Che -Guevara

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Everything posted by Che -Guevara

  1. In Xamar, he still is the president. Kudos to him though, he did outsmart Yeey and Co.
  2. Multiculturalism would work in favorably economic conditions. I wonder what the Jews of Europe from world war II era have to say about Multiculturalism? The Point.... the States, Canada and New Zealand are diffirent, but all these countries have one thing in common, the original inhabitants' culture is nearly wiped out or relagated to second class status. One also wonders how the whites of America would react to the every growing Hispanic culture in the America as the population of these immigrants continue to surge.
  3. Shariif on The Sh/Hoose Issue Afgooye, 21-August-06 ( Guddoomiyaha golaha maxaakimta islaamiga Soomaaliyeed Sheekh Shariif Sheekh Axmed ayaa shaaca ka qaaday in aysan habooneyn dacaayadaha laga faafinayo maamulka gobolka Shabeellaha hoose oo kaalin muuqata ka qaatay halgankii magaalada Muqdisho looga saaray qab qablayaashii dagaalka ee la magac baxay la dagaalanka argagixisada. Sheekh Shariif oo maanta xariga ka jaray furitaanka 10ka buundo ee deegaanka Tisxiile ayaa sheegay in maxaakimta islaamiga ay u taagan yihiin sixida qaladaadka jira, isagoo tilmaamay marka ay ka soo faraxashaan dhismaha maamulka gobolka Banaadir ay u soo jeesan doonaan gobollada kale ee dalka oo uu ku jiro gobolka Shabeellaha hoose. "Walaalayaal waxaan rabaa in aan ka hadlo arrimaha gobolka Shabeellaha hoose iyo wararka ay buun buuniyaan warbaahinta ee la xiriira gobolkaasi, waa in la joojiyaa dacayaadaha laga faafinayo maamulkaasi oo gurmadkii ugu ballaarnaa bixiyay xiligii dagaalka lagu la jiray qab qablayaashii isbahaystay ma ahan in loogu abaalgudo dacaayad" ayuu yiri Sheekh Shariif Sheekh Axmed guddoomiyaha golaha maxaakimta islaamiga Soomaaliyeed. "Walaalayaal inaga ayaa diyaar u ah in aan saxno qaladaadka jira laakin waa in la joojiyaa wararka dacaayada ah ee laga fidinayo maamulka Shabeellaha hoose, maamulka qaladka ku jira waa la saxayaa, wariyayaasha waa in ay iska jiraan wararka dacaayada ah" ayuu sii raaciyay Sheekh Shariif. Sheekh Shariif ayaa sidoo kale ka hadlay ciidamada la sheegayo IGAD in ay u soo direyso dalka Soomaaliya, waxa uuna sheegay in aysan qaadan doonin dagaalka IGAD ay u soo safrinayso dalka Sooamaliya, isagoo ku booriyay madaxweynaha Unganda Yaweri Moseveni in uu ka waantoobo ciidamadiisa in uu u soo diro dalka Soomaaliya, isagoo hoosta ka xariiqay in ay difaaci doonaan diintooda iyo dalkooda haddii lagu soo duulo. Engineero uu horkacayay Engineer Cumar Maxamud Maxmaed Aftooje ayaa door weyn ka ciyaaray dayactirka buundadaasi isku xirta deegaanada gobolka Shabeellaha hoose, waxaana iska kaashaday dayactirka buundadaasi gaadiidleyda iyo maamulka gobolkaaasi, ayadoo gaadiidkana ay bilaabeen isticmaalka buundadaasi oo ahmiyad gaar ah ugu fadhido gaadiidleyda isaga gooshta deegaanada gobolka Shabeellaha hoose iyo gobollada koonfureed ee dalka Soomaaliya. Munaasabadaasi waxaa sidoo kale ka hadlay Sheekh Yuusuf Indhacade masuulka dhinaca amniga u qaabilsan maxaakimta, Sheekh C/raxiim Cali Muudey masuulka dacwada iyo warfaafinta u qaabilsan maxaakimta, Xuseen Cali Wehliye (Cirfo) iyo masuuliyiin kale.
