Che -Guevara

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Everything posted by Che -Guevara

  1. It is about the Benjamins. That's why I don't watch much of US Networks, despicable really. I remember when Katie Couric was coming to CBS. People were talking if she was cute enough, and would increase viewership. Heck, Iam just interested in facts.
  2. Not too many really, but the question is what comes after. You take out of one these thugs, who would be the replacement?
  3. ^^^We have sizable Somali Bantu community in our state, and I have interacted with them through work, and were able to befriend few of them. They are indeed more patriotic. They are more attached to the land and felt real sense of loss from being kicked out of their lands. I think they are actually more Somali than those of us from the nomadic tribes (Maxaatiri Somalis). As for the Bantu term, I think they have adopted the term to illustrate their plight as persecuted group who were/are discriminated simply of their physical features. Somalis either call them by their Qabiil or by the term Jareer-Weyn.
  4. ^^^^^Duqa No worries. Makaaga bixin, just saying that killer would be the last thing I wanna be, but if it comes to that for us to regain our righful place in the world, then so be it. But violence should always be the last option, the very last.
  5. I have seen Somalis marry all kinds of people, but it is pretty unique.Back home, families will disown their gals if they ever fancy a Bantu. Best of luck to them. Somali Bantus are pretty interesting people, and have alot of horrible stories to tell. Majority are hardworking, kind , and I gotta admit more patriotic that your average Somali.
  6. Originally posted by me: pray to Almighty that we have somewhere safe to call home. I feel you Cambaro. You are right. Same here, wejst want our country back. It isn't too much to ask for is it? War Hadal badane haan buuxiyeey. That offer still on the table. We can take out the warmongers. This thing below has your name written all over.
  7. Death is preferable to miserable existence. I understand what would drive a young Somali to a certain demise.Maybe he feels that he could contribute to greater cause, and salvage what's left of his dignity. As for me, Iam too much of coward to be killer, but then agian under diffirent circumstance who knows.
  8. W/Calaykum. Didn't generalise walaal, and dat's why I only speak of my experience. Of course I realise not every Somali woman would have reacted the same way,but it is something in culture that nurtures for lack of better word Haruuf by girls towards their menfolk.
  9. What makes you think that women would be better leaders?
  10. Alle-Ubaahne...easy with habaar duco combo.
  11. I don't know , but it might be the nature of Somali women to scorn Somali men. Something lights up in their head and turns them into little monsters. I remember one time I was with my brother on train. As we boarded the train, we saw this gal standing right across us. My brother glanced her way, and said "A/calaykuM". Big mistake, I have never seen someone change the face expression that fast (lighting, such contempt on this woman's face. It was like we killed her father or violated her in some manner. You should have seen the look on my bro's face, and I started cracking up. Well that didn't help the situation.
  12. War Horn...Seem very eager for some action. Didn't think the loss of Kismayo was gonna have this effect on you.
  13. Booqashada markii hore maxaa udiiday. This is too little too late. Now they are just reacting the court's movement. Passive existence doesn't win or guarantee peace. They should have doing this two years ago when they had the support of the majority of the people. They have been turning screws on the warlords, and be proactive. I say your time is up, move over now. Oppurtunity doesn't knock twice!!
  14. I understand where you are coming from and I wouldn't encourage political apathy. It is what get us where we are today. Having said that, the more you educate yourself about politics, the more discouring it seems, but it is very important to make your voices heard as the candidates will only listen to those that immerse and take interest in their campaigns. And this is where Somali Community Centers should step in and educate voters (atleast those with limited language skills) about the issues and the men/women running for offices.
  15. Coz like any society we have own degenerate characters. We are not any better or worse than any other society.
  16. Duke- has the TFG achieved anything so far. Two years on, the TFG can't point to any tangible progress that they have made in the country. It lacks vision, and honestly the compatency to lead the country to any brighter future. The leaders at the top are either politically inapt or simply hell bent on destroying what's left our beloved country. The very concept of TFG as institution might stand above all, but the reality is people running this institution are not equipped to lead this nation. Inter-squabbling and globe-trotting have become their two fav past times. What are their goals, strategies, and vision for the nation, and why aren't they communicating that to the nation.
  17. Duke..Saaxib, it is beyond me just why you still support the TFG. I assume you that you are intelligent man, please enlight as why the boys in baydhabo are worthy our support and understanding. N Please don't bring courts into the argument. Just tell why Somalis should give the TFG another chance?
  18. Talk about irony. The TFG helping the very warlords that wouldn't allow it to set foot in Somalia. Yeey and his ilk are morally bankrupt, and lets hope they lose this one.
  19. Forget babies having babies...what about Axad goosayahe weenlay Koob iyo toban jirin baan mehersade leh. Xooli dheh Kitaabkey buu akhristay....Freaking pedophile. Kan camal tarabuunkii xamar in lasoo istaajiyo oo la dhaga xeeyo aa fiican.
  20. They should shoot him point blank execution style. Disgusting!!!!!!! Umadaan Diin Mala miyaa.
  21. The inclusion of voters into these debates is somewhat valuable, but the responses given by the candidates is very scripted, hardly reflects his/her veiw on given question, and rarely deviates from agenda set by the campaign managers. The whole political scene needs a reformation, and the hold of these two parties need to be broken. As for my state, for first time we might have minority candidate winning the governership. web page I will be probably voting for him. He looks the best choice out there.
  22. ^^^^^LOL. I gotta admit that was funny episode. With the way they are going, I bet it will be just a matter of time before they turn up north. I guess we will see then how Xiin reacts. LoL@Turkish
  23. Strenght peace through sustainable agricultural development. Introduce new and easily accesible agricultural technologies and educate the farming communities by establishing Agricultural Research Center. The country has to be able to feed its own, and same time all Somalis must feel that they have a stake in their land. N last but not the least I wanna own my farm. Goverment level, I would love to see the any future Somali goverment streamline the processes of obtianing bunisess licences. The less bureaucracy, the better. Djib.....We might be helpful to each other.
  24. LoooL...Ar take it easy. Yaaba is gaare.This is pretty funny. What would be funnier is to see rag la karbaasho by the virtue police in Hargeisa and Garowe.
  25. They could do nothing, eheh. The last time I checked they kicked the warlords of Xamar Cadeey, Jowhar, and Kismayo. They restored peace and order to much of the south filling the vacuums left behind the blood suckers. They are cautiously moving to capture all Somalia. Yeey on the other hand is holed up in small dusty town with little or no influence outside his Madaxtooyo.He has no plan, no army to speak of, and no certainly real supporters in Baydhabo or elsewhere. He is heavily depent on external forces to even maintian his presence in the present capital. He squandered the oppurtunity and the honor that Somalis bestow upon him. It is time now to move on.