Che -Guevara

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Everything posted by Che -Guevara

  1. Lander....Speaking on somebody's behalf doesn't necesarrily mean that you represent their interests. Saaxib.....You were just communicating about your feelings or wishes regarding the SSH issue, you weren't certainly talking about the interests of the people in dis region....don't confuse the two. You are right about one thing, this is pretty useless argument.....Iam out. Iam sorry if i offended you.........later bro A. J timacade.....SSH belong to the people that live there. Sland n for dat matter whatever land has no business there! Mobb-Depp.....You can say the same thing about Sland, i was merely reminding the pro-unity crowd who is accusing Sland of being qabiil state, that Pland was no different either!.....Xaal qaado hadaad xanaaqday waxaa dhahay.... n just so you know, half of my family are from puntland!...i wish them peace and prosperity. Later guys......good luck with this useless chanting!!!
  2. Originally posted by LANDER: On a more serious note though, I think most of us here agree that war is not good for the people of SS&H and no matter the outcome there are no winners in war. That being said I have to admit the future looks kind of dim concerning this particular issue of SS&H. I have a feeling war will be inevitable and thousands of civilians will be displace across a political and geographically divide (whatever that might be). Kind of like the case of India and Pakistan, which I'm sure some of you are aware of. Back when Pakistan separated from India after the war, hundreds of thousands of people where displaced both ways simply because of religious affiliation (Hindu and Muslim) and some it was also tribal. Regrettably the same type of scenario might take place with Somaliland and Somalia (Puntland region), but in our case it will mostly be tribal Lander....According to what you feel or think, war is inevitable........ walaal, put your feeling aside, and let the current residents of SSH express their feelings about the future of their land. Plz re-read my post and tell me where did i said you were representing the interestof SSH ppl. I only suggest that you and for the matter ppl here who are very removed from reality back home might try to stop speaking on behalf of SSH. N Plz tell me how did i try to discredit your post. I only made a reference to India n Paki thing coz you seem to be comparing the dillema in SSH with that of India-Paki partition. Sure, there is anomosity in SSH along tribal lines, but it is little over-top to compare to India and Pakistan, two countries i might add willing to use nukes against each other. I wasn't trying to be impartial or anything, but i was trying to tell both parties that they are being led by murderous idoits who use somali clan families to their own end. It seems one has to take a side to make any sense in this it is sad no one sees that....Lastly bro, i don't write just for the heck of it....If i did, SOL space would have been flooded....later A note for everyone! The issue of SSH should be decided by SSH people only. Sland n Pland have no business in determining the future of SSH. Mobb-Depp....If i pointed out the fact that Pland is dominated by one ethnic, how is that being Anti-Pland. I would like to qoute any post where i have actually put down the progress made by Pland. Iam happy for Pland progress or for matter any other somali land that have made headways to peace and prosperity!! Iam out.
  3. Geedid......I think you are the sole person who understood what i was trying to say.....Somali leaders are in the game for reason, not coz they care about the masses who suffer at their hands. People in this forum talk about learning from history, well here is one thing they should have figured out by now.The so called leaders are motivated by greed. They will risk the very existence of our ppl to get what they want. The SSDF forces failed coz of one individual (Yusuf).The once powerful and highly motivated USC failed coz Aidid had other plans. SNM had bloody and nasty civil war coz few men disagreed over things. PPl here talk about settling the SSH issue through the barrel of gun.I think Riyaale and Ina Yusuf would love to have Baashi n Lander as their mouthpieces to preach the Puntland vs Sland agenda. What they seem to not understand is that somali wars get nasty and loyalties change. If there is any war ( God Forbid), it will be Sland Vs PLand for first couple months, soon it will be Sland Vs Sland, Pland V Pland, Sland Vs Plund. New warlords will emerge and we will have more those idoitic warlords to deal(Does Mogadisho ring a bell).....!!!!!!!!!!! The recent Hargeysa incident just shows how little effort it takes to destabilize entire city. Lander......My friend, Pakistan n India are pointing nukes at each other.....I don't think you can compare it to somalia's pity tribal wars. N Plz unless if you are currently residing in Sland or Pland, don't speak behalf, claiming to know their real emotions regarding SSH. Mob-depp.....I have answered your question. Maybe it is you who chose to ignore my post. later nomads.
