Che -Guevara

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Everything posted by Che -Guevara

  1. Scorpion_Sista....Iam glad to see people coming the same conclusion as i did.....Many muslims discourage from asking questions(iam not referring to anyone here, iam talking in general!).....Wat they fail to understand as muslim , iam not questioning the word of Allah, but i simply wondering the logic behind it. It is sad to see many young muslims in da west looking all puzzled when a nom-muslim asks a question about Islam. Besides,One need to understand curiosity about your Islam will strength your conviction.N one will be at peace with themselves knowing where their religion is coming from.....It is liberating!
  2. Ladies....Scorpion N Che were having just a conversation! Apology Accepted Iam out.......later
  3. in streets MNLPS, London , Toronto , Columbus and Melbourne can look up to as role model.....I guess he is one of many celebs to come out of this war.....They are actually Rageh Omaar T-shirst over da net.....And there is also a website dedicated to Iraqi Info Minister, Mohammed Al-Sahhaf selling T-shirts......Lol crazy
  4. heehheee...don't be just soar losers.....we will enjoy while lasts .......N i hope da Kings make it dis year in da pro league finals.....It will be cool to see them take da title. N for all football fanatics.....Real All da way....................Zizo will shine
  5. Scorpion_Sista.....My bad....I ain't hiding specially not from da Well....I actually live on dorms in my university......I get my bro as room-mate who goes to da same school......Iam in upstate new york, the living cost is not expensive , but job market sucks..Most of the companies left the state , went down south in da carolinas and elsewhere.....iam here like four years now. Where are u at?....and hows life there?
  6. Scorpion_Sista......Yu were actually good....n Haa yaar hum to dosti karoge.....Sifar aek sharad kalyee, tum humbee dosti karo . N ok , I do admit , i watch indian movies........Actually the indians in my collage get new movies once in a while.......the movies are fairly accessible. As for the story...Iam not good at putting anything into a later dost
  7. Maliaka.....I almost forget....Welcome to da club.......I like scorpion said, welcome to dark side....It is
  8. Scorpion_Sista.....OO yaar tu ajii hindi jaantiihay......Hum Khush tu humaraa Dosti hay....Humbii teraa dost huu yaar ....Yaar i have never said i don't watch indian movies....I just don't watch them often and iam also more of hong kong movie fan....I like all dat Kungi Fu......I have seen lagaan....Amir Khan wasn't bad.....Bend it like Beckham , i heard ppl saying it is was actually a big hit in Britian.I have a lot of indian students in my , they watch indian movies. I joined when i can. Malaika.....Come on Yaar....Yu promised me yu were not gonna tell the " cry incident" to anyone.....Iam disappointed.....n Another thing, i don't remember any family being there ....There were just two ppl.....The scenerio was more like , " It was quite summer afternoon, thick dark clouds were gathering over da skies as the monsoon season has just begin, Halimo and farah were on the balcony enjoying the cool breeze,...Just teasing Walaal( i get da feeling Scorpion might get in da mood to write another little story) .....but seriously though , i don't deny that i have seen any indian movies. I just watch them every now and then.
  9. tagane....ok, maybe not everyone here is a reer guuraa, but iam pretty certain majority of us here are descendents of Somali Pastoralists aka nomads. Gedid.....True , people of the past stood for something , the so called reer magaal that replaced them stands for nothing.
  10. Well fav movies.....Ok 1.crouching tiger, hidden dragon 2. Anything Jackie Chan 3. Shawshank Redemption 4. Rambo serious...I used to love those when i was a kid, i still do. 5. Anything Gene Hackman...the old man can act! 6. Romance, love...Naaah..they bore me. and Horror doesn't look horrifying anymore. It is full alien crap and ghosts. very predictable.
  11. Tagane.....Dude No one here is nomad per se.....This is merely a tribute to our past , culture and ancestors. We can safely say, everyone in here is the descendent of reer guuraa. Can't i see how could one be insulted by honoring his/her past.
