Che -Guevara

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Everything posted by Che -Guevara

  1. Let's hope all parties come to their senses and work for the interests of the Somali people. Sheekh Shariif iyo wafdi la socda oo ku sugan magaalada Khartuum August 28, 2006 Markacadeey. Sheekh Shariif Sheekh Axmed, gudoomiyeha guddiga fulinta golaha maxaakiimta Soomaaliyeed iyo wafdi la socdey ayaa shalay si aan la sii shaacin uga ambabaxay magaalada Muqdisho. Wararka ayaa sheegaya in wafdiga uu hogaaminayo Sheekh Shariif ay ku sugan yihiin magaalada Khartuum ee dalka Suudaan, halkaasi oo uu ka dhacayo kulanka wadahadalka dowlada federaalka iyo golaha maxaakiimta. Lama shaacin tirada wafdiga gudoomiyeha guddiga fulinta, waxayna shalay ka dhoofeen garoonka diyaaradaha Muqdisho. Waa markii ugu horeysay ee uu gudoomiyeha guddiga fulinta maxaakiimta Soomaaliyeed Sheekh Shariif Sheekh Axmed iyo wafdi uu hogaaminayo oo maxaakiimta ah ay dalka ka dhoofaan, tan iyo markii maxaakiimta ay la wareegeen gacan ku heynta magaalada. Maxamed Cali Madka Xafiiska Markacadeey Muqdisho web page
  2. LooooooooL..War Baashi,adiga iyo Xiin's support for the courts seems to be waning as they get closer to the home front.
  3. Smith....You equate TFG with a particular clan...lool He is your adeer...I guess all ready.
  4. ^^^LoooL, Jimca waaye, stop being cheap ,treat yourself dee. Five Bucks...Some pastry and cup of coffea hadii kale dig deep into dat buurso. Now, Iam thinking of Falafel. Faarax...Stop da torture, some of us haven't eaten yet.
  5. Me....Seems like it ain't just me who wanna destroy the world. All have little Stalins in us. His real name was Iosif Vissarionovich Dzugashvili, and was actually from present day Georgia. Amazing, how the son of poor Georgian peasants rose to the top to rule the Soviet empire. He adopted the name Stalin ( Man of Steal). Here is a kicker. His mom wanted him to be priest, and he attended a Jesuit school. He was mass muderer,a natural born killer, but without his help, Nazi Germany would have reigned over Europe.
  6. ^^^^^You must be thinking of something Wat's your on mind?
  7. Originally posted by Socod_badne: QUOTE]Xaraam caleyk! what a perversion of God's finest creation. [/QB] Wat's wrong buddy. Da gal likes being on top
  8. Originally posted by me: Nahhhh, Btw, do you really think that you would change your routines? Before every school year or semester I used to tell myself this time, I will work hard, this time I will do my best. I will read more, focus on my work, bla bla etc etc. Anyhow it never happens. So I would say don't lie to us,lie to yourself. You will be here SOL for the next 15 months(Inshalah). LooooL....I used to do dat in my undergrad, but that's cuz they baby you in undergard programs, and I knew I could get away with. It is diffirent ball game though now. One can't afford to slip or blink for sec. Plus everything is being paid for, so I can't afford to mess up considering how expensive grad schools are these days. N Thanks buddy! Wiilo......Tanug you Walaalshiis.Let's have dat Casariyo...little Qaxwo, and Xalwo maybe, even shushumoo iyo bajiye. Maybe we can even invite some folks from politics section...I could see MMA and Rahima getting at it.
  9. ^^^I think Qaxwo would be a better friend.
  10. Originally posted by me: allot of collateral damage, wouldn't you say? And I bet ya you would still not get me I would get you aight unless you were in space. If the initial impact didn't vaporize you , the resulting and lingering afte- effects will surely eliminate you. As for the collateral damage, well as Stalin once said, " You kill one person it is a tragedy, you kill ten thousand people it is a statistic.†He was right since numbers don't have faces.
  11. I guess it is question of would rather wanna people celebrate your life by enjoying themselves, or just mourn your departure and be depressive mood. Dis reminds of me Reer New Orleans, and the music processions dat accompanies the funeral.It is festive affair,but the Chinese thing goes over-top.
  12. I would press to just eliminate you for having posted this thread.
  13. Just got accepted into grad school. The course load looks enormous, and the professors seem to enjoy over-working us. Trying to prepare myself mentally 15 months of unrelenting rigorous studying. I guess come september,no more SOL for awhile.
