Che -Guevara

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Everything posted by Che -Guevara

  1. Che -Guevara


    Welcome Duqa, Wat brings us together...Hmmmmmm I don't know, but We are Somalis, people who can't seem to stand each other yet can't stay away from each other. Maybe it is the just da sense of belonging dat draws us together.
  2. Well written piece, not your usual antagonistic mantric rethoric.
  3. Rahima....Come on, The poor man could have easily thought you own a coin-operated laundry shop or car wash, granted Hindida Waad dad iska Nacam, nacam ah. They take everything at face value specially during dat first encounter. Laakin Point taken though. I hate sarcasm at the teller line. Jimcaale....I probably would, but not without provoking her in some way. A good way to start a chit chat, wouldn't you agree ? Socod....Didn't think there was anything dat would bother you, but tanug you for bringing dat to my intention.
  4. Tyjwania.... Apart from monetary rewards, the place is a Mecca for young professionals, and believe me, they ain't balding, or greying, little greasy maybe. MMA....Timojare Soomaali mucho qararac waaye. They never gave wat you want. Warsaan aa fiican kugo hayaan...I don't care sida fiican. Just give me wat I want. Don't mind supporting Mali bunisses, but atleast listen to the customer. Devil...Ceeb Jee, I don't wear them. I just take them of bodies Rahima....You show it off to everybody.
  5. President pays tribute to Mahfouz Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak has paid tribute to writer Naguib Mahfouz, who has died in Cairo at the age of 94. "Mahfouz was a cultural light... who brought Arab literature to the world," he said of the first Arab to win the Nobel prize for literature. He said the author expressed "values of enlightenment and tolerance". The Egyptian writer had spent the last months of his life in hospital after falling during a midnight stroll and injuring his head in July. His vibrant portrayal of the Egyptian capital in his Cairo Trilogy won the 1988 Nobel Prize for literature. US President George Bush has also expressed condolences, calling Mahfouz "an extraordinary artist who conveyed the richness of Egyptian history and society to the world". A White House spokesman said the author's work would "introduce his beloved Egypt to Americans and to readers around the world for generations to come". International recognition The writer had suffered health problems since being stabbed in the neck in 1994 by an Islamist extremist, angry at his portrayal of God in one of his novels. After that incident he was in hospital for seven weeks and suffered nerve damage in his neck, which limited his ability to write and caused his eyesight and hearing to deteriorate. Mahfouz's Nobel Prize brought international recognition to a man already regarded in the Middle East as one of its best writers and premier intellectuals. Egyptian writer Ahdaf Souief, who knew Mahfouz well, said the writer was a "massively important influence" on Arabic literature. "He was our greatest living novelist for a very long time," he said. "Mahfouz was an innovator in the use of the Arabic language. "He also embodied the whole development of the Arabic novel, starting with historical novels in the late 1940s through realism, through experimentalism and so on. "He single-handedly went through the whole development of the Arabic novel and made innovation possible for generations of writers after him." The Cairo Trilogy - Palace Walk, Palace of Desire and Sugar Street, all of which appeared in the 1950s - detailed the adventures and misadventures of a Muslim merchant family. The books introduced a character who became an icon in Egyptian culture: Si-Sayed, the domineering father who holds his family together. Controversy came in 1959 with the publication of the novel Children of Gebelawi. First serialised in Egyptian newspapers, it caused an uproar and was banned by Egyptian religious authorities on the grounds it violated Islamic rules by including characters who clearly represented God and the prophets. Nonetheless, it was published in Lebanon and later translated into English. Final work In a career that spanned decades Mahfouz published more than 30 novels, short stories, plays, newspaper columns, essays, travelogues, memoirs and political analyses. His final published major work - a collection of stories about the afterlife titled The Seventh Heaven - came in 2005. "I wrote The Seventh Heaven because I want to believe something good will happen to me after death," he told the Associated Press in December 2005. "Spirituality for me is of high importance and continuously provides inspiration for me." web page
  6. Garoofka ku dhufo tii sii jaysata. Go somali on them.Dis reminds of Somali dude ( Asal reer Mudug) dat always speaks in English. I gotta da feeling, he does dat cuz he thinks it is cool. On serious note, Ajarkaa iska wado. Obviously, aviod the ones salaan kaa qaadin on da chance you ever run into them agian.
