Che -Guevara

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Everything posted by Che -Guevara

  1. Malakia....Sae kahaa yaar! Akash......Are yu not hanging around Qaalaa Joog aka Somali Joog Aka G/10/1...? they still play soccer in dat G/10/4 ground?
  2. Maajo....Aastaa baayii....give da brother a break. murefu.....she must be pretty Ok....yu get some situation...yu can't break up with her in person or over da fone ( iam supposing hearing her voice will soften your resolve too)....Well, it will be inappropiate to email a break massage....How about writing her letter and mail it to her apt. Be careful with da word "HATE"
  3. Muraad...come on dude....Don't give us " Somali is somali" crap......Democracy in Sland is in its infancy. There are going to be problems aight but iam sure they will be solved without resorting to the old ways of doing things. The brothers from da north have made considerable progress, give them some credit!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. I don't think Silanyo is happy about da results. Lets hope things go smoothly!!!!!!!!!!!! Somaliland presidential poll loser rejects result HARGEISA, Somalia, April 20 (Reuters) - The defeated opposition candidate in Somaliland's presidential election accused the government of vote rigging on Sunday as violence flared between rival supporters. Ahmed Mohamed Silanyo, who emerged as the main challenger in Somaliland's first multi-party presidential election, claimed victory in the April 14 poll. Official results on Saturday handed victory to President Dahir Riyale Kahin by just 80 votes. "I can confirm that I won the election," Silanyo told reporters. "The government has used public funds and its authority to win the election for its candidate. I call on the government not to suppress the (will of) the people." He spoke as violence broke out between supporters of Kahin's United Democratic Party (UDUB) and Silanyo's Solidarity party (Kulmiye) in the capital Hargeisa and other cities. Officials said four people were wounded and a teashop destroyed in Burao, Silanyo's hometown, as his supporters clashed with police. In Hargeisa, police shot in the air to disperse a protest against the election body. There was no immediate comment from the government. On Saturday, the enclave's National Electoral Commission said Kahin received 205,595 votes, 42.08 percent of the those cast, against Silanyo's 205,515 votes. Silanyo's party rejected the result, saying the figures given by the electoral commission for some polling stations did not tally with the count approved by its representatives. Somaliland declared independence in 1991 after the overthrow of Somali President Mohammad Siad Barre, the disintegration of central government and an explosion of factional fighting. The enclave is hoping that holding a democratic election will win it international recognition. Previous presidents in Somaliland have been picked by parliament.
  5. I think i have seen dis kind of topic in a lot somali forums.....very OG-Moti....Don't worry man , there will always be somalis in place called Somalia. The somali language and culture won't die out.The jungle fever is just another trend that will pass. One day somalis run away from each other and the next day they will run towards each This is common thing in every ethnic group. Iam gonna stick with a halimo. If i date a mon-somali , it would be out of curousity...I think i have satisfied my curousity .
  6. These men are murderers. Rewarding them with by appointing them to the presidency of the somali is simply immoral.
  7. Darman......That was funny....lool....i like one about the girl at stop light. Get anymore ladies.......don't yu have funny bone in your body.......this is
  8. Shyhem....Good point I don't know why ppl cheat but i guess they got their own reasons....As for me , i think, cheating would depend on the kind of relationship iam in.......I won't cheat on wife or potential wifey( serious relationship in which both parties invested time and energy).....but i don't mind looking around for another girl if iam dating a girl and things don't seem to be heading anywhere. I don't mind if she looks around too....dats not technically cheating..lo....It is called keeping your options open! thats my two cents....later
  9. yu do survive the summer in lahore later
  10. Harbism......There is nothing wrong in appreciating the beauty of God's creatures by gazing at them a little.lool...Now if yu make some gesture while gazing or yu gaze at women too long. ...That might to be good reason for your girl to be upset a little. later
  11. Nice piece....we do need a map that give us a direction or path leading us into better tomorow and save us from self-destruction. I hope we find that map sooner rather than later.
