Che -Guevara

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Everything posted by Che -Guevara

  1. Originally posted by MC Xamar: Not those two. [/QB] Your views on these gals is negatively effected by your desire for Somali women.
  2. People take up causes ( I consider feminism to be one) to find solutions, but you are doing it to dissociate yourself from very dilemma dat drove to feminism. It is not well thoughtout plan, but hey watever rocks your doon. Now come on, lets be solution oriented. Shall we?
  3. I don't see how feminism would solve this particular problem. Perhaps you could enlight us how feminism would tackle such issue.
  4. if your man is not giving you the money that you cash every week from the bank , and he didn't pay for the house that you both live in,didn't pay for your health, etc, etc , etc Is he an ATM? So, would you still respect if he pays for everything, but you are treated like just another object in da house?
  5. well said Castro. Even Syria is publically mocking the States by declaring " The New Middle East". The defeatist mentality is slowly but surely dying away. We will wait and see the long term implications of this last battle. web page
  6. Ethio gals look cute...slap kulahaa, wats wrong with you. Nice pics Tanug yu buddy
  7. The government is in Hargeisa. People still go to Hargeisa for everything. Only the municipality and police are community-based. Everything else is in Hargeisa. Dis reminds me of reer gobal coming all the way from all parts of the country to Xamar just so as to get the basic goverment services. Hargeysa should aviod the pitfalls of the old Xamar. N wats lazy men? Khat should be banned!!!
  8. ^^^^Believe me....Among their Tul, people speak freely, one hardly needs to go on expedition or be blessed with scheming and suspicious mind, to locate their reasons for opposing the courts. They are blunt as to what motivates their oppisition to the courts. They simply say Nin (Insert Qabiil) iima talinayo. I don't need to possess their inclinations to point out their xenophobic response to the courts. But atleast, there is no point in saying the obvious.
  9. Ok Point....Wat if Iam jew always citing the reason why my fellow Jews trample on Arab rights is simply cuz they are Arabs. I say this cuz some Planders do oppose solely on Qabiil bases. As someone who hails from the same region (meaning I have no tribal anomisity towards them), I do point dat out to them in their Fadhi ku dirir sessions.
  10. Point....then we can safely the majority are weary of the never-ending choatic situation in Xamar, and are for peace and progress which the courts have managed to restore to Xamar. N How does pointing out the clanish nature of others make you tribalistic?
  11. Pi....It is not all about Qabiil. Some of us have actual relatives living in Gaalkayo. Their safety and well being is obviously concern to me. Personally, I don't care much for Pland admin. Cadde and his cohorts are bunch corrupted thugs. I don't mind seeing Pland having its own revolution. The place is oppresive.
  12. Originally posted by Rahima: Perhaps not you, but we all know that certain folks oppose them for just that . Some of our people rejoice at what they perceive as the downfall of the enemy tribe. [/QB] We are Somalis...Ilaahay Anakuu Iskaaya tusay. But at the end day, any sane Somali will understand the sufferings of fellow Somalis whether in Xamar or elsewhere will not bring him/her any closer to brighther tommorow. The downfall of any particular Somali cid only weakens us.Anyone who hasn't realised dat by now should be institutionalized. N for our Sake, I do hope the courts engage rest of Somalia peacefully. Naxar....You are being too paraniod.
  13. Xabashi....Take chill bill buddy, Somalis destroyed Somalia, but Ethiopia gave helping hand by housing Somali rebels and supporting the warlords dat massacred our people. Ethiopia is no by means an innocent bystander. Destruction of Ethiopia is no body's interests, but I think It will eventually go the way of the Former Yoguslavia. There is such so much oppression one could tolerate.
  14. Rahima..Pland is built purely on Qabiil affiliation that promoted the interests of dat Qabiil in the absense of legitimate Somali gov, no one disputes this fact, and if the courts is founded the same principles as Pland, no one faults them for wanting to clean up own their turf. Let them move in Southern Galkayo if that's in the interests of that particular community. The question here is will their militaristic excursions stop there, and are they gonna venture farther north under the pretext of "being invited to liberate villages and towns". Duke....I doubt Aweys wants a repeat of nasty tribal wars in the 90s. He could be genuinely interested in reviving the Somali state and is no mood to subjugate other Somalis. But the simple of fact of having well armed militias in sight of each other could be a trouble even if neither party is interested to battle.
  15. Would it be so bad if they(Somaligalbeed) declare themselves to be another Somali State, and not join the chaos dat's SOmalia today.
  16. Dhubad...The funny thing here is the level of ignorance demonstrated by the folks who are on mission to defame Islam. Anybody who is well versed in Arab culture and history knows the practice of honor killing predates Islam. It was born out of the chauvinistic Bedouin culture, and it wasn't the only Arabs that indulged in honor killings. So did the Hindus of India and many other cultures. So Mr Steve, get your facts right first. Somalis have never practised honor killings in any time in their history. Young women running away with men is not unusual either. You don't obviously know much about our culture, I guess this was just an oppurtunity for you to take a swing against Muslims. Well, join the club, and Iam sure CNN will add you to the list of the bloggers to interview about Islamic extremism.
  17. The Ethios surely are no except, but I doubt the defection of one general would signal the collapse of their armed forces.
  18. Alle-Ubaahne....People from Gaalkacayo have bitter memories of Aided's wars from the early 90s when he massacred many Somalis including those hailing from this town. So, It would be wise for Maxkadaha to move cautiously as this could easily turn into nasty tribal warfare.
  19. Duke..Aweys has vowed to get his boys all the way to Galkayo (atleast the southern part). The Pland and Islamic militia come face to face, I don't see how violent outburst could be avioded.
  20. dis dude is all over Somali sites. He was asking the same questions at forum. Buddy, there is nothing to this story, just poor girl who met an unfortunate end in dark alley. n As for her family being politically connected, we are small tribal society. All Somalis are related or know somebody who was/is in some sort of administration one time or another.
  21. ^^^It doesn't bother all Somali men. Infact, I think if majority of Muslim nations utilize their women folk's skills, these societies would have been in better position today. Confining half of your nation's creative and curious minds to the home only hinder progress. At the same though, one needs to balance work with the home life as kids need our attention. This is where couple needs to find working solution. P.S I was watching this program on TV while back where subject was about ivy league educated women with high paying jobs that opted to stay at home with their kids. These women that could have been future leaders(CEOs, Senators,Governers,etc), but choose to cut their careers short. It is unfortunate, but I guess it is all about choices.
  22. Originally posted by art: aussie ranger, please note,the mogadishu student sure seems to know alot about range....very perculiar, I wonder what their motive is? Wat's so peculiar about someone from Mogadisho interested Pland affairs?
  23. ^^^^Geeze take it easy buddy.Not Everything is about you. Waad isku bogtay :rolleyes: Everything is conspiracy for you...aduun Dhubad..These Qabiil lands will disappear. They are ill-concieved and morally bankrupt.