  4. Golaha Maxkamadaha Islaamka oo sheegay in beelaha Soomaalida ay yihiin shan beelood, isla markaana aysan jirin Beel Bar ah Axad, August 20, 2006(HOL): Golaha Maxkamadaha Islaamka oo gacanta ku haya magaalada Muqdisho iyo gobollo kale oo ka tirsan Koofurta Soomaaliya ayaa shaaca ka qaaday in aanu jiri doonin nidaamka 4.5 (afar beelood iyo barka) ee horay loogu dhisay Dowladdii TNG-da ee Carta Jabuuti lagu dhisay sanadkii 2000 iyo Dowladda Federaalka Soomaaliyeed ee haatan jirta. Shiikh C/raxiin Cali Muudey oo maxkamadaha Islaamka u qaabilsan dhinaca Warfaafinta ayaa shir jaraa’id oo uu ku qabtay magaalada Muqdisho waxaa uu uga hadlay labo qodob oo kala ah difaaca dalka iyo diinta iyo joojinta xaalufinta lagu hayo dalka Soomaaliya. Shiikh C/raxiin waxaa uu ku dheeraaday ka hadalka dhibaatooyinkii Soomaalida ka dhex dhacay, hadana wuxuu sheegay in xalka arrintaas uu ku jiro Shareecada Islaamka oo wax kasta oo cadaalad ah laga heli karo 100%, “16 sano kadib umadda Soomaaliyeed waxaa u soo laabtay garaadkeedii iyo garashadeedii, waxaana loo baahan yahay in ay ka heshiiyaan dhibaatada dhexdooda ah isla markaana ay isku dhaqaan Kitaabka Qur’aankaâ€ayuu yiri Shiikh C/raxiin. Shiikhu waxaa uu ka hadlay tacadiga ay dadka Soomaaliyeed isu geysteen, wuxuuna si kulul u weeraray qaabka loo kala sareysiiyo Umadda Soomaaliyeed oo xiligan loo qeybiyay afar beelood iyo Bar ( 4.5), “hala ogaado maanta wixii ka dambeeya Soomaalida waa siman tahay waana shan beelood, ma jiraan wax la yiraahdo 4.5, dadka la liidana waxaan u sheegayaa in maanta wixii ka dambeeya ay yihiin kuwo buuxa oo beelaha kale la mid ahâ€ayuu mar kale yiri Shiikh C/raxiin Cali Muudeey. Dhinaca Arrimaha Federaalka oo dowladda hadda Soomaaliya u dhisan ay ku saleysan tahay ayuu ka hadlay, wuxuuna laalay in ay jiraan wax la yiraahdo Federaal, “Waxa loo yaqaano Federaal oo laga wado in la kala googooyo Umadda Soomaaliyeed wax ka jira ma laha, Umadda Soomaaliyeed waa Umad isku Diin ah, dhaqan ah, isku af ah oo dhibaato kasta oo dhexmarta geed hoostiis uga heshiisaâ€ayuu yiri Shiikha. “Waxaan meesha ku jirin in 16 sano hadba wadan nala geeyo oo aanan arrimaheena ka tashan, waxaan beesha caalamka ka codsaneynaa in arrimaheena naloo madax baneeyo oo aan annaga dhexdeena ka heshiino, welina aan Muqdisho ku heshiino, maadaama ay Muqdisho nabad tahay, isla markaana ay UN-ka iyo caalamka arkeen nabadda ka jirta Caasimadda Soomaaliyaâ€ayuu hadalkiisa ku sii daray. Doorka IGAD ee arrimaha Soomaaliya ayuu Shiikhu ka hadlay, wuxuuna carrabka ku adkeeyay in aan xiligan loo baahneyn ciidamo IGAD ka socda oo la geeyo Soomaaliya bacdamaa uu is-bedel ka dhacay. “Waxaa wax laga murugooda ah in maanta Dowladihii IGAD oo aan ka mid nahay dowladihii aas aasay ay noqoto meel lagu kala qeyb qeybiyo Soomaaliya oo looga soo duulo, isla markaana naloo soo korkaco cadawgeena taariikhiga ah ee xabashida oo ay hoggaamineyso Tigree, taasi kama yeeleyno IGAD mana ogolaan doonno in ay dhacdo†ayuu si kulul u yiri Shiikh C/raxiin. Danjiraha Dowladda Kenya u qaabilsan Arrimaha Soomaaliya Maxamed Cabdi Afey ayuu Shiikh C/raxiin shirkiisa Jaraa’id ku weeraray, wuxuuna sheegay in Maxamed Cabdi Afey uu seddex jeer yimid Muqdisho, isla markaana uu arkay nabadda ka jirta Xamar, “Maxamed Cabdi Afey oo ah Kenya ninka u qaabilsan Arrimaha Soomaaliya maadama uu indhahiisa ku akay nabadda taala Soomaaliya,waxaan ka fileynay in uu yiraahdo Soomaaliya waa nabad, ciidan shisheeye oo ka dhaqan duwan, isla markaana keeni kara cudurro uma baahnaâ€ayuu yiri Shiikh C/raxiin Cali Muudey oo sidoo kale u faray danjire Afey in haddii uu runta sheegi waayay ay Maxkamadaha runta sheegayaan, isla markaana ay ku talinayaan in ay Dowladda Kenya tallaabo ka qaado, xilkana ka qaado sababtoo ah buu yiri uma qalantid. Wuxuu amaanay Shiikha Dowladaha Jabuuti, Eretrea, Suudaan iyo Yugaandha oo uu doorkooda arrimaha Soomaaliya ku sheegay in uu yahya mid dhexdhexaad ah, kuwaasi oo ku taliyay in aan Soomaaliya ciidamo