  7. Naxar...The courts can actually point to concrete progress made in the South. For once, lets forget the ocurts , and just tells what has TFG achieved the past two years. Please don't tell dat they simply exercising democracy.
  8. Apparently, the South Africa goverment doesn't have any control over these crime ridden areas cuz it is open season on Maryooley or Baraka as they like to call us. web page
  9. Devil...I was gonna say something but your signature made laugh...Reminded me of Chappelle Show. Anyway a Xiina session on sunday sounds good, but only if you wear dat Dirac dat I like
  10. Warsan... I have known da barber before my gal was ever around. If I had the slighest interest in her, I would have asked her out long time ago, certainly long before I met my gal. True, I enjoy my time and like da "extra perks" something one could be argue to be Unislamic, but dat's another story for diffirent time. Laakin, the main reason I wanna stay with dis barber is dat she really does know how to cut. It is hard to find a good barber, certainly one dat does "Somali timo" well. MM....Saaxib, Your idea is tempting, but once you allow your gal to do one thing, soon dat metastasis into everything else. Maf Kees...Luckly for me, ragaas badnkooda are laga roonayaal. Amelia....Rageedaa tahay Qofyahay, but I actually happen to like da gal very much. So, I wanna dis thing to grow and prosper. TenaciousSoul...Trust in understanding...Hhmmm I was hoping she would do da same.
  11. Never saw as da sarcastic type. How do you know that i'm not hitched? Wouldn't know really, but might have beeen just a faint hope on my part
  12. If I had to talk to a love interest for nearly every nite of the past five years, I would wanna few weeks off too. Maybe what was pleasurable and fun just became a job for him. N who wouldn't cut few weeks of work if they could get away with.
  13. I would. LooooL@Rahima N you still ain'ted hitched. Wat kind men live down-under.
  14. Would one sever a two year relationship ( Purely professional) with the best barber in town just cuz the lady in your life feels uncomfortable with da arrangement? you see, the barber in question happens to be of the oppisite sex, but she does just wonderful job. Her cuts are exquisite, and I gotta admit her head massages can put anyone to sleep. Her adroit styling of hair is equally macthed by her pleasant demeanour, and stunning looks. It is rarity to find a barber dat provides such quality services. Now, I don't understand why anyone should be asked to dissolve purely professional relationship and be denied such pleasant experience?
  15. Baydhabo: Wafdi uu hogaaminayo Shariif Xasan oo ka duulay Baydhabo. Baydhabo(AllPuntland)- Wafdi ka socda Xukuumada Soomaaliya ayaa dhowan ka duulay garoonka diyaaradaha ee magaalada Baydhabo iyaga oo ku sii jeeda magaalada Kharduum ee casimadda wadanka Sudan. Wafdiga xukuumadda oo uu hor kacayo gudoomiyaha baarlamaanka soomaaliya aya waxaa safarkiisa ku wehliya in kabadan 31 mudane oo ka tirsan golaha baalamaanka ee dawladda Soomaaliya. Gudoomiyaha iyo wafdigiisa ayaa waxaa garoonka diyaaradaha ee magaalada Baydhabo ku sii sagootiyay xubno ay ka mid yihiin madaxwaynaha Soomaliya Mud, C/laahi Yusuf Axmed iyo Ra'iisul wasaaraha soomaaliya Proff, Cali Maxmed Geedi. Safarkani oo modooyin badan uu ku yimid dib u dhac ballaaran ayaa waxa uu ku soo aadayaa iyada oo dhowaan magaalada Kharduum ay gaareen xubno ka socda maxkamadaha Islaamiga ah. Xubnahani ayaa ka hor intii aanay ka duulin magaalada Baydhabo waxa ay kulan la qaateen madaxda dawladda oo hor kacayo madaxwayne Yusuf. Wajiga labaad ee wada hadalada oo ka furmaya magaalada Kharduum ayaa waxaa la filayaa in labada dhinacba ay soo bandhigaan qodobo ay isku dhaliil san yihiin. M. J. Koronto AllPuntland