  12. That was funny specially the ethiopian jokes....looooooooooooool
  13. Heheheeeeee.....very funny.....the bonus joke was funnier
  14. SamiGyrl......97 percent are for independence of somaliland.....Thats impressive number.....Remind of barre's Yes vote returns which were always in the nineties No offence...Iam personally all for partition.....I like said (above) we are better of divided....of coarse one sticky issue will be sool and sanaag since majority of people there wanna stay united with their southern brethens......but Iam sure Sland with its new found democratic spirit will let people of sool and sanaag will choose who they wanna be with....N Good Luck to Sland......Don't worry we will take care of the warlords killing "Our" people.....later
  15. We are better off divided.......!
  16. well.....i guess things won't As long as somalis are not willing to list each other and each one thinks he is da only with a sad story to tell, things won't move forward. It is in our best interest to reconcile if we even end up becoming two states or there will be more wars to come. I don't mean to disrespect anyone, i must say there was never a true movement to relieve all somalis of any particular region from oppresive Barre regime. Any rebel movement that was initiated only represented one particular ethnic group. Starting with da oldest rebels, SSDF and ending with USC, they all worked towards achieving the goals of da one group, they represented. The funny thing all these rebels movement had the word " Somali" in their Secondly , i must say all these rebels wether be SSDF , SNM ,USC, etc had criminal elements among their ranks and did violated somalis.Wether the crimes were intentional or not isn't important, wats important is crimes were commited and must be addressed.I guess everybody could choose to blind themselves and deny such thing ever happened. Koweyn.....It was good decision on SNM part not go on killing spree.....Otherwise they would have ended up in sorry situation USC is in right now....One lesson must learn somalis must learn is anyone who belivies in the total annihalation of any particular somali group must be dealt with.....and no one should protect him! Dust-Angel.....Any ethnic somali has da right to name their land somalia....The south is the largest somali land and has most diverse somali clans, and has been referred to as somalia even before independence,it needs to invent no names nor should the north have da need to invent either. As da flag, it was invented by a true somali patriot n it was meant to represent all somalis regardless regional origin, the buloogo will remain as somalia's flag.
  17. A Sad picture indeed....I dought any of war criminals will ever tried by courts. Morgan , Gani, and all others will be protected by their clans. Same goes for all other war criminals like like Atto , Yalahow, Yusuf, etc. The sad reality is , somalis don't care about each other. I doubt southerners would have said anything even if they were shown dat picture in 88. The Somali mentality is , as long as my tribe is not getting screwed, i could care less about wat happens to others. This is one of da reasons Barre regime had confidence to attack anyone somali clan coz da regime knew other clans won't object to the attacks. Anyway , our lack of campassion for each other led to 88 , 91 and to the most devastating genocide in somali history, 92 famine, where atleast three hundred people were dying per day in towns like Bardhere and baydhabo, while AIDID and his boys were eating lavishly,watching hundreds of thousands perish right in front of their eyes. It was said a journalist sickened by what he saw asked Aidid why he wouldn't help the starving people. His answer was , " only i care about my clan"......I hate to say it , but i think every other somali would have given da same answer! I personally could care less if somalia is united or divided coz there is no somali nation anyway. We are just collection of clans who happen to speak da same language and share da same heritage.
  18. I guess twelve years of living hell didn't teach us anything.....Look , as long as da guy is muslim and somali, i don't see why your family should any problem. N If your claim of love for him is true and he loves back da same way, than stick by him no matter wat your folks say!