la geynin bacdamaa ay iyada is-xalineyso, “waxaa wax aad looga xumaado ah in Dowladaha Kenya iyo Itoobiya maaro looga la’ yahay in ay qabsadaan wadankeena xorta ah, waxaan leenahay ma qabsan kartiin, mana imaan kartaan, haddii aad wadankeena taako aad keentaan ciidamadiina waxaad ku talagashaan dagaalâ€ayuu si kulul u yiri Shiikh C/raxiin oo sheegay in dowladda Itoobiya ay Soomaaliya soo weerartay 1964kii, xiligaasoo Soomaalida ay xor ahayd kaliya afar sano, mar kalena wuxuu sheegay in ay soo weerartay 1977-kii, balse labada jeerba ay Soomaalida iska difaaceen. Wuxuu ka hadlay xaalufinta lagu hayo dalka Soomaaliya, wuxuuna carrabka ku dhejiyay in la baab’iyay kheyraadkii uu lahaa, iyadoo xaalufintaasna ay sabab u ahayd dowlad la’aantii ka jirtay Soomaaliya, “maxkamadaha Islaamka waxaa ay 19/08/2006 isku raaceen in la mamnuucay jarista dhirta, iyadoo qofkii lagu helana ay noqoneyso dembi, sidoo kalena wuxuu dembi ku tilmaamay in iyana la dhoofiyo ugaarta uu dalka Soomaaliya lahaan jiray, wuxuuna ugu baaqay dhamaan mas’uuliyiinta gobollada dalka in ay deegaanadooda ka dhaqangeliyaan go’aanka ka soo baxay maxkamadaha Islaamka ee mamnuucista xaalufinta Dalka Soomaaliya.
  5. The TFG is an agent of the Tigray regime. The events of the last two months clearly demonstrated who is in charge of the criminal outfit that's residing in the city of Baydhabo. Anyone who still believes Yeey and his ilk will deliver Somalis from our current state is simply decieving themselves. We need a peace process for Somalis and by Somalis, without interference from outside. The last 14 conferences failed simply cuz Somalis were not at the helm of these reconcialations. We also need a new political thinking specially those of us from Pland where Yeey's cohorts still rule supreme. The old guard in the Pland must retire or be forced out. The Courts on its part must address the issue of Indhacadde. The courts and Pland control most of Somalia. A goverment of national unity could be instituted between these two parts , and extended to the areas of the country they don't control. Before any of this could happen, Pland must first decide if they will blindly continue supporting Yeey or if they will stand up for the interest of the Somalia, and reject Yeey's along Tigray masters.
  6. Having weekends away, suprise gifts, going out for dinner et al. Dat do sound something white chick would expect, but it is fine if dat's indeed what you do consider romantic. Just make sure your hubby is on the same wavelenght. As for romance in general, considering each other's needs and not taking your espouse for granted despite your daily family hassle would definately keep dat aspect of one's relationship alive.
  7. Aniga Waaye...How could you construe my effort to reach some sense of meaningful conclusion with Justice as an attempt to defend Somali men ( Not dat i wouldn't defend them if they were wronged for no apparent reason). I was merely promoting a deeper understanding of the issue and a better dialogue between the sexes. In other words, I was simply trying to spark something in Justice's mind as to what the plausible solutions there are to her percieved inadequacies in some circles of the Somali male populace residing in the UK. You can't lay the blame at someone's feet, and leave matter there. Luckly Cambarro(like dat name, I don't know why) has thrown some light on some aspects of the issue.
  8. Don't like dat show, but I think dr House is better.
  9. Ok...Warsan....No snuggling, massaging, or any sort of physical contact or I ( the Owner's attorney) will be forced to file sexual harassment lawsuit. An agreement has been reached with your lawyer regarding this issue. Please read the provisoins of the agreement and consult with your lawyer for any necessary changes. P.S Ivana(Or is it Ivan) says" hello and just why do you feel the need to make our love a public affair?.I feel used and betrayed. Now you left me miserable and vindictive".
