Che -Guevara

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Everything posted by Che -Guevara

  1. Loooooooooool@OodWeyne. Adeer, sidaasaad igu ogtahay. Odeyga Duke ah, waa sidaad sheegtaye nin xun ma aha mar waanan ka nixin doonin oo soo daabici maayo war kale oo wadnaha gooya . Tanug you.Meeshaan la,aantiis ma socon kartee. I feel budhlaandays maanta Saaxib, Wadaado wixii "land" ku jira ma jeclay, say tala ah. Cambarro...You could be vacationing in the Islamic Republic of
  2. So bring back the fun,you can do it!!!
  3. Femme is picking up subliminal messages that you can't decode, so back off!
  4. ^^^I understand the concern for public safety, but I think it would prove to be more dangerous if he was to silenced. Now he is just ranting i-diot, censorhsip might just turn him into a paraniod psychopat with grudge.
  5. ^^^loool..Didn't think you were that sentative. True he doesn't present a flattering image of Kazakhistan, but I thought most of his antics were at the expense of the Yanks.
  6. Waraa Paragon...maanta duke maa dan leedahay.
  7. Khalaf....Horta what were you doing at Somaligate. Waa nuursate markaas nac nac noola imaaneey. Naga qalee dee duqa P.S wouldn't nacalat be on those who view ( and you did view them) the half-naked pics of women.
  8. Dear I live in the state of Massachusetts, the only the state in the US the gays could get actually married, and I vote democrat. My concern with article wasn't so much about gays, Iam just more pissed the idea of censoring someone just because you don't agree with their political and religious views. The reverend merely stated his views on homosexuality, and in no way did his pamphlets promoted violence and discrimination against gays. The postal workers over stepped the boundaries by not serving a paying customer whose only fault was that the materials he was sending violated the constitution of the postal union. One needs to inform the postal employees that the union constitution is not the law of the land, and the reverend couldn't have violated it since he is not union member. And if other customers don't like to recieve these pamphlets, they can simply request the post not to mail these pamphlets to their residences.
  9. Yup, Borat was one of the characters on his HBO show.
  10. LooL....Ar odaga haka urdasiina wadno gariir uusay ku dhicineh. You know how bad those roads( the ones he was supposed to fix)are in Pland. Interesting development, lets see how this turns out. P.S I hope Laas Caanod inay Maxkamad uga dhawaaqaan just to watch him run to the other More seriously though, Lets hope this doesn't bring instability to the land.
  11. His last name is Cohen. He is Jew. I caught the preview of his movie on comedy central, funny staff, but sometimes he over does it. P.S I think the Kazakh gov actually invited him to visit their country.
  12. Nothing is gonna happen, but Nancy Pelosi will make history by becoming the first female speaker of the house. Did anybody see the ad against Harold Ford Jr of Tenessee?
  13. I think they should their job and deliver the dam thing. They have no right to pick and choose what can or can't be delivered. Anyone refusing should be suspended without pay.
  14. Originally posted by raadamiir: Warr these guys are doing the samething the USC did they are no different they need to be stoped!!! That's stretching saaxib. Qabyaalad might have played a role here, but it is hardly comparable to USC of 1991.
  15. ^^^loooL...speedy dheath aa..xuu kaa sameeyey. besides, what would his demise change? I say engage him in sort of forum where women have the oppurtunity to voice their opinion. Maybe he can invite ( or they can demand)local female Muslim populace to the mosque, and have Q&A session. Be more practical people in solving problems.
  16. Introverted Sensing Thinking Perceiving by Marina Margaret Heiss Profile: ISTP Revision: 3.0 Date of Revision: 26 Feb 2005 Like their fellow SPs, ISTPs are fundamentally Performers (note the capital 'P' ), but as Ts their areas of interest tend to be mechanical rather than artistic like those of ISFPs, and unlike most ESPs they do not present an impression of constant activity. On the contrary, they lie dormant, saving their energy until a project or an adventure worthy of their time comes along--and then they launch themselves at it. The apparently frenzied state that inevitably ensues is actually much more controlled than it appears--ISTPs always seem to know what they're doing when it comes to physical or mechanical obstacles--but the whole chain of events presents a confusing and paradoxical picture to an outsider. ISTPs are equally difficult to understand in their need for personal space, which in turn has an impact on their relationships with others. They need to be able to "spread out"--both physically and psychologically--which generally implies encroaching to some degree on others, especially if they decide that something of someone else's is going to become their next project. (They are generally quite comfortable, however, with being treated the same way they treat others--at least in this respect.) But because they need such a lot of flexibility to be as spontaneous as they feel they must be, they tend to become as inflexible as the most rigid J when someone seems to be threatening their lifestyle (although they usually respond with a classic SP rage which is yet another vivid contrast to their "dormant," impassive, detached mode). These territorial considerations are usually critical in relationships with ISTPs; communication also tends to be a key issue, since they generally express themselves non-verbally. When they do actually verbalize, ISTPs are masters of the one-liner, often showing flashes of humor in the most tense situations; this can result in their being seen as thick-skinned or tasteless. Like most SPs, ISTPs may have trouble with rote and abstract classroom learning, which tend not to be good measures of their actual intelligence. They tend, sometimes with good reason, to be highly skeptical of its practical value, and often gravitate towards classes in industrial arts; part-time vocational/ technical programs can be useful to even the college-bound ISTP. In terms of careers, mechanics and any of the skilled trades are traditional choices, and those ISTPs with strong numerical as well mechanical gifts tend to do extremely well in most areas of engineering. Working as paramedics or firefighters can fulfill the ISTP need to live on the edge; they are at their best in a crisis, where their natural disregard for rules and authority structures allows them to focus on and tackle the emergency at hand in the most effective way. ISTPs with more sedate careers usually take on high-risk avocations like racing, skydiving, and motorcycling. While aware of the dangers involved, they are so in touch with the physical world that they know they can get away with much smaller safety margins than other types. Famous ISTPs: (I have to give Joe Butt credit for most of the following) U.S. Presidents: Zachary Taylor Charles Bronson Tom Cruise James Dean Clint Eastwood Burt Reynolds Keith Richards Charlie Yeager Frank Zappa
  17. I am in arabia..and there was no a single rape reported in my place.. Majority of rapes even here in the west are not reported. Most women just suffer in silence. Cara...Safer in Have you lived in any of the five boroughs?. I don't know about If Burkas protect women or if miniskirts cause men to lose control, but I guarantee you NYC ain't any safer than Cairo. This is image of NY web page that comes to mind everytime I hear a woman being sexually assualted down in the big apple.
  18. Saaxib....Diin, deegaan, iyo dadbaa Wadaagnaa ee aan tashano waa wax la gartay laakin isoo raac ama Jahanamo kaa horeysa aakhira af Somali ma, aha.
  19. If you don't, and you think you are still a Muslim, know that you compromised your faith for something that is going to haunt you forever. Saaxib, danbe lay hagalin
  20. ^^^LooL, there must be nothing else to do on friday afternoon in Bososo.
  21. Wacye ok my boy What's your defination of fanatic?
  22. Aaliyah...LoL@Habashi. As kid, Pakistanis used to think I was a Bengali, and into adulthood, most Ethios I run into think Iam Habashi. It is annoying, but most are nice though. But they have their own staring thing going too. Jamilah..Come on, what are the chances every Somali that come across stares at you?