Che -Guevara

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Everything posted by Che -Guevara

  1. Paragon...I don't know Somaliland, but the courts certainly can capitalize on the divisions, and the political incompatency of the Cadde regime. The question here is do Planders support change from outside, or would they institute their own changes. Mind you, the reason they are stuck with Cadde, and Yeey cuz Planders sincerely believed these military men will thwart any militristic campaigns emanating from the south. With their chioce in leadership, and that kind of mentality, I don't know how well would the masses in Pland recieve the courts. One thing is clear the current leadership needs to go as it lacks the vision, and skills to lead anything. Xiin.....I don't know what are you talking. But I see things just fine.
  2. Originally posted by RendezVous: Issues are going X-rated mode.......I need to fly LoooL....ok little away. Dis is meant to be educational
  3. Modesty....Reread the posts. No one asked to stay quite. If anything, we encouraged to speak up. People just wondered why you didn't put up a fight. By dropping the class, you choose the easy way out.
  4. ^^^You don't wanna meet your maker. He is waiting!! Have safe trip
  5. Speaking of romance, maybe maryooley need to stay connected(physically),and be in tune with each other. Dis might help web page P.S I thought I was reading page from the kamasutra. I like their defination of Qurux Somali SOOMAALIDA IYO QURUXDA Soomaalidu waxay tiraahdaa: (hadday naagi siddeed iyo labaatan sifo oo dumar lagu raaco leedahay, asay gabar tahay, guurkeeda sina looma daayo). Sifooyinka ay tilmaamaanna waa sidatan:- - Afar ay u dheer tahay: labada gacmood, timaha iyo qoorta. - Labay u dhuuban tahay: qoorta iyo dhexda. - Afar ay dhumuc u leedahay: labada kub iyo labada cududdood. - Afar ay u caddahay: labada indhood iyo ilkaha labadooda lakab. - Afar ay u madowdahay: labada indhood wiilkooda iyo labada sunniyood. - Afar ay deeb u leedahay: labada dibnood (bushimood) iyo labada mudane (Naasaha caaraddooda). - Labay u shuban tahay: labada dhaban. - Hal ay u buuxdo: shafka oo ah meesha dumarku quruxda ka sitaan, ishuna ku nasato. - Hal ay u qoran tahay: waa sanka. Lix iyo labaatankaas sifo araggay ugu qurux badan tahay, labana maqalkooda ayay dheguhu ku raaxaystaan, waana qosolkeeda iyo codkeeda macaan.
  6. OlOL-Kadaro dibi dhal. N What drugs are you on? Umada Islaameed iska daa. If you were offended by Jaylaani. Isaga iska dhici. No need to drag entire nation in this. Stop being juvenile duqa.
  7. Saaxib Qabiil rules supreme at the end day. The internal issues would be difficult one for the courts atleast as it relates to Pland, Jubba/Gedo, and Somaliland. I don't see how the courts would extend their authority into these areas without confronting the current administrations or without resigning to the fact that they might have to share the stage with others. The externals do matter as well since Ethiopia and co mastered the art of exploiting Somalis along tribal lines.
  8. Fait accompli eh Aren't we being little premature here. There are both external and internal forces that the courts have to deal. Give the courts few more months before we declare the kings of the new horn. web page
  9. Something could be done. I think the key is finding people with sames ideas, goals, and determination to see through their stated goals.
  10. Pierre...Are you talking about teenagers(model wannabes) in the Fashion Industry, or the everyday kid that imitate models. I understand the industry must be regulated to guard against abuses directed at prospective teenage employees, but as far the general public is concerned, the goverment shouldn't be legistlating any social agendas. That job should fall on the parents. It is the parent's responsiblities to make sure that your duaghther don't starve herself.
  11. I gotta second Scarface. You shouldn't have dropped the class. Adverse situations are meant to test you and make you stronger. Enroll in the class again, and give dat woman a piece of your mind. P.S everybody is racist !!!!
  12. No, but we lack the orginaziontal skills and determination to make diffirence back home. Me.....Let's deal with me later, but Iam on board.
  13. The goverment is over-stepping its powers. Blaming an industry for wieght related illnesses is the wrong to go. It is the parent's job to inform their teenagers about the dangers of anorexia and bulimia.
  14. LoL@Castro...We need to verify that. Besides, D alone won't cut. Your gene sequence must DH etc . xiin...Me traitor, No. Just need my own Boqortooyo, I must destroy the current one so mine could emerge from the shadows.
  15. Originally posted by Castro: Also, why can't a non-Puntlander speak on behalf of the Puntlanders? Cuz they lack the required Qabiil credentials. We must know Laf, Jilib, Shansho ,and even neenaastaada for you to speak on behalf planders.
  16. Am I one? No, but my parents are Planders. N they adore the place, but Iam more interested in dismantling it. Assassinating the so called leadership would be good start.
  17. ^^^What is your defination of genuine Puntlander ?
  18. Che -Guevara