  10. Originally posted by Aniga waaye: Well done RendezVous I hope Yo-Yo Ma can read your post and use it some day. Ok wat have I said to tick you off.
  11. Originally posted by MC Xamar: Not those two. [/QB] Your views on these gals is negatively effected by your desire for Somali women.
  12. People take up causes ( I consider feminism to be one) to find solutions, but you are doing it to dissociate yourself from very dilemma dat drove to feminism. It is not well thoughtout plan, but hey watever rocks your doon. Now come on, lets be solution oriented. Shall we?
  13. I don't see how feminism would solve this particular problem. Perhaps you could enlight us how feminism would tackle such issue.
  14. if your man is not giving you the money that you cash every week from the bank , and he didn't pay for the house that you both live in,didn't pay for your health, etc, etc , etc Is he an ATM? So, would you still respect if he pays for everything, but you are treated like just another object in da house?
  15. well said Castro. Even Syria is publically mocking the States by declaring " The New Middle East". The defeatist mentality is slowly but surely dying away. We will wait and see the long term implications of this last battle. web page
  16. Ethio gals look cute...slap kulahaa, wats wrong with you. Nice pics Tanug yu buddy
  17. The government is in Hargeisa. People still go to Hargeisa for everything. Only the municipality and police are community-based. Everything else is in Hargeisa. Dis reminds me of reer gobal coming all the way from all parts of the country to Xamar just so as to get the basic goverment services. Hargeysa should aviod the pitfalls of the old Xamar. N wats lazy men? Khat should be banned!!!
  18. ^^^^Believe me....Among their Tul, people speak freely, one hardly needs to go on expedition or be blessed with scheming and suspicious mind, to locate their reasons for opposing the courts. They are blunt as to what motivates their oppisition to the courts. They simply say Nin (Insert Qabiil) iima talinayo. I don't need to possess their inclinations to point out their xenophobic response to the courts. But atleast, there is no point in saying the obvious.
  19. Ok Point....Wat if Iam jew always citing the reason why my fellow Jews trample on Arab rights is simply cuz they are Arabs. I say this cuz some Planders do oppose solely on Qabiil bases. As someone who hails from the same region (meaning I have no tribal anomisity towards them), I do point dat out to them in their Fadhi ku dirir sessions.
  20. Point....then we can safely the majority are weary of the never-ending choatic situation in Xamar, and are for peace and progress which the courts have managed to restore to Xamar. N How does pointing out the clanish nature of others make you tribalistic?
  21. Pi....It is not all about Qabiil. Some of us have actual relatives living in Gaalkayo. Their safety and well being is obviously concern to me. Personally, I don't care much for Pland admin. Cadde and his cohorts are bunch corrupted thugs. I don't mind seeing Pland having its own revolution. The place is oppresive.
  22. Originally posted by Rahima: Perhaps not you, but we all know that certain folks oppose them for just that . Some of our people rejoice at what they perceive as the downfall of the enemy tribe. [/QB] We are Somalis...Ilaahay Anakuu Iskaaya tusay. But at the end day, any sane Somali will understand the sufferings of fellow Somalis whether in Xamar or elsewhere will not bring him/her any closer to brighther tommorow. The downfall of any particular Somali cid only weakens us.Anyone who hasn't realised dat by now should be institutionalized. N for our Sake, I do hope the courts engage rest of Somalia peacefully. Naxar....You are being too paraniod.
  23. Xabashi....Take chill bill buddy, Somalis destroyed Somalia, but Ethiopia gave helping hand by housing Somali rebels and supporting the warlords dat massacred our people. Ethiopia is no by means an innocent bystander. Destruction of Ethiopia is no body's interests, but I think It will eventually go the way of the Former Yoguslavia. There is such so much oppression one could tolerate.
  24. Rahima..Pland is built purely on Qabiil affiliation that promoted the interests of dat Qabiil in the absense of legitimate Somali gov, no one disputes this fact, and if the courts is founded the same principles as Pland, no one faults them for wanting to clean up own their turf. Let them move in Southern Galkayo if that's in the interests of that particular community. The question here is will their militaristic excursions stop there, and are they gonna venture farther north under the pretext of "being invited to liberate villages and towns". Duke....I doubt Aweys wants a repeat of nasty tribal wars in the 90s. He could be genuinely interested in reviving the Somali state and is no mood to subjugate other Somalis. But the simple of fact of having well armed militias in sight of each other could be a trouble even if neither party is interested to battle.