  4. A J Timacade......Good point....I think ppl here are frustrated, if truth be told , doesn't matter if you are Slander or somali, there is little or rather nothing one of you could about about the situation in Somalia. The whole country including Sland is run by few men who decides everything. So chill out n drink a cool coollata. Mob-Depp....Historically that part of somalia was called majeertania, just like somaligalbeed is called Ogedenia. Geedid....I don't know about the breakdown of ppl in SSH, and iam not even pretend , i do. I merely agreeing with Sophist on one point, that things in SSH are basically about Qabiil, and qabiil only. Even the struggle by SNM was waged by one qabiil, SSH needed no liberation, if anything ppl of SSH and Awdal were afraid of wat SNM might do. The SNM did commit atrocities but they were wise enough to become like Aided's USC. N lets not forget ppl of sool benefited from Barre's regime and they supported it till da end. Remember Taleex in so lovedly named after the place after Taleex in Sool. The ppl in SSH have little incentive to be part of indepedent Somaliland, many still believe they will get bigger cake in somalia , and one way to do dat is to form tribal state with their brethen from Nugaal, Bari , and Mudug.PPl here can disagree with me, but reality is all milatant resistance begining with SSDF, and ending with USC was about one Qabiil who felt that they didn't get what they deserve. It was never about liberating somali ppl from the tranny of Ina Barre. PPl, Don't use info from websites which are set up by obviously baised folks. Things told to you by relatives or qabiil mates can't be history or the reality on the ground. N speaking of numbers, plz none of you took the census of SSH, spare us, anagaa reer habal oon waan idankan badanahey. I don't think the combined population of the nomadic somalis from Sland n Puntland even equals that of benadir.
  5. Baashi....Atleast you are honest about the intentions of Puntland aka Sophist.....You hit on the head, SSH issue is simply about qabiil...ok...another honest Geedid....You are right bro...every somaliland leader was pro-unity including the late Egal. People.....Someone from Hargeyse and Garowe shouldn't be talking on behalf of ppl from SSH.
  6. OG-Moti N OG-Girl praising the Sayyid.....Hmmmmm I wonder why? kidding...walaal Well Ina Cabdulle Xassan is indeed a somali hero...While many somalis tribal chiefts from Waaqoyi, Majeertania to the south signed treaties with colonial powers giving away our independence and somali dignity, he stood up to the english fags. habasha expionists, and the italian fascits. He was visionary, wanting to unite all somalis. Unfortunately,nomads didn't understand his vision. Praises to him , the noble n brave darwish boys, SYL,SNL, and all those who fought for somali independence. OG-moti......Hopefully, somali ogendania will be pleased with another somali son to free somalis Ethiopian n kenyan oppression, and unite the somali race
  7. There is nothing to celebrate about in Somalia. We can perhaps remember those who fought for somali independence, men and women who risked their lifes to free somalia. Honor ppl who started movements like Dervish, SYL, SNL and others, and hope for better future.
  8. Anaa kaa xoog badan iyo anaa kaa xoog I guess something never change....Anyone who thinks the issue of SSH can be settled through the barrel of a gun is sadly misguided. Akhyaarta Nin aysan Xabad karan malaha.....!!! Baashi......Lets me see this....You call Sland a tribal state and yu want a Puntland State from Buhoodle & east sanaag to Galkayo.....I wonder wat you call such state? are honest and right about one thing , who gets SSH is gonna be very influential in any future united somali adminstration. A.J Tuch....I can't help laugh at irony of the statement you wrote above...You actually believe the somaliland army can go through puntland.....lool...Siyyad Barre must have been thinking the same thing in 88!!!!.....Don't be dellusional bro.
  9. libaax.....I think it should be people of SSH who should decide what an entity they should join. Somaliland and Somalia should respect the wishes of the people. Perhaps there should be a
  10. Samarui.....As official member of Sland adminstration, i think one would expect Ms edna to be in line with policies of her goverment. I don't understand wat are yu mad about?.... Besides, i think da folks from north have a point. It is about time we swollow our pride and take care of the jerks messing our country n if the north don't wanna join somalia....So be it....We should welcome any somali lands or people who wanna join somalia and forget about those who chooses otherwise.
  11. Wait a minute...I thought dis site was pro-somali, After all it is called somaliaonline( Emphasis on da word Somalia) .....Wazzup with dis Libaax.....Just kidding bro. People, like Eskimos, somalis of Ogendenia are proud, unique and do i need to say this, The Cutest somalis around..... .....( Of course only Ciyaal Xamar are cuter, The isolation and oppression will come to an end....Pray for our brothers. P.S Libaax....maybe yu should just shut da politics section of the forum, or yu will continue doing a lot of
  12. Gediid.....I don't think ppl will be long...Just start another Somalia/Sland sool/sanaag thing Ayoub...Speaking of HornAfr, I can't help but notice there are nomads here who start a topic every time when there is bad news from Sland/Somalia. I won't name names since thats construed as being disrespectul. Maryooley pray for better days in our lands instead reporting our miseries just to put down each other!!!!
  13. War OG-Moti aka OG-Fat....Maxaa kugo dhacay walaal.....Cambodia saan may boring I thought da place was tropical paradise...hit da beaches...or hitch a ride to bangkok for unforgettable night....Na' just kidding.
  14. Looks like a baby in a mother's womb. Still posting your cheesy pics darman... man get out a little...It is summer!....don't make me send you to that shrink later man.
