Che -Guevara

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Everything posted by Che -Guevara

  1. This one made laugh. Turki Rambo weero muu samaynaa. His forces don't even share border with Hargeysa, and their taageero in Sland isn't all that powerful.
  2. Laba dollar.....High robbery yaaqeey even in da Somali deep south. I say form union, and start negotiations right away. P.S Xoog****, I can see your smiles these days man.
  3. I sympathise with the poor the girl, but let's not call our fellow Muslims Gaallo.
  4. LoooL...Talk about virtual Ajar.
  5. Originally posted by me: Che guevara you are out ofline there man. You don't know much about the situation, so its an insult to suggest that the arrest was qat related. [/QB] Insult or no insult, it is either Qat or Qabiil. I don't know wat else would force Islaamaha out onto the streets. Apparently Afmadow and Buaale have also fallen to the courts.
  6. Originally posted by me: Che guevara you are out ofline there man. You don't know much about the situation, so its an insult to suggest that the arrest was qat related. [/QB] Insult or no insult, it is either Qat or Qabiil. I don't know wat else would force Islaamaha out onto the streets. Apparently Afmadow and Buaale have also fallen to the courts.
  7. That's better....Horn horta Ma isla waydiiyay Ragaan dhulka Yaa kaxiga. You and I ain't any more Kismaayood than Turki.N as far as could tell the events of the early 90s are not unfolding in Kismayo. If they spared the city murder and mayhem,and connected it to Benadir, Iam all for it. we need a single unified entity in Somalia, not fiefdoms run by "good" warlords in the name of their clan.
  8. That's better....Horn horta Ma isla waydiiyay Ragaan dhulka Yaa kaxiga. You and I ain't any more Kismaayood than Turki.N as far as could tell the events of the early 90s are not unfolding in Kismayo. If they spared the city murder and mayhem,and connected it to Benadir, Iam all for it. we need a single unified entity in Somalia, not fiefdoms run by "good" warlords in the name of their clan.
  9. LooooL...Acuudi Bilaah...Ramadan Isku Shixood. Qararacbadan jooji. All of sudden when things are out of your hand in Kismayo...The Islamic militia became militia beeleed. Paragon... Maxaa iri ninyahow. Ninkaan ciil aa haaya. I don't care if the woman that got arrested is related to the Ugaas. This man would have us believe these the guys from xamar are any worser than Barre's boys. Buddy you lost...shuush move on now!!!!!
  10. LooooL...Acuudi Bilaah...Ramadan Isku Shixood. Qararacbadan jooji. All of sudden when things are out of your hand in Kismayo...The Islamic militia became militia beeleed. Paragon... Maxaa iri ninyahow. Ninkaan ciil aa haaya. I don't care if the woman that got arrested is related to the Ugaas. This man would have us believe these the guys from xamar are any worser than Barre's boys. Buddy you lost...shuush move on now!!!!!
  11. Islaamahaan Qaadkooda Ha udaayaan!!! You gotta earn living somehow!!!!
  12. Islaamahaan Qaadkooda Ha udaayaan!!! You gotta earn living somehow!!!!
  13. ^^^Then they should punish whoever shoot this though we don't know where was this filmed.
  14. It might be hoax, but then again Isn't Somaliland the same people that tortured and raped a young girl while in custody and accused her of being an assassin. That was story was dismissed altogether when it first came out. I say Somalis are capable of anything, sick minded people.
  15. Now it is time for change in Bay/Bakool, and Pland. The Somali people have far made the right choices though some very relectantly. Lets keep the pressure. P.S Grievances can be addressed, and from I understand Indhaccade will hand over Shabbelle Hoose to the courts. They understand their success will largerly depend on how eqiutable they are.
  16. As long as one group of Somalis are winning, and considilating their hold on the country, Iam all for it. Horn...Get it over duqa, Barre is gone and he ain't coming back. Now let's move to Gedo, and Mudug.
