Che -Guevara

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Everything posted by Che -Guevara

  1. Looks like a baby in a mother's womb. Still posting your cheesy pics darman... man get out a little...It is summer!....don't make me send you to that shrink later man.
  2. Iimaan.....I don't think that i would care to know the real reason when a sister wanna leave. There is no binding contract . I just date for the heck of dating,and don't invest in the relationship emotionally. So getting dumped or dumping girl is easy. It is actually liberating for those who are not looking for serious relationships. Iam sure, ppl will disagree with this method, but hey it works for some of us . Ladies....Cilmi Boodhere was surely talented somali man who brought out the beauty of somali language with his soulful love poems, but lets not use him as the standard to calibrate the somali male's emotions, if anything, the man was an exception to the rule, a hopeless creature bitten by the bug of love, turn him dillusional to the point of no return. Later Nomads
  3. Admin....Thanks for banning those preach hate in order to justify their twisted and norrow-minded views. We don't want another somalinet forum!
  4. 2 can play dis game man, look paltalk, for someone who is going blah blah blah, n blah about american values, I think you have forgetten an important part of the american values The right of free speech and the right of association. It is constitutional right. I have the right to disagree with my goverments actions and policies. Or maybe yu are not down with that. I guess yu are flag waving, country singing , redneck, oops i meant skinny. Watching too much Bill Orielly, huh? My thanks are only to Allah. He is the real protector. Somalis existed long before america and we will be here long after it is gonne. Use logic freind, and don't be just blind worshipper of the america. America gave somalis a refuge, and we give back cheap labor. Everything is two way street. Remember da Iraqi kid whose arms were blown away and his family killed, dats wat your proud americans did to get WMD. ( or was it oil). Where are WMDs anyway :confused:
  5. Globalization is bad for somalia as we don't have the infrastructure and the people needed to compete on the global stage. I just don't see how a poor farmer from Jubba or cattle herder from the Hawd could compete with goverment subsidiezed wheath farms on the plains of the Dakotas or the Australian cattle farmers. Third world nations have to resort to protectionism,or the market will flooded with cheap products from the west, and the local businesses can't compete with subsidiezed products. Case point, Indian farmers who fed india's billion people are going out of business coz these poor farmers can't compete with cheap imports from America. The Indian goverment foolishly jumped on the globalization bandwagon in the 90s. Todays its farmers along with its population are paying the price. The suicide rate among indian farmers shot to the sky and people go hungry in India for the first time in its young existance as an state. N Ask any Indian wat Enron did to the state of Gujrat in India.Enron robbed the entire state blind by bribing every official. Transnational corporations are more powerful than weak third goverments. Even look at Iraq, American companies resconstructing Iraq will borrow money from banks. The loan will be paid back by using future Iraqi oil revenues. Iraq is gonna be in debt for along time to come, no matter how rich it gets. Nationalism too is bad for somalia atleast for the moment. Blind nationalism is wat led to 1977 war, a mistake we are still paying for. Wat we need now is to reconcile and rehabiliate people(Very Important thing to do). I think somalis will better handle the idea of nationalism the day when we stop asking "yuu Yahe madaxweynuhu" and starting asking " Maxuu ii qabti ama bulshada u tarey". As for the idea of globalism...It is terrible idea, one dats doomed to fail anyway. I think some people think maybe ppl will get along if there was one global culture or some sort of uniformity. Humans by nature have the urge to group themselves into different parts. These groupings will stay even if we had same culture,religion or race. Heck, the left-handed might hating the right-handed Globalism is associated with one world goverment, imagine concentrating the world in the hands of few people.wat makes anybody think the powerful few could solve problems of the world any better than those before them. :confused:
  6. Mob_Deep...I could live with Somaliland leaving the union, but Puntland stays with Somali proper at any cost.We have to take stand at somewhere. The south is the most diverse and most populated Somali territory. Any partition in the south will surely make the Somali nation a useless bunch with no real influence in the horn.
  7. Gediid.....Good point....I always wonder if all somalis here are so pro-somali. The future would be bright. I think everyone in SOL has an image to protect and people try to live up to dat image. Shaqsi....I would choose somalinimo over qabiil. I base my decision on three realistic reasons. The first being is that i think somalinimo is the future since somali society is econimacally and socially integrated homogenous society. The second being that as somali, i have yet to see any benefit a qabiilinimo did for me and for my fellow somalis. I was raised, clothed and fed by parents not by qabiil. My qabiil didn't educate me or protected me. The qabiil might have been useful in the past nomadic somali life. But today times have changed, somali nationhood offers better future than the qabiil. Lastly, if we choose qabiil over somali nationhood, I think it is safe to say we will be in perpetual conflicts in any somali region.