  15. Iimaan.....I don't think that i would care to know the real reason when a sister wanna leave. There is no binding contract . I just date for the heck of dating,and don't invest in the relationship emotionally. So getting dumped or dumping girl is easy. It is actually liberating for those who are not looking for serious relationships. Iam sure, ppl will disagree with this method, but hey it works for some of us . Ladies....Cilmi Boodhere was surely talented somali man who brought out the beauty of somali language with his soulful love poems, but lets not use him as the standard to calibrate the somali male's emotions, if anything, the man was an exception to the rule, a hopeless creature bitten by the bug of love, turn him dillusional to the point of no return. Later Nomads
  16. Admin....Thanks for banning those preach hate in order to justify their twisted and norrow-minded views. We don't want another somalinet forum!
  17. 2 can play dis game man, look paltalk, for someone who is going blah blah blah, n blah about american values, I think you have forgetten an important part of the american values The right of free speech and the right of association. It is constitutional right. I have the right to disagree with my goverments actions and policies. Or maybe yu are not down with that. I guess yu are flag waving, country singing , redneck, oops i meant skinny. Watching too much Bill Orielly, huh? My thanks are only to Allah. He is the real protector. Somalis existed long before america and we will be here long after it is gonne. Use logic freind, and don't be just blind worshipper of the america. America gave somalis a refuge, and we give back cheap labor. Everything is two way street. Remember da Iraqi kid whose arms were blown away and his family killed, dats wat your proud americans did to get WMD. ( or was it oil). Where are WMDs anyway :confused:
  18. Globalization is bad for somalia as we don't have the infrastructure and the people needed to compete on the global stage. I just don't see how a poor farmer from Jubba or cattle herder from the Hawd could compete with goverment subsidiezed wheath farms on the plains of the Dakotas or the Australian cattle farmers. Third world nations have to resort to protectionism,or the market will flooded with cheap products from the west, and the local businesses can't compete with subsidiezed products. Case point, Indian farmers who fed india's billion people are going out of business coz these poor farmers can't compete with cheap imports from America. The Indian goverment foolishly jumped on the globalization bandwagon in the 90s. Todays its farmers along with its population are paying the price. The suicide rate among indian farmers shot to the sky and people go hungry in India for the first time in its young existance as an state. N Ask any Indian wat Enron did to the state of Gujrat in India.Enron robbed the entire state blind by bribing every official. Transnational corporations are more powerful than weak third goverments. Even look at Iraq, American companies resconstructing Iraq will borrow money from banks. The loan will be paid back by using future Iraqi oil revenues. Iraq is gonna be in debt for along time to come, no matter how rich it gets. Nationalism too is bad for somalia atleast for the moment. Blind nationalism is wat led to 1977 war, a mistake we are still paying for. Wat we need now is to reconcile and rehabiliate people(Very Important thing to do). I think somalis will better handle the idea of nationalism the day when we stop asking "yuu Yahe madaxweynuhu" and starting asking " Maxuu ii qabti ama bulshada u tarey". As for the idea of globalism...It is terrible idea, one dats doomed to fail anyway. I think some people think maybe ppl will get along if there was one global culture or some sort of uniformity. Humans by nature have the urge to group themselves into different parts. These groupings will stay even if we had same culture,religion or race. Heck, the left-handed might hating the right-handed Globalism is associated with one world goverment, imagine concentrating the world in the hands of few people.wat makes anybody think the powerful few could solve problems of the world any better than those before them. :confused:
  19. Mob_Deep...I could live with Somaliland leaving the union, but Puntland stays with Somali proper at any cost.We have to take stand at somewhere. The south is the most diverse and most populated Somali territory. Any partition in the south will surely make the Somali nation a useless bunch with no real influence in the horn.
  20. Gediid.....Good point....I always wonder if all somalis here are so pro-somali. The future would be bright. I think everyone in SOL has an image to protect and people try to live up to dat image. Shaqsi....I would choose somalinimo over qabiil. I base my decision on three realistic reasons. The first being is that i think somalinimo is the future since somali society is econimacally and socially integrated homogenous society. The second being that as somali, i have yet to see any benefit a qabiilinimo did for me and for my fellow somalis. I was raised, clothed and fed by parents not by qabiil. My qabiil didn't educate me or protected me. The qabiil might have been useful in the past nomadic somali life. But today times have changed, somali nationhood offers better future than the qabiil. Lastly, if we choose qabiil over somali nationhood, I think it is safe to say we will be in perpetual conflicts in any somali region.
  21. My loyalty is to my family, my nation (Somali) and to Muslim brotherhood.
  22. Alla Hao Naxariisto, Cidiisana samir iyo Imaan ha kasiiyo. Saynab...Iam sorry for the loss of your good freind. May Allah grant a place in Jannah Fardowsa.
  23. Lakkad....Legend of Zu sounds like a chinese monk or philosopher...Che-Guevara is hardcore anti-imperialist...where is the similarity? I think Legend of Zu will second me on this. later nomads