Che -Guevara

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Everything posted by Che -Guevara

  1. Originally posted by me: OK people call me a hater but the reason I dont like about the BBC somali service now is the different accents. I miss the good old days when proper Somali (Northern Somali) was the language of the BBC. Anyhow times are changing . Every Somali dialect is a proper Somali. Who are you to say that the northern Somali is the only proper Somali?
  2. Me.....Lets work for justice, shall we?. No summary executions. Aree Cali Naafto Halaa iska daayo.He is no threat to anybody.
  3. Comrade, Iam disappointed. With the way you have chronicled and deciphered Khalid's personality ,and online misadventures, I thought you would have provided us with his mental notes as well. I guess you have your limitations too. I gotta say though, and not to sound ambivalent about this, but Iam glad you didn't come back with didactic tale about Khalid. As for the topic at hand, you are right. I never gave an explanation. I was merely replying to an assertion you made. And as for my explantion, the boys are essentailly cowards whose minds are repressed, a product of rigid Arabian culture coupled the tyrannical rule of Wahhabi machinery, and the House of Saud. Like much of Saudi society, they are too afriad to face true nemesis(The Wahhabi + Saud family combo), so they settle for the next best thing by unleashing their anger onto these poor girls. They need to believe in themselves and dream bigger.Perhaps, an iconoclast like you may lend a hand to these boys. You can even take JB with you.
  4. The war on terror is sham, the biggest ever perpetuated by America's elites along its cronies in Europe and the east. The winners here are the elites who own and operate multinational corporations which profitted from the so called war on terror. The losers here are the American public and the Muslim masses. America is on barrowing binge. Trillions of dollars are owed to Asian creditors so that war could be sustained. Bush's answer to the growing debt was to give tax cuts to the rich, while his goverment went on spending spree. With inflation and the rising energy cost, the average American only saves $1 out of every $100 earned. The trade deficit with China and other Asian gaints contribute the sluggish growth in the US economy. Life is even more difficult for the Muslims. They have paid the highest costs in term of life and property. Just Iraq in alone, between 40,000 to 100,000 civilian lives have been lost. Mind you, this is just conservative estimate. Continous US interference in the Islamic countries will farther destablize the social, political, and economic structures of all Muslim nation paving the way for never ending violence that leads to farther loss of life and property. Anyway I guess this happens when greedy corporations ( especially military-industrial complex), and the goverments get cosy. Americans should have listened to Dwight "In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist." "Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired, signifies in the final sense a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed."
  5. ^^^Dats spirit awoowe, so the prophecy has finally came true, but who is to say the "big" won't meet the above mentioned benchmarks.
  6. Rahima...LoL...thanks alot . Now I can't stop thinking about bisexual Somali gals. The idea of kissing a gal who kissed another gal...Hmmm :cool: Seriously, I don't encourage or agree with "double dipping". Just choose a team and stick with it is my motto. But title was misleading. Just hate my excitement to be dampened. The content of the thread should reflect what title of the post says.
  7. ^^Dat's what less fortunate among us tell themselves.
  8. NGONGE...Feeling so benevolent eh, sadly your abrasive remarks shows the signs of belligerent braggart, but tanug you though for your candor,and the trouble of constructing apocryphal tale about Khalid. Khalid understands you have to do whatever is deemed necessary to assuage whatever a indulgent,egoistical self proclaimed intellect feels when faced with simple situations. Khalid would navigate through these threads on his own. His ideas might be amorphous, but he will ameliorate his condition instead of listening to NGONGE, a relic burdened with abtruse philosophy which I might add is beautiful and eloquently written, but lacks the ardor to inspire the Khalids of SOL. So comrade, get out of your walled utopian world, and pick up a gun.May be that will stir some passion that will augment your uninspiring stories. As for the discussion, I concur there is nothing that we could practically do about the incident,but we differ in our explanatations as to why these people violated the girls.
  9. Hhmmm,Interesting, You are very doctrinaire in your writing.
  10. Originally posted by Rahima: Dissapointed you say Che. Interesting! [/QB] Interesting how Rahima
  11. Originally posted by Rahima: quote: ^^^ N you have. Maybe you are looking for manyar of diffirent sort. LOOOL Popcorn anyone? You just like starting trouble. Don't you. Just thought maybe there is dimension to Castro's " The relentless pursuit of sex and Minyar"
  12. I could not agree with the author more. Pland needs to turn a new page, and not be decieved through fear mongering. The leadership lacks a vision, and the resourcefulness to make any progress. There won't be any favorable as long as the likes of Yeey and Cadde are in control. New ideas and new leadership are required, and Planders in diasporo could more to institute change. Political apathy as characterised by today's Planders will render Somali progress.
  13. Originally posted by NGONGE: ^^^ Discussions don’t work that way, my sensitive friend. I have focused on what is going on here, if only you could just read. LoooL..Saaxib, You are so predictable in your answers...Sensitive Kulaa., and never mind how discussions work laakin I did read it, and all I saw was a man trying to defend or atleast minimise da inexcusable by arguing all humans succumb to their primal animalistic urges. Duqa, just condemn these ugly creatures,and drop "it could happen anywhere" mantric rant.
  14. NGONE Says,"Somali ruffians would do the same thing to an Ethiopian girl without batting an eyelid." Have you actually seen any Somali doing that, not dat we are incapable of such actions. I don't know about today's Somalia, but Ethios (mainly Oromo and Eri) never faced such treatments da in Xamar I used to know. Let's focus on things dat actually occurred, not so much scenerios dat could happen.
  15. Che -Guevara

