Che -Guevara

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Everything posted by Che -Guevara

  1. ^^^Pretty much as far as I know. Didn't like him actually, felt little relieved at first but then felt at my reaction to his demise.
  2. Originally posted by Dabshid: this should be posted at political section, as warning.. LoooL...I could see Horn tracking down Xiin
  3. they're straight out of Qardho. What's wrong with Qardho -Ayoub Redsea....I think it is safe to say that almost anyone in SOL can't engage in debate about our history without interjecting thier own biases into argument. That's why it is better we leave to people with more objective mind.
  4. "Hunt a jew" freaking redneck funny, but I will pass. predictable bunchlines
  5. Depressing Indeed. I fail to see what will this do for the future generations. It is self-indulgence on massive scale.
  6. Originally posted by Jaylaani: Che, Why every southern dude I see calls him self reer xamar when he never spent a day in Banaadir? Most of you’re from the villages. It shows in your attitudes! Magaalao joog xumadu aad bay idiinku badan tahay saaxiib…maxaa aritaa ka jira? LooooL....Saaxib, I personally like village life, and Reer koonfer for most part are farmers that live in small villages. So, maba diidanin inaan badankaynu naha reer tuulo oo beerahooda iska fasha. laakin saaxib waxaa naga sii daran xoolo dhaqato. In the human evolutionary ladder, beeralay waaka ilbax santay geeljire. Marka Saaxib, adoo hada Hawd ka yimid oo logahaaga boorkii wali ku yaalo inaad wax iga sheegtid gardaro ma ahow. Bal reer magaalinimo idinkaa idiin dayne, waxaad ka hishiin wax ha nagasiinina. In meantime ma ahow, tuuladeena iska joognaa while we wait geeljire to deliver their livestocks to Bososo, and XamarCadeey. Redsea...Saaxib, Ima fahmin, I didn't mean to bother you with my family tree, laakin reer waqooyi waxaad nooga dhigtay dad qalaad, the point of my post was to convey Soomaali waa istaqaan, way isla dhashayn, waa isdhaleen, and waana is dhex dagaan.Unless ninyahow aa Soomaali ka baxdeen claiming to be reer Haashim as our friend Sharif seylac like to remind us every time, in which case waaxaa indinka codsaneynaa inaad macamus, bakoorada, afar jeeblaha, and koofida abtidoon soo celisiin, hadii kale ma ahow, lets continue with our little chatter but without Redsea's crush course on reer waqooyi kaftan and ways. ME...Walaal, Lets leave history to historians, and as for who won and lost, well the four of us here are all in some foriegn with no prospect returning to our country or countries, that alone should tell us something.
  7. Redsea-Saaxib meelkale ka buskacisa. Forumkaan raga furtaa iska leh. Somalilane walaa reer koonfur bee kala jeclayn. Aniguse waxaan ku qoslaaye jaylaani moderators waa baised buu yiri...meaning reer walaweyn meesha camiratey. Madekale, saaxib waa adiga Qaldaanka ku hayee, anigu reer Xamar waan ahe laakin I spend good many years in Buhoodle (unless Pland de-qaldaanized the place) where half of family is from. So bro, good many of us southerners know do know well our northern brethen. I like qararac reer mudug better since I don't know them all that well.
  8. LoooL...Duke naga qaleey saaxib. Mass defection everywhere. I admire your dedication.
  9. Originally posted by Jaylaani: Moderators here are bias LooL...Well they all happen to be from Somalia. Maybe you will find more receptive ears in Somaliland sites. Waryaa..ME soon waaye dadkaan hadabaanjin.
  10. A/calaykum Salaam,Aaliyah416- Walaal Horta let me say all isku mid ma aha laakin badankood markay ku arkaan ee gartaan that Iam Somali. Something comes over them. Dadka nindhahooda waa isku dhacaan in public places.And you usually look once , and politely look away, laakin Somalida waxaa ku soo daga. The presence of another Somali makes little uncomfortable or more conscious. Iam like maxaa isku waaleey.isdaji, and go about your business. I hate specially the ones that stare and say nothing. I had a lot Ethios stare at me, but they would usually come upto me , and ask me if Iam Xabashi. I would say no, and that would be the end of it. If it is older Somali person that's staring at me, I usually strike up conversation with them.