  16. Let's hope all parties come to their senses and work for the interests of the Somali people. Sheekh Shariif iyo wafdi la socda oo ku sugan magaalada Khartuum August 28, 2006 Markacadeey. Sheekh Shariif Sheekh Axmed, gudoomiyeha guddiga fulinta golaha maxaakiimta Soomaaliyeed iyo wafdi la socdey ayaa shalay si aan la sii shaacin uga ambabaxay magaalada Muqdisho. Wararka ayaa sheegaya in wafdiga uu hogaaminayo Sheekh Shariif ay ku sugan yihiin magaalada Khartuum ee dalka Suudaan, halkaasi oo uu ka dhacayo kulanka wadahadalka dowlada federaalka iyo golaha maxaakiimta. Lama shaacin tirada wafdiga gudoomiyeha guddiga fulinta, waxayna shalay ka dhoofeen garoonka diyaaradaha Muqdisho. Waa markii ugu horeysay ee uu gudoomiyeha guddiga fulinta maxaakiimta Soomaaliyeed Sheekh Shariif Sheekh Axmed iyo wafdi uu hogaaminayo oo maxaakiimta ah ay dalka ka dhoofaan, tan iyo markii maxaakiimta ay la wareegeen gacan ku heynta magaalada. Maxamed Cali Madka Xafiiska Markacadeey Muqdisho web page
  17. LooooooooL..War Baashi,adiga iyo Xiin's support for the courts seems to be waning as they get closer to the home front.
  18. Smith....You equate TFG with a particular clan...lool He is your adeer...I guess all ready.
  19. ^^^LoooL, Jimca waaye, stop being cheap ,treat yourself dee. Five Bucks...Some pastry and cup of coffea hadii kale dig deep into dat buurso. Now, Iam thinking of Falafel. Faarax...Stop da torture, some of us haven't eaten yet.
  20. Me....Seems like it ain't just me who wanna destroy the world. All have little Stalins in us. His real name was Iosif Vissarionovich Dzugashvili, and was actually from present day Georgia. Amazing, how the son of poor Georgian peasants rose to the top to rule the Soviet empire. He adopted the name Stalin ( Man of Steal). Here is a kicker. His mom wanted him to be priest, and he attended a Jesuit school. He was mass muderer,a natural born killer, but without his help, Nazi Germany would have reigned over Europe.
  21. ^^^^^You must be thinking of something Wat's your on mind?
  22. Originally posted by Socod_badne: QUOTE]Xaraam caleyk! what a perversion of God's finest creation. [/QB] Wat's wrong buddy. Da gal likes being on top
  23. Originally posted by me: Nahhhh, Btw, do you really think that you would change your routines? Before every school year or semester I used to tell myself this time, I will work hard, this time I will do my best. I will read more, focus on my work, bla bla etc etc. Anyhow it never happens. So I would say don't lie to us,lie to yourself. You will be here SOL for the next 15 months(Inshalah). LooooL....I used to do dat in my undergrad, but that's cuz they baby you in undergard programs, and I knew I could get away with. It is diffirent ball game though now. One can't afford to slip or blink for sec. Plus everything is being paid for, so I can't afford to mess up considering how expensive grad schools are these days. N Thanks buddy! Wiilo......Tanug you Walaalshiis.Let's have dat Casariyo...little Qaxwo, and Xalwo maybe, even shushumoo iyo bajiye. Maybe we can even invite some folks from politics section...I could see MMA and Rahima getting at it.
  24. ^^^I think Qaxwo would be a better friend.
  25. Originally posted by me: allot of collateral damage, wouldn't you say? And I bet ya you would still not get me I would get you aight unless you were in space. If the initial impact didn't vaporize you , the resulting and lingering afte- effects will surely eliminate you. As for the collateral damage, well as Stalin once said, " You kill one person it is a tragedy, you kill ten thousand people it is a statistic.†He was right since numbers don't have faces.