Che -Guevara

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Everything posted by Che -Guevara

  1. Somali people like the oromo, sidamo, afars, etc are members of the eastern cushitic stock. The Sheik stories are just fabricated . It was means of imposing arab culture on somalis. People confuse Islam and Arab Identity.Somalis were in the horn long before Islam. Somalis get more in common with nieghbors than arabs. We are physically, linguistically, and culturaly related to eastern cushitics, nubians , egytpians and berbers (Moors).
  2. Pan-Somalism is not dead but it certainly has suffered a big setback. In my view, four things are important for the formation of one big somalia. 1. We lack a sense of nationhood. We must educate our people to install the sense of nationhood and create a somali indentity....One somalia much like one Germany. 2. we must invest in our people and in all regions. Greater Somalia shouldn't be promoted at expense of somalis. 3. No somali region should be forced to join Somalia. 4. The Amhara/Tigray domination in Ethopia must end.
  3. Darman..............looooooool well here we are losing you spice da game with something... later
  4. correction: for it's the very essence of imperialism to turn man into wild and blood thirsthy animals-Ernesto Che Guevara
  5. Mojam.....You are right man. No one ever said " Screw you to the soviets and americans" The man hated imperialism.....Thats wat people admire him for. here are some of quotes Our every action is a battle cry against imperialism, and a battle hymn for the people's unity against the great enemy of mankind: the United States of America. Wherever death may surprise us, let it be welcome, provided that this, our battle cry, may have reached some receptive ear, that another hand may be extended to wield our weapons, and that other men be ready to intone our funeral dirge with the staccato singing of the machine guns and new battle cries of war and victory. - Ernesto Che Guevara for it's the very essence of imperialism to turn me into wild and blood thirsthy animals-Ernesto Che Guevara As long as imperialism exists, it will, by definition, exert its domination over other countries. Today that domination is called neocolonialism. - Ernesto Che Guevara
  6., Yu are 45 yrs west saharan preying on somali sistas......get yu I tried for some reasons, my links are not showing. I would have shown the endless emials sent me asking to hide who yu are later man
  7. Check this Home Page
  9. Check this Home Page
  10. Waryaa....Darman, i had to warn everybody. Yu are leaving Che with no choice. I didn't wanna do this to my bro, but since yu are employed Bush, Fox and all da red neck Inc, i must warn my fellow nomads about who the true Darman
  11. Lakkad....i Actually Darman has changed his look since everybody found out his true At the request of his boss, W Bush..Darman underwent a plastic surgery....Here is his new look...just hit da link and out comes the new darman. web page
  12. Man....I definately thought my name is gonna in
  13. Baashi....I disagree with inter-mingling argument....Iam not gonna disagree over centuries, there is slow infusion of foriegn blood into our culture.This happens in every culture and is not unique to somalis only. Somalis along with eastern cushites, berbers, egyptians, hausa, etc are unique race of their own. If we were of product of asiatic people and bantus, we would have like more the swahili coast people. Linguistically , Hamatic people are grouped with semites. This is simply coz semites aka arab n hebrews have inter-mingled with certain hamatic tribes. Arabs are product of Nabi Ibrahim and Hagar( An Egyptian). When the jews were thrown out of Babylon, they came to egypt and eventaully to the promised land, Badal kanaan(present day palestine) of canaans who were hamitic people. Semites adopted a lot of hamatic culture coz they lived in hamatic dominated nations and lands. Our origins lies in africa and the hamatic people are black people. The moors were the last ones to establish a great hamatic civisalation. Eventually, north africa got arabized, the nubians feircely resisted the arabs,but they eventually accepted Islam and lost the their heritage in the processes.I think the hamatic myth is put down by many scholars for two reasons. The first being, eurowhites used the myth to pretty much take credit for every civilasation that existed in Africa. Europeans were looking for a reason to justify slavery , colonization, and exploitation of Africans. The second reason lies with the simple fact that no one wants to be first to admit africans are diverse and different from each other. Afro-centric scholars hate the idea of dividing africa into bantu and hamatic races even though there is clear distinction between the two groups where ever yu go in Africa. Whether be in Rwanda n Burundi, East Africa, West Africa or the north Africa, one can tell hamatic black person from bantiu black person. Their languages, lifestyles and physical traits are different.