  14. Funny article, da Chinese do know how to send off someone to the hereafter. China acts on funeral strippers Chinese villages are being told to end the practice Five people have been detained in China for running striptease send-offs at funerals, state media say. The once-common events are held to boost the number of mourners, as large crowds are seen as a mark of honour. But the arrests, in the eastern province of Jiangsu, could signal the end of the rural tradition. Local officials have since ordered a halt to "obscene performances" and say funeral plans have to be submitted in advance, Xinhua news agency said. The arrests, in Donghai county, followed striptease acts at a farmer's funeral, the agency said. Two hundred people were said to have attended the event, which was held on 16 August. The Beijing News said the event was later revealed by a Chinese TV station. The leaders of five striptease troupes were held, it said, including two involved in the farmer's funeral. "Striptease used to be a common practice at funerals in Donghai's rural areas to allure viewers," Xinhua agency said. "Local villagers believe that the more people who attend the funeral, the more the dead person is honoured." As well as ordering an end to the practice, officials have also said residents can report "funeral misdeeds" on a hotline, earning a reward for information.
  15. Isdaji Duqa..We are all aware of things back home. The administration in baydhabo hardly qualifies as legitimate goverment. With no institutions, or army to speak of, your so called goverment, and it's leadership doesn't have a leg to stand on. One could try to sypmathize with them and overlook their lack of creativity in reinstating the Somali state since they indeed face an enormous task, but thanks to their constant inter-squabbling and utter incompatency, the boys in baydbabo have forfiet the leadership role. They have shown their true colors by refusing to work together for the benefit of the Somali people, and by catering to the needs of their Xabashi handlers. Show me one dat actually work for the interests of the people, we shall call him a leader. Till then ma ahow, these men deserve watever come their way.Sell-out thugs masquerading as leaders ha igo dhahin waa waxay kaa mudan yihiin ixtiraam. Nasiib bee layiin if insults is all they get from us.
  16. Originally posted by Naxar Nugaaleed: ^^^ you don't seem to have anything to say but insult your leaders. They ain't my leaders since I or for that matter the Somali public didn't vote for them. Get dat through your thick skill.
  17. ^^^^You seemed bothered by allaged relation to Somalis. N wat's wrong with having A Jamacian for a relative?
  18. Originally posted by Juje: quote:Originally posted by Yo-Yo Ma: The likes of Him including the morons in baydbadho And to think there is sanity in between your ears will be over statement. Do you actually get something to say? If not stop babbling. Think through things, and enough with impulsive chatter. Him or them, does it matter?. They are weaved from the same cloth, treasonious bastads.They are all same character.
  19. The likes of Him including the morons in baydbadho could actually be charged for treason under any law,and there is plenty of evidence to support such charge. Sadly, there is no entity ( other than the Somali public) that could indicted them for their crimes. Targeted assissinations would be justifiable if one could indicted them for treasonable acts.
  20. ^^^Are you advocating murder? Even war criminals should have their due process. Now if he dies in a battle, dat's another story.
  21. Mogadishu’s International seaport reopens for the first time after 11 years By: Aweys Osman Yusuf Mogadishu 23, August. 06 ( Sh.M.Network) Mogadishu’s International l seaport has officially been opened for the first time after so eleven years of closure. Union of Islamic Courts second assistant chief Sheik Abdulkadir Ali Omar, accompanied by the Isklamist finance manager Abdulkadir Abokar Omar Addan and marine transport manager Sh. Mohammed Kahiye, stated that Mogadishu’s main port is formally open. Mogadishu’s main port has been shut down since UNOSOM, the UN & US forces, departed from Somalia in 1995 after failure of forming an administration. Omar Afdoje, an Islamist engineer, made an estimation of one million dollars that, he said, would cost rebuilding the vastly devastated port. A big celebration for the opening of the seaport is anticipated on Thursday. Many Mogadishu residents endorsed the opening of the port, while many said they had been waiting for the news for a long time. Elma’am, an informal seaport, in north Mogadishu has been the only port business people have been importing their commodities. Reliable sources close to the Islmaists says that the newly opened port would be the only one that Somali business people might legitimately use. This may mean that Elma’an seaport will be out of use. After UNOSOM many attempts of putting the port into use had failed after Mogadishu’s once most powerful tribal warlords could not compromise over the revenue and which ship was to be taxed of the seaport. It is hoped that the port would alleviate the inflation of all commodities in Mogadishu. Shabelle Media Network Somalia
  22. Smithy...I doubt any news no matter how great would help Yeey at this juncture. Ina Yusuf is synonymous with incompatency and utter failure.
  23. Modesty..SOL should have an entire section dedicated to you and your issues with the Somali people. Let's see wat's your next topic would be?
  24. ^^^^^LooooL He finally got to you. Never seen losing it buddy.