  17. They missed him. Adoga nasiib badanaa. The TFG is looking more fragile by the day. Yeey should just retire, and leave the Somali people. Somali leader survives bomb blast The president's convoy had just left when the explosions went off An apparent bid to assassinate Somalia's interim president has killed four people and injured several outside parliament in the town of Baidoa. The suspected car bomb went off soon after a convoy left carrying President Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmed, but the leader is said to have escaped unharmed. A second bomb exploded near the first, and at least five cars were on fire outside the parliament building. The interim government controls only Baidoa and a small area around it. The capital, Mogadishu, and much of southern Somalia are run by the Union of Islamic Courts, which has tense relations with the government. Pool of blood A Somali police official in Baidoa said he had counted four dead bodies. The interim president's rule is largely confined to Baidoa "I saw four dead people lying in front of the parliament in a pool of blood," Shirre Moalim Nur, deputy police commissioner for the Bay region around Baidoa, told AFP news agency. Shino Moalim, a government official, also put the death toll at four, the Associated Press news agency reports. Somali Foreign Minister Ismail Hurre said the attack had been an assassination attempt on the president. Speaking to Reuters news agency from the Kenyan capital, Nairobi, he added that the president was "fine". Abdirahman Dinari, government spokesman in Baidoa, confirmed Mr Yusuf Ahmed had escaped the blast and was "safe". Local journalist Mohamed Adawe said the blast came 10 minutes after the president had delivered a speech.
  18. lazy.....How about asking Faraax just to wrap it up. That way no pregnancy, or STDs. Assigning all the responsiblities to the womenfolk isn't very helpful in the long run. These women need to be taught to stand up for themselves.
  19. Originally posted by Paragon: ^^^ Che check this out... quote: "Boosaaso, Hargeysa, Burco, Gaalkacyo iyo Baydhabo waxay dhex jiifaan webi soo socda" ayuu yiri Sh. Xasan Turki oo ula jeeday in Maxaakiimta ay tegayaan goobahaasi.- Not my words, but the courts' words. So when I spoke as I did yesterday, I wasn't just talking for the sake of it. Something is coming...we just have to be patient. [EDIT]About the AU's troops to Somalia, the estimated cost is $931m. How the AU gets that amount of money beats me. And if they get that amount, much awaits for these troops within Somalia. Paragon.....seeing how excited you are, may be you are privy to more classified info.You are right somthing is coming. The Somali masses will have to make choice between Maxaamkiimta, and TFG/IGAD/Warlords. And for our sake, I hope people support the courts as they are best hope for Somalia now. The TFG is essentially cleint of the neighboring states whose only interest is to see Somalia weak and divided. TFG is on its way out and the wadaado have the ball on the court, and must capitalize their recent successes, but they must understand traitors,and enemies of the Somali state can doing everything humanly possible to derail the court's efforts. So, it is extremely important that they seek the support of all Somali people, and make their movement a more inclusive one. As for the socalled peacekeepers, AU forces don't have the means and the ability to sustain any another peace mission. This is just means to divert attention from the success of the courts, and complicate the somali issue even farther.
  20. Khalaf....It doesn't matter if one kills, rapes, or loots. As long as one professes the Islamic faith, I don't think you have the right to call them a Kuffar unless they themselves renounce Islam. Condemn their actions bro, but don't question their belief in the almighty. Critising Arabs or even insulting doesn't and shouldn't translate as an attack on our prophet (PBUH). are pretty serious buddy.
  21. "Chestnut Tree (the Honesty) — of unusual stature, impressive, well-developed sense of justice, fun to be around, a planner, born diplomat, can be irritated easily, sensitive of others feelings, hard worker, sometimes acts superior, feels not understood at times, fiercely family oriented, very loyal in love, physically fit." Interesting, not accurate description, but there is some truth. What's your tree Nubia?
  22. Originally posted by Khalaf: U have committed disobedience to Allah by calling Arabs who are Muslims including the companions and the Prophet peace be upon him-that! Your not funny. And those ppl-the Somalis who u think are warriors, according to Islam they are kufars! Because of them you are refugee and your country has been destroyed-not by Arabs but by your own breathen. Better then Arabs huh? [/QB] You just contradicted yourself. You scolded Devilangle for insulting Muslims,then went on to call us (Somalis) Kuffars. You could made your point without assailing your own people, alot of whom Iam sure are decent Muslims themselves. One more thing, what has the prophet (PBUH) got to do with todays Arabs.
  23. Nice scam, more like extortion. Maybe she can turn this into the ultimate reality tv show.She should get in touch with some TV producers.
  24. Destroying envormerka would mean killing countless maryooley,and dat's not be good if we wanna be dominant force in the horn.
  25. ^^^Disappointed Duqa N I thought you and I were going si aan qaarijino Cadde iyo Riyaale.