    Be kind

    Originally posted by Tyjwania: ^Would you like saanguwij and farej faraay with that? A bottle of Carib ram would be better in case we need to forget "things"
  16. ^^^LooL Iam sure Horn will tell us da shoes fit just fine MMA. How are dare you insulted the honorable Hiiraale
  17. Che -Guevara

    Be kind

    ^^ first round of drinks on you then
  18. ^^^ N you have. Maybe you are looking for manyar of diffirent sort.
  19. Seylac..Please refrain from Qabiil names. Nobody calls Somaliland by Qabiil name. We all refer to it by what it is general public would like to call it. Have some deceny, and extend the same courtesy to others.
  20. Start with disfranchised and the young. Women are actually last to fall.
  21. Is it just me or title of dis thread throw everybody off. One says "on the low", I thought people usually mean bisexual black men. So, I was like bisexual Somali gals.....Interesting, but very disappointed when I clicked on da topic. Onemangang.....They ain't older gals. Dats where you went wrong.These are women. Treated them as such. Of course nobody wants Magacooda suuqa lagaliyo man or woman.
  22. Jinooley...Lets be business oriented.How about I loan you da money for your vac with .85 interest rate. Galool...I like da name Northerner... Dis guy I know was changing jobs. He was asking if one could roll over their 401K (retirment plan)to their new employer's plan or if he would be better off withdrawing the money from his account. Luckly I knew the basics about 401k, and advised him not to withdraw since there are penalties. Dis situation alone deserves a thread. We all have financial issues that they are not so clear to us. Iam pretty sure that there are some nomads in here that are well versed in these matters, and could explain more indepth in a language we could understand. The most common problem, alot of Somalis face is lack of credit history or just bad credit history. It would nice to have section where this and many more issues could be discussed and analyzed.
  23. How many of you think the SOL forums should have a section dealing with issues regarding of finance and money. I think it would be a great to have a thread just dedicated to dis, and nomads could exchange ideas whether be about personal finance, employement, investing in markets, mortgages, etc. Show your support if you think this is good.
  24. Well said Djib-Somali. The disturbing thing in all this is people who believe that salvation lies in the dismemberment of the old republic. What is oblivious to these people is the fact that these mini-states (Sland, Pland, and even Jabouti) face the same problems that devastated Somali proper, case in point, the reality that exists in today's Pland, essentailly family-run entity where corruptrion and nepotism prevails without any regard to the well being of the larger society. One could hardly anticipate any favorable change in the ways these people run these fiefdoms. A new and fresher minds with diffirent political outlook would be required for there to be any progress. These clan states which are heavily dependent on foriegn powers, and lack the ability to properly facilitate the needs of the people should be challenged. Saylac....Dhulkaaga Qof kugu haysta malaha. If I understood the article correctly, the man simply stating that should be healthy debate among parties since all Awdalites are not the same boat.