  11. ^^Iam guessing anybody that ain't from his Qabiil.
  12. Originally posted by Jamilah: LOL. Your brother must be U-G-L-Y I mean thats the only logical explanation. [/QB] Ugly..No, I wish that was the case, then atleast her reaction would have made some sense. We figure it must have been that time of the month, but I don't think even that would explain this woman's behavior. Murefu...Waa loo aamusaa. Nindhee maanta dhan wareejiyaan. The Somalis in general that I meet on trains are all funny. Some stare at you, others look everywhere but you.
  13. Originally posted by Baashi: My tribe in general and my clan in particular and its elders seem to be losing their sanity. Very sad to report but the intrigue and poltical calculation of Cadde and Inna Yussuf is no more. Greed and obssessive and irrational fixation of winning the power through proxy nations is all that left in their game. [/QB] Tanug You Baashi.Finally a sane Plander that realises the course the leadership has taken is one that leads to certain oblivion. We have been outsmarted, outgunned, and almost reduced to the status of bystander. We need to get rid of ourselves the corrupt warmongers. This is price one pays for choosing career killers over educated men.
  14. ^^^True, but I get the feeling it is foregone conclusion that's gonna play itself out to horrifying end, and when it's all over, neither those that battled nor those of us are just bystanders would know why so many young men had to be needlessly sacrified. Talk about being the defective gene in the human race. We are simply pathetic!!!!
  15. ^^^I don't know about that Ninyahow. Odega Kismaayo suu uga baxa la yaabe.
  16. ^^^^I guess you are not from the States then.
  17. LoL@Horn...I thought you would have come with better argument, not usual dismissive cunug baa tahay Somali rant. Disappointed yaaqeey. Anyway, i don't have to be well versed in Somali politics to know and understand the story. Believe me the plot is always the same. It is like Bollywood movie, just diffirent actors, but the same storyline. And nowhere I have said that you actually insulted any particular individual in the courts, I was merely referring to your dwindling support of their efforts to reclaim all Somalia. You stated that it wasn't the court's intentions to invade Kismayo, maybe so. It could have been an idea concocted by few men, and the courts were forced to live with the resulting aftermath, but the reality is that Kismayo is being held in the court's name today. And they will defend with all their men and resources. And according to you horn, the invasion of Kismayo has caused a shift in the delicate balance of the Somali clan politics in the South. There has been a delicate clan balance in Southern Somalia that had existed ever since the USC's fall in Gedo. The Entity from Mogadishu trespassed on that delicate clan balance with force and arrogance and any amateur would have known what the result would be and will be. Saaxib, What's delicate balance you speak of. Could it have been one where Hiiraale and his boys ruled supreme all over others. I think you are just more incensed the Barre and his boys were given the boot and less concerned with the court's misadventures that might plunge Somalia into another brutal civil war. And the sad thing here is that Barre could have avioded all this. He played his cards wrong and miscalculated his moves.He tried to play both camps by being part of the TFG whilst agreeing with the courts on many of the issues before us (most importantly foreign troop deployement). Neutrality isn't option in conflicts. Pick side and go your merry way. He is Somali warlord with vested interests in this conflict's outcome, the idea that he could play the neutral force is very dumb to say the least. laters comrade
  18. ^^^LoL@Kathmandu. Morgan Wax laga sheegi jiri. Kow Inadeerkiis oo ka daran aa yimid.
  19. And who is gonna guarantee the likes of Hiraale and Qaybdiid won't return of the good old days of warlordism. TFG is advocating clan fiefdoms. Do you think Hiraale would relent control of Kismayo to the TFG if he recaptures the place.
  20. Dadka beenta badan khayr malahay. i say dump his sorry a-ss.
  21. LOOL@Horn.....I don't know what Jimcaale writes, but it is amazing to see how your mashxarad for the courts turned into a frown once they reached the gates of Kismayo. I didn't think you were just Qabiil supremist. Ayoub....interesting indeed. I would to hear him explain his sudden change.
  22. I have already, but lets add Indhacadde to the hit list!!!