  12. Jeenyo....Iam not B-ball fan, i just like watching the final four of NCAA and Pro-League....iam football fan , I actually tuned to champions league now watching Real Madrid do its
  13. All Man United Suppoters....I must say your team has been out-classed....ZiZo, Figo and Raul made Man U look like The only hope Man U is the away goal by Ruud van Nistelrooy........N speaking Ruud van Nistelrooy , it seems , he is the only world class player in Man U....Others like Beckham are a joke....I think , Real must have been playing his mind and Man United when they say they were interested in him......Beckham's game level simply put is inferior to the likes of raul, Zizi, figo , ronaldo , and all real camp. Go Real.......Here come another championship Title. N i hope the gunners will take later nomads
  14. Scorpion_Sista.....Well, how i could miss the massages saying we were flirting...I guess i wasn't paying much attention to wat others were writing in this topic .Yeah Scorpion , this is not love , it is more the lack of is indeed healthy sometimes . N yu know wat , i think the scorpion that might made me to rethink about "the scare thing"....Besides , i can't remian scared forever. N About the movie, i think we probably saw the same copy, Ajay was in it and did a good job , i think!....Iam guessing yu must have picked some hindi from watching indian would be cool if yu write me back couple of lines in Hindi! later dost
  15. This is nice soap just kidding I don't mean to be harsh , i really can't sympathize with yu considering how yu treated mr X aka nice guy. Yu just created another bad boy. Yu know wat they say bad boys used to be nice, thats till some chick pissed them Mr Y just dissed yu da same way yu dissed mr X.....Wat goes around comes
  16. Maajo and Merafu...iam just saying if yu wanna get some concesus of our simaliraties and differences...Lets ask people here......Ok we get access somaliaonline....dats good start!
  17. Scorpion_Sista......I didn't know that there were two different copies.....The copy that i saw was basically about the historical facts from his begining as child when he was first the british massacring demonastrators, to him joining the youth movement,killing a british officer, throwing bombs into the indian parliament, getting jailed and starting hunger strike , to finally being hanged with couple of his buddies.....Are the copies any different from each other?. i have meaning to ask if yu are indian movie fan , but i guess yu are one.Did went little with your avator too. It looks bengali tiger or is it Siberian Tiger. Yu know wat , could yu pick something less intimidating just kidding....I guess there goes da danger and beauty thing later Dost P.S... since I and paki Buddies get dispersed around the world, i guess dis place has become our little
  18. Scorpion_Sista....True, Optimisim does get us through da day. It is positive driving force . I called nature's prozac.....maybe dats bad I know the history of Bhagat Singh.....India's che-guevara.....The guy was one time even more popular than the Mahatma himself. Iam not really much Indian movies fan( Farahs don't wanna admit to watching Hindi, but seriously , i did see dat particular movie. Iam big fan of the Bhagat Singhs and the Che-Guevaras of the world and anything relates to them It is kind sad though Bhagat Singh never got the kind of recognition , he righfully deserves. I spent most of my adolescent years in Pakistan. It is nice place except the summers are so hot there. I think Maliaka knows wat talking about? hehehehe......Maliaka...Haye walaalshiis.....Kaysaa hee.......Iam just wondering if how many of us (former paki residents) are in dis place....Iam sure , they are lurking few around in these forums...I guess yu and i are most visible later
  19. Scorpion_Sista....Glad my answer made some sense, i was begining to think , iam boring the Scorpion to death :rolleyes: .......I guess it doesn't hurt sometimes to be curious or am I being too optomistic? N Yeah....Che was very interesting man, a legend and rebel...One of those ppl who die young but leaves behind a lasting impression. Later Dost
  20. Wait minute one.....were yu testing if iam actually from upstate new york.....thats cheap shot live in da place and have relatives all over da place......Oneonta, Binghamton....Norwich.....I get tired traveling in those country roads. Iam wondering if yu know anyone from Binghamtion, Southern Tier? later
  21. Somalia-Online prez....Yeah i do Onandaga county. I don't actually live in Syracuse, I live in Oneida county which is forty minutes if yu take da thru-way......I visit syracuse ever now and than. I go to one of da SUNY schools here. Did went to Syracuse Uni or yu just lived there? later
  22. Matkey.....True, this doctrine was first introduced in the first Bush administration though Bush I did n't endorse it openly.Even back than Paul Wolfowitz was one its of architects. He was spear-heading the movement to make this doctrine the official US foriegn policy....pre-emption is the order of the day......Since it is unipolar world.....America believes, no one can stop her. Somalia might not be threat to the US but i think the US had always geopolitical interest in the horn.
  23. Though iam soccer fanatic ( I have been one since as kid , i saw for the first time maradona dazzle the world in the 86 world cup in mexico city), i must admit, i was glued to TV to watch NCAA final four and see Syracuse beat Texas and reach the finals to kick Kansas's Azz.Boeheim's boys have delivered. Being in the upstate New York , specially from Syracuse area, it was good tonite to see the organmen win. Thumbs up to Syracuse.....damn it can go outside,it is fuking later nomads
  24. Danbiga Iska daaya..Umad aan meeshaan joogin wax haka hadlana.........Maajo....Instead of focusing on larger somali community whom none of us can speak for.....Lets focus on people on these forums and take some sampling.....Make list a questions that revelent to da topic and see what behaviors share and are common to all of us?.......I think, there are enough people for just sampling....It might not scientific but it will give a vague idea of our shared "Dadeecad".