  8. My loyalty is to my family, my nation (Somali) and to Muslim brotherhood.
  9. Alla Hao Naxariisto, Cidiisana samir iyo Imaan ha kasiiyo. Saynab...Iam sorry for the loss of your good freind. May Allah grant a place in Jannah Fardowsa.
  10. Lakkad....Legend of Zu sounds like a chinese monk or philosopher...Che-Guevara is hardcore anti-imperialist...where is the similarity? I think Legend of Zu will second me on this. later nomads
  11. Somali people like the oromo, sidamo, afars, etc are members of the eastern cushitic stock. The Sheik stories are just fabricated . It was means of imposing arab culture on somalis. People confuse Islam and Arab Identity.Somalis were in the horn long before Islam. Somalis get more in common with nieghbors than arabs. We are physically, linguistically, and culturaly related to eastern cushitics, nubians , egytpians and berbers (Moors).
  12. Pan-Somalism is not dead but it certainly has suffered a big setback. In my view, four things are important for the formation of one big somalia. 1. We lack a sense of nationhood. We must educate our people to install the sense of nationhood and create a somali indentity....One somalia much like one Germany. 2. we must invest in our people and in all regions. Greater Somalia shouldn't be promoted at expense of somalis. 3. No somali region should be forced to join Somalia. 4. The Amhara/Tigray domination in Ethopia must end.
  13. Darman..............looooooool well here we are losing you spice da game with something... later
  14. correction: for it's the very essence of imperialism to turn man into wild and blood thirsthy animals-Ernesto Che Guevara
  15. Mojam.....You are right man. No one ever said " Screw you to the soviets and americans" The man hated imperialism.....Thats wat people admire him for. here are some of quotes Our every action is a battle cry against imperialism, and a battle hymn for the people's unity against the great enemy of mankind: the United States of America. Wherever death may surprise us, let it be welcome, provided that this, our battle cry, may have reached some receptive ear, that another hand may be extended to wield our weapons, and that other men be ready to intone our funeral dirge with the staccato singing of the machine guns and new battle cries of war and victory. - Ernesto Che Guevara for it's the very essence of imperialism to turn me into wild and blood thirsthy animals-Ernesto Che Guevara As long as imperialism exists, it will, by definition, exert its domination over other countries. Today that domination is called neocolonialism. - Ernesto Che Guevara
  16., Yu are 45 yrs west saharan preying on somali sistas......get yu I tried for some reasons, my links are not showing. I would have shown the endless emials sent me asking to hide who yu are later man
  17. Check this Home Page
  19. Check this Home Page
  20. Waryaa....Darman, i had to warn everybody. Yu are leaving Che with no choice. I didn't wanna do this to my bro, but since yu are employed Bush, Fox and all da red neck Inc, i must warn my fellow nomads about who the true Darman
  21. Lakkad....i Actually Darman has changed his look since everybody found out his true At the request of his boss, W Bush..Darman underwent a plastic surgery....Here is his new look...just hit da link and out comes the new darman. web page
  22. Man....I definately thought my name is gonna in
  23. Baashi....I disagree with inter-mingling argument....Iam not gonna disagree over centuries, there is slow infusion of foriegn blood into our culture.This happens in every culture and is not unique to somalis only. Somalis along with eastern cushites, berbers, egyptians, hausa, etc are unique race of their own. If we were of product of asiatic people and bantus, we would have like more the swahili coast people. Linguistically , Hamatic people are grouped with semites. This is simply coz semites aka arab n hebrews have inter-mingled with certain hamatic tribes. Arabs are product of Nabi Ibrahim and Hagar( An Egyptian). When the jews were thrown out of Babylon, they came to egypt and eventaully to the promised land, Badal kanaan(present day palestine) of canaans who were hamitic people. Semites adopted a lot of hamatic culture coz they lived in hamatic dominated nations and lands. Our origins lies in africa and the hamatic people are black people. The moors were the last ones to establish a great hamatic civisalation. Eventually, north africa got arabized, the nubians feircely resisted the arabs,but they eventually accepted Islam and lost the their heritage in the processes.I think the hamatic myth is put down by many scholars for two reasons. The first being, eurowhites used the myth to pretty much take credit for every civilasation that existed in Africa. Europeans were looking for a reason to justify slavery , colonization, and exploitation of Africans. The second reason lies with the simple fact that no one wants to be first to admit africans are diverse and different from each other. Afro-centric scholars hate the idea of dividing africa into bantu and hamatic races even though there is clear distinction between the two groups where ever yu go in Africa. Whether be in Rwanda n Burundi, East Africa, West Africa or the north Africa, one can tell hamatic black person from bantiu black person. Their languages, lifestyles and physical traits are different.