  19. JIDAAWY....Da photos above make the sport even more tempting, but i thinnk ,iam gonna pass.....Have fun though. yu get to be kidding , i don't think i will ever jump from a plane thousands of feet up da sky....even i do , with all da fear, i might forget to pull my parachute Iam more of hiking person....rite down on da earth later
  20. Man can't be compared to animals since we are creatures of thought. It is our brain that differs us from every other living thing. As for human DNA having similaraties with primates, I think this following piece might help clarify some staff. It is by Harun Yahya. The piece is about human genome project. THE APE-MAN SIMILARITY IS A TALE! The completion of human's gene map today does not yield the result that man and ape are relatives. One need not be deceived by evolutionists' attempts to exploit this new scientific development just as they do with all others. As known, the recent completion of the human gene map within the scope of the Human Genome Project has been a very important scientific improvement. However, some results of this project are being distorted in some evolutionist publications. It is claimed that the genes of chimpanzees have a similarity to human genes by 98 % and this is promoted as an evidence to the claim that apes are close to humans, and therefore, to the theory of evolution. In truth, this is a "fake" evidence put forward by evolutionists who benefit from the lack of knowledge of society about this subject. 98 % Similarity Claim is a Misleading Propaganda First, it should be stated that the 98% similarity concept, frequently advanced by evolutionists about the DNAs of man and chimpanzee, is deceptive. In order to claim that the genetic make-ups of man and chimpanzee bear 98 % similarity, the genome of the chimpanzee also has to be mapped just as that of man's, the two has to be compared, and the result of this comparison has to be obtained. However no such result is available, because so far, only the gene of mankind has been mapped. No such research is yet done for the chimpanzee. In reality, the 98 % similarity between the genes of man and ape, which now and then becomes an agenda item, is a propaganda oriented slogan deliberately invented years ago. This similarity is an extraordinarily exaggerated generalisation grounded on the similarity in the amino acid sequences of some 30-40 basic proteins present in man and chimpanzee. A sequence analysis has been made with a method named "DNA hybridization" on the DNA sequences that are correlated with these proteins and only those limited number of proteins have been compared. However there are about hundred thousand genes, and therefore 100 thousand proteins coded by these genes in humans. For that reason, there is no scientific basis for claiming that all the genes of man and ape are 98 % similar only because of the similarity in 40 out of 100.000 proteins. On the other hand, the DNA comparison carried out on those 40 proteins is also controversial. This comparison was made in 1987 by two biologists named Sibley and Ahlquist and published in the periodical named Journal of Molecular Evolution. (v.26 pp. 99-1212) However another scientist named Sarich who examined the data obtained by these two scientists concluded that the reliability of the method they used is controversial and that the data has been exaggeratedly interpreted. (Sarich et al, 1989, Cladisticts 5:3-32) Dr. Don Batten, another biologist, also analysed the issue in 1996 and concluded that the real similarity rate is 96.2%, not 98 %. (CEN, 19(1); 21-22 December 1996-February 1997) Human DNA is also similar to that of the worm, mosquito and chicken! Moreover, the above mentioned basic proteins are common vital molecules present in various other living beings. The structure of the same kinds of proteins present not only in chimpanzee, but also in completely different living beings, is very similar to that in the humans. For example, the genetic analyses published in New Scientist have revealed a 75 % similarity between the DNAs of nematode worms and man. (New Scientist, 15 May 1999, p.27) This definitely does not mean that there is only a 25% difference between man and these worms! According to the family tree made by evolutionists, the Chordata phylum, in which man is included, and Nematoda phylum were different from each other even 530 million years ago. On the other hand, in another finding which also appeared in the Turkish media, it was stated that the comparisons carried out between the genes of fruit fly belonging to the Drosophila species and human genes yielded a similarity of 60%. (Hürriyet, 24 February 2000) On the other hand, the analyses done on some proteins show man as close to some very different living beings. In a survey carried out by the researchers in Cambridge University, some proteins of land dwelling animals were compared. Amazingly, in nearly all samples, man and chicken were paired as the closest relatives. The next closest relative was crocodile. (New Scientist v.103, 16 August 1984, p.19) Another example used