    Focus on your kids, and on ways to improve your life. Keeping this man in your life will only make things worser.
  19. There is no such thing as pure Somali dialect. All languages have foriegn words, and your so called proper Somali is no diffirent. Of All the Somali dialects, the one with th least foriegn words is the May May. Drop Maxaatiri supremist attitude duqa
  20. Originally posted by me: OK people call me a hater but the reason I dont like about the BBC somali service now is the different accents. I miss the good old days when proper Somali (Northern Somali) was the language of the BBC. Anyhow times are changing . Every Somali dialect is a proper Somali. Who are you to say that the northern Somali is the only proper Somali?
  21. Me.....Lets work for justice, shall we?. No summary executions. Aree Cali Naafto Halaa iska daayo.He is no threat to anybody.
  22. Comrade, Iam disappointed. With the way you have chronicled and deciphered Khalid's personality ,and online misadventures, I thought you would have provided us with his mental notes as well. I guess you have your limitations too. I gotta say though, and not to sound ambivalent about this, but Iam glad you didn't come back with didactic tale about Khalid. As for the topic at hand, you are right. I never gave an explanation. I was merely replying to an assertion you made. And as for my explantion, the boys are essentailly cowards whose minds are repressed, a product of rigid Arabian culture coupled the tyrannical rule of Wahhabi machinery, and the House of Saud. Like much of Saudi society, they are too afriad to face true nemesis(The Wahhabi + Saud family combo), so they settle for the next best thing by unleashing their anger onto these poor girls. They need to believe in themselves and dream bigger.Perhaps, an iconoclast like you may lend a hand to these boys. You can even take JB with you.
  23. The war on terror is sham, the biggest ever perpetuated by America's elites along its cronies in Europe and the east. The winners here are the elites who own and operate multinational corporations which profitted from the so called war on terror. The losers here are the American public and the Muslim masses. America is on barrowing binge. Trillions of dollars are owed to Asian creditors so that war could be sustained. Bush's answer to the growing debt was to give tax cuts to the rich, while his goverment went on spending spree. With inflation and the rising energy cost, the average American only saves $1 out of every $100 earned. The trade deficit with China and other Asian gaints contribute the sluggish growth in the US economy. Life is even more difficult for the Muslims. They have paid the highest costs in term of life and property. Just Iraq in alone, between 40,000 to 100,000 civilian lives have been lost. Mind you, this is just conservative estimate. Continous US interference in the Islamic countries will farther destablize the social, political, and economic structures of all Muslim nation paving the way for never ending violence that leads to farther loss of life and property. Anyway I guess this happens when greedy corporations ( especially military-industrial complex), and the goverments get cosy. Americans should have listened to Dwight "In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist." "Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired, signifies in the final sense a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed."
  24. ^^^Dats spirit awoowe, so the prophecy has finally came true, but who is to say the "big" won't meet the above mentioned benchmarks.
  25. Rahima...LoL...thanks alot . Now I can't stop thinking about bisexual Somali gals. The idea of kissing a gal who kissed another gal...Hmmm :cool: Seriously, I don't encourage or agree with "double dipping". Just choose a team and stick with it is my motto. But title was misleading. Just hate my excitement to be dampened. The content of the thread should reflect what title of the post says.