  14. Gediid.....Good question! I think we are better off in our country in the long whole, but the in the short term, we are better off living here in diaspora. Of coarse there are better healthcare system, education and security here in the west, but being an immigrant is not easy as immigrants are ones who get blamed when things go bad. And there is always this sense of feeling that no matter how long yu lived here, yu will never be one of them(natives).You will never be english, american, canadian,etc. You will always be somali american, somali canadian,etc. So , i guess eventually , we have to go back and hopefully use our experiences abroad to rebuild the nation. Living back home won't easy though as we somalis don't have any sense of nationhood. We are more loyal to our tribes than to the nation of somalia. Somali leadership made mistake not investing in the people after the independence. Somalinimo was used and abused terribilly for all the wrong reasons. Those who believed in the somali nationhood lost faith. N somalinimo didn't benefit any body. If we are to survive as unit and want to compete with 60 million ethopians and 20 million or so kenyans, we must invest in our people and also find leaders sincere enough to fight for the somali nationhood and somalinimo which leaves no somali behind and perhaps one day unite all somalis in da horn. We must move forward and somalis must understand, we are no longer seperate independent nomadic tribes who only come together when there is foriegn aggression.
  15. OG-Moti.......Iam not revolutionary but i like wat Che Guevara stood for, Resisting imperialism and fighting for wats right. Sadly, the very imperialists that murdered him have their tentancles everywhere in the world and are creating havoc around the world. Perhaps his massage will be revived one day. Mojam....Those are memorable words. The man was a genius who annoyed the americans and soviets alike. Here is a link about his death
  16. OG-Moti....I though dis was just another prank. well, believe me i will be da last one to encourage somalis to marry non-somalis since a lot of these marriages end up in failure. A lot of somalis marry foriegners simply coz they are running away from their own ppl.They are getting married for da wrong reasons.Yu can't ran from own some marry foriegners out of Geniune Love...If your cousin geniunely loves dis guy and he loves her back da same her decision and hope for da best to come out this journey, she is about to take. I understand, where yu are from coming, every human in da world loves to preserve their unique indentity. N Plz lets refrain demonizing others. People....Get of da bro's back......How many afghani women do yu see married to foriegners?...Whether be Afghani, Paki, Arab, or watever have yu, all muslims marry their own nationalities.Thats a simple fact!....Some muslims even kill their kids if they see them dating others, let alone marrying them. Lovely.....Congrats walaal....Best of luck! Just one advice...if your husband to be is pashtun....don't let him take back to his country......Pashtun are ultra
  17. We'll make him an offer he can't refuse" - Don Corleone aka Marlon Brando in The Godfather You're only supposed to blow the bloody doors off....Michael Caine...The Italian Job Felicity Shagwell CIA.....Shagwell by name, shag very well by reputation - Heather Graham in Austin Powers II: The Spy Who Shagged Me' n here is my fav from hannibal I do wish we could chat longer, but I'm having an old friend for dinner.... - Again, Hannibal Lecter in The Silence of the Lambs. Shyhem.....heheeeeheee....dats some
  18. Guys....i thought dis article is pretty interesting! Read it ALBERT MORRIS: That cleft-stick call to arms ALBERT MORRIS PEOPLE have often admired my long, loping stride suggestive of Groucho Marx stalking a waitress. Know then that it was created in the bushlands of British Somaliland, a parched and quarrelsome corner of north-east Africa full of volatile, vehement tribes and crazy, recalcitrant camels. In that oven-hot, ant-hill-dotted, thorn-bush-flecked, territory, with Beau Geste to the west, Biggles Flies South to the north, Prester John to the south and Sinbad the Sailor to the east, I pounded an Army .303, quick-striking, air-cooled Imperial typewriter in the service of good King George VI. As an old Somali hand, I sense what is afoot there and expect a Ministry of Defence phone call asking for information and advice to boost Britain’s role in a possible United States action against al-Qaeda’s terrorist network in Somalia, a country that the Arabs claim was made from left-over pieces when Allah created the earth. I can reveal that your average Som-ali is a cracking good chap who may not always play the straight bat, but knows how to hit opponents for six. When I was in Somaliland, his occupations included eliminating rival clansmen, stealing, feuding, praying