by evolutionists on "the genetic similarity between man and ape", is the presence of 48 chromosomes in chimpanzees and gorillas versus 46 chromosomes in man. Evolutionists regard the closeness of the number of chromosomes as indication of an evolutionary relationship. However, if this logic used by evolutionists were true, then man should have an even closer relative than chimpanzee: "the potato"!. Because the number of chromosomes in potatoes is the same as that of man: 46 These examples certify that the concept of genetic similarity does not constitute evidence for the theory of evolution. This is because the genetic similarities are not in line with the alleged evolution schemes, and on the contrary, they yield completely opposite results. Genetic Similarities Upset the "Evolution Scheme" that is Sought to be Constituted Unsurprisingly, when the issue is evaluated as a whole, it is seen that the subject of "bio-chemical similarities" does not constitute an evidence for evolution, but on the contrary leaves the theory in the lurch. Dr. Christian Schwabe, a biochemistry researcher from the Medical Faculty of South Carolina University, is an evolutionist scientist who has spent years to find evidence for evolution in the molecular domain. He particularly did researches on insulin and relaxin-type proteins and tried to establish evolutionary relationships between living beings. However, he had to confess for many times that he could not find any evidence for evolution at any point in his studies. In an article published in Science magazine, he said; "Molecular evolution is about to be accepted as a method superior to palaeontology for the discovery of evolutionary relationships. As a molecular evolutionist I should be elated. Instead it seems disconcerting that many exceptions exist to the orderly progression of species as determined by molecular homologies; so many in fact that I think the exception, the quirks, may carry the more important message" (Christian Schwabe, "On the Validity of Molecular Evolution", Trends in Biochemical Sciences. V.11, July 1986) Based on the recent findings obtained in the field of molecular biology, the renowned biochemist Prof. Michael Denton made the following comments; "Each class at molecular level is unique, isolated and unlinked by intermediates. Thus, molecules, like fossils, have failed to provide the elusive intermediates so long sought by evolutionary biology… At a molecular level, no organism is "ancestral" or "primitive" or "advanced" compared with its relatives… There is little doubt that if this molecular evidence had been available a century ago… the idea of organic evolution might never have been accepted." (Michael Denton, Evolution; A Theory in Crisis, London; Burnett Books 1985 pp.290-291) Similarities are not Evidence for Evolution but for Creation It is surely natural for the human body to bear some molecular similarities to other living beings, because they all are made up of the same molecules, they all use the same water and atmosphere, and they all consume foods consisting of the same molecules. Certainly, their metabolisms and therefore genetic make-ups would resemble to one another. This, however, is not evidence that they evolved from a common ancestor. This "common material" is not the result of an evolution but of "common design", that is, their being created upon the same plan. It is possible to explain this subject with an example; all constructions in the world are done with similar materials (brick, iron, cement, etc.). This, however, does not mean that these buildings "evolved" from each other. They are constructed separately by using common materials. The same is true for living beings as well. Life did not originate as a result of unconscious coincidences as evolution claims, but as the result of the creation of God, the Almighty, the owner of infinite knowledge and wisdom. Source:
  21. People....Men and women are simply different from each other( that doesn't mean one is superior to other). Even their brains work diffirently.....It is has been proven women are better communicators, better than men at language skills, can do multiple tasks at a time, and can sense when people are sad or in distress, on other hand males are at good hand on work , are better at maths, more physically stronger, and can only do one thing at There is no superior or inferior sex , men and women are here in da world to compliment each other. Women have been historically discriminated and they still are. Equality is your God given right whether yu are male or female, but one shouldn't argue for equality using the concept that boys and girls are same. I personally think there are more smart women than ... thats just my opinion. Hibo.....Iam just wondering, can yu find a woman dat would take on Lennox Lewis or later nomads
  22. Waryaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! i can add one more....Walaahi Somebody asked me why somalis use da walahi after every sentence.... :confused:
  23. Thanks Soul-Searcher. Man, The Rwanda massacre was unbelievable!