Che -Guevara

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Everything posted by Che -Guevara

  1. ^^^^They were told Shiek Irani was given the post in Saanag, Sool and Bari. So they made the run towards the South. Here comes Shiek Gaagab
  2. ^^^^Why do you have to ruin Duke's moment. Darn it
  3. This is good progress, and do you have any update on seaport?
  4. Me.....Lets avoid phrases like "final solution" little disturbing.
  5. Me.....Lets avoid phrases like "final solution" little disturbing.
  6. Knowing who you are dealing with helps in your preparation against your adversaries. Nice read. "Somalia was part of greater Ethiopia"
  7. Knowing who you are dealing with helps in your preparation against your adversaries. Nice read. "Somalia was part of greater Ethiopia"
  8. Not funny saaxib. I think we need to get you married off.
  9. So, when are you going there? Home dat's. Alle-Ubaahne ha isku haleen. Afkalay ka nool yahay.
  10. The women, led by Caraweelo, seized all the weapons, rounded up the men and castrated all but one who managed to escape. Gacmaha baruur ku heestayn markii xininyaha laga goonaye. Seems she was terrorist. I could see Bush declaring war on her. The little tramp got pregnant I say she was the smartest among the crazy bunch.
  11. ^^^^You watch your fellow Somali Muslims getting killed, how are you any diffirent?
  12. Hadee saas tahay bal Shiekh Che (Abu Zubairi) baa socday suga. We shall meet in Garowe Shiekh Paragon (Irani).
  13. Paragon....waaba kaa shakiyee meel maa laguu si camirey.
  14. Cara....I guess you get it wrong. Maine is the largest New England state, maybe you meant Rhode Island or Delaware. I got all except for Nebraska, Illinios, and Utah. still did better than some Yanks.
  15. ^^^They run the country. Ethiopia never had a Muslim head of state.
  16. The extremists "represent a direct threat first to Somalia and the Somali people" Talk about arrogance. Who is he to speak for the Somali people.
  17. Juje...LoooL who is taking cover deen saaxib. Runtaa lagoo sheegay. That wasn't analysis, more like things that you wish would happen in the coming days. Waxa uurka kuu jiray soo daacdey.
  18. Guys...Calaacalka iska daaya. It is not good trait for a man to possess. If you couldn't beat UIC on the ground, let's not resort to habaar and wishfull thinking that it might collapse under its own weight.
  19. Iam literally high on suga from halloween candies at work. I think I might go tricky treating with my nephew, and dressed up him as Osama Ben Laden.
  20. Hit link below and see if you could finish the test in alloted time so you could be promoted to the next level. People in the states gotta pass this.web page
  21. ^^^^^He finally found the minyar he was looking for. The man is busy, and living in his version of heaven.
  22. Pretty much every Somali Qabiil, and it is becoming more inclusive everyday. The main force as of now is from Mogadisho tribes aka USC tribes.