and engaging in endless litigation over camels and territory. Doubtless, little has changed since then. Described as "the Irishmen of Africa", Somalis are proud, violent, romantic, imaginative and quick-witted - not unlike the natives of Erin, a land of lush fertility and EU-boosted prosperity. A country of bush, rocks too hot to touch and brackish water has created a quick-tempered warrior race, fiercer, it is said, than Afghan tribesmen, with a contempt for pain or death, who can pull the trigger, sometimes before they are insulted. Can you imagine the effect on a well-brought-up lad like myself from Edinburgh, town of the tinkling after-noon-tea cups and peppermint-sucking, Church Sundays, on being socially introduced to spear-and-knife-carrying Somalis with fierce, rolling eyes under mops of dusty, black, crinkly hair, many of whom regarded Britons as top of their good feud guides. One talked and walked carefully. What was then British and former Italian Somaliland was garrisoned by the British Army where personnel, in outposts among desert tribes who often flew into ungovernable rages about very little when matters were sifted, felt themselves slowly slipping their regimental moorings in the Army equivalent of Le Cafard, the Foreign Legion’s desert madness. Peacock-proud Somali males often insisted on being treated like prince-lings and, if you had different views, could, socially, cut you dead in more ways than one. Many, however, had an austere dignity about them, best seen when walking, carrying only a spear while their women, burdened with household loads, struggled behind. The spear and curved dagger have been replaced by the Kalashnikov, the hand-grenade and heavy machine- gun in a ravaged, famine-stricken land - as desolate as Afghanistan - where the government has collapsed and the two chief towns, Mogadishu and Ber-bera, are in ruins after years of civil war and clan feuding. In 1993, a US force, on a UN humanitarian mission, became embroiled in Somalia’s civil war and ended up fighting street battles against a Somali war lord whose forces shot down two American helicopters, kill-ing 18 US Army Rangers. The Ameri-cans then withdrew from Somalia. Despite its resemblance to one of Dante’s more uncongenial circles of Hades, I became fond of that nomads’ land, its wilderness silences broken by the khareef - the hot desert wind - the tinkling of sheep bells, the passage of camel-borne caravans and its coastline flecked with dhows, heraldic in the sun. I also developed an admiration for the endurance qualities of the Twiglets-thin, poor but proud Somalis, who claimed, against all evidence, that their land was a Garden of Eden. The bravest, most merciless but, when they accept you, the friendliest of African peoples, the Somalis are also among the most intelligent. If they could overcome centuries of mayhem and murder, they could transform a dangerous African dustbin into a prosperous, modern state. I wish it well and wish Uncle Sam better co-operation with its people. If he, too, wishes my support, he can send a message in a cleft stick. An old bush strider will be quick to answer.
  19. I don't know if yu have seen dis joke before , but i thought it was funny! Welcoming to America When young Jose, newly arrived in the United States, made his first trip to Yankee Stadium, there were no tickets left for sale. Touched by his disappointment, a friendly ticket salesman found him a perch near the American flag. Later, Jose wrote home enthusiastically about his experience. "And the Americans, they are so friendly!" he concluded. "Before the game started, they all stood up and looked at me and sang, .... 'Jose, can you see?'"
  20. Here is another one folks. A little boy wrote to Santa ... One day, a little boy wrote to Santa Clause, "Please send me a sister." Santa Clause wrote him back, "Ok, send me your mother
  21. Najmo.....thats was funny piece. I think "african identity crisis" thing is over-blown a little....I think young africans today though still have lingering colonial mentality are comfortable with their skin. I personally think a new African identity should be identity that emphasizes more on the continent's common heritage rather than on skin color and physical traits. As for who somalis are might be.....Obviously there are africans, anyone saying otherwise is high on something....We are member of larger eastern cushitic people which includes the oromo, afar, sidamo, etc. The only thing we share with arabs is religion and we are also in da same Afro-Asiatic language group. Stoic....Give da sista the benefit of the dought before yu jump your guns!
  22. Hehheeeeeeeeheeeeeee...Scorpion_Sista...Scorpion not marraige material, i beg to differ But i guess, you have point, there is no going to back to the past!....The farahs have to fast forward themselves atleast by few
  23. I think iam cross between a Pig and