romance has come but no one wants to initiate the break-up process for the fear of nasty break-up or what other person might say. To complicate the situation even more is that couple wanna leave each other on goods terms and perhaps be freinds.Who should initiate break-up? :confused: Later nomads.
  8. As teenager, i never cared about the somali langauge or my grasp of the somali. I only begin to appreciatate it as i grew older. It is indeed a very rich language. It is very expressive langauge. I hope nomads will take notice and learn their heritage.
  9. OG-Moti.....Nice posters....Interesting Could make a poster with Che-Geuvara and his leftist revolutionary gang.
  10. Muraad....Death sometimes looks tempting. Indeed that's we all are heading sooner or later! Runaway.Virgin...I didn't mean to be pessimistic walaal.Death is only thing Iam sure will come to me one day.
  11. Don't preach HATE Walaal. Ethopian citizens ain't bad but i have problem with Ethopian State with its never dying imperialistic ambitions.
  12. Lewiston is old decaying town populated by aging white population who are used to segregated America.Diversity is threat to their perception of the american dream. Somalis are no different from any immigrant that came to America. N like all immigrants before us, we will face bigots just like Catholics like the Irish n Italians, the Jews and blacks did. We will just have to prove them wrong.
  13. Lewiston is old decaying town populated by aging white population who are used to segregated America.Diversity is threat to their perception of the american dream. Somalis are no different from any immigrant that came to America. N like all immigrants before us, we will face bigots just like Catholics like the Irish n Italians, the Jews and blacks did. We will just have to prove them wrong.
  14. Thankx for your input guys. Mahadi...Iam sure when it comes to individuals bases , alot of somalis have done well in their lifes. But it is fair as community we have failed terribly. I hope something good comes out of current day somalia before we go extinct.
  15. I think something along these lines might have been already debated.Back to your topic, I feel your frustration bro. Initiating a relationship with a fellow somali can be diffucult at times. From guy's perspective,i used to think endless mind games is all somali girls do....but i learned to hang in there a little longer and real honest thingz eventually come pouring out!.
  16. Lets look from guys(brother) perspective....My homy and my Sista......thats bad mix...first rule of my gang's unwritten law.."Dont mess with any female relative of any member of the gang regardless of what yu have for her or the vice-verse".Period!!!!!
  17. I was in my fifth grade(ciyaal dhar Jaale) at Yaasin Cusman near the mogadisho's tomb of the unknown soldier.My school principal was woman with distinct name....I wonder if anyone in here that went to yaasin cusman remember her?. later
  18. I was in my fifth grade(ciyaal dhar Jaale) at Yaasin Cusman near the mogadisho's tomb of the unknown soldier.My school principal was woman with distinct name....I wonder if anyone in here that went to yaasin cusman remember her?. later
  19. Nasra...why do yu send a sista to such self-degrading place.The beauty pegeant is even being rejected by a lot of westerners. N plz leave our cousins from da north alone. As someone from south, i wish the folks from up north peace n success even if they withdraw from the union!
  20. Jeenyo...It is true we haven't done anything constructive in the last decade. We left our faith in the hands of few murderous men. But i think people are war weary specially those in somalia and they merely looking a right leadership to guide out of this havoc. Unfortunetely no one stands out right now and every somali's attitude become "what could one person do".
  21. maybe now somalis would understand that we have no one else rely on but ourselves. Arabs and Africans don't give crap what happens to us.We all get is ourselves. N we better shape up before it is too late.
  22. As long as she is a nomad and we understand each other....It is cool....Just a little confession, iam somehow more attracted northern chicks.I don't know why?
  23. SHYEM...Thankx Bro...Iam glad we are in agreement. N HAPPY CIID MUBARIK EVERYONE.
  24. Walaal....I know there are lot of boys and girls who caught in HipHop culture and imimate BET and MTV rap video.I have seen boys getting lost into drugs and "thuglife"(wat ever dat means)....and gals being terrible used by black males and others.....Unfortunetaly somali communities turn their backs on these kids instead helping them and making them understand that there is no future in this....We somalis are failing simply coz each one of us is turning away and saying "What could one person do". It is sad to see young men and women referring to themselves as NIGGAZ N HOES.