Che -Guevara

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Everything posted by Che -Guevara

  1. No break for the wicked. Will the Republican scandals starting with speaker Tom Delay resignation to Haggard's dismissal as the head of 30m-strong National Association of Evangelicals keep away voters on tuesday, and can the democrats capitalize on this by winning back the house. If you are in Massachusetts, show your support for Deval web page Come out and Vote.
  2. Disgraced former US evangelical leader Ted Haggard has confessed to his followers that he was guilty of "sexual immorality". "I am a deceiver and a liar," Mr Haggard said in a letter - a day after his New Life Church fired him for what it called "sexually immoral conduct". A vocal opponent of gay marriage, he earlier admitted buying drugs and having a massage from a gay masseur. But he denied using the methamphetamine or having sex with the man. "I am so sorry for the circumstances that have caused shame and embarrassment for all of you," Mr Haggard said in the letter that was read out to New Life Church followers in Colorado Springs. "There is a part of my life that is so repulsive and dark and I've been warring against it my entire adult life," the letter said. 'Pastor Ted' The row erupted last week, after Mike Jones told a Colorado radio station that he had been paid to have sex with Mr Haggard nearly every month over the past three years. Mr Jones said stepped forward because of the gay marriage issue Mr Haggard denied the claims but said he did receive a massage after being referred to Mr Jones by a Denver hotel. Mr Haggard, 50, who on Thursday stepped down as the head of the 30m-strong National Association of Evangelicals, also admitted that he bought methamphetamine but "never used it". The issue is being played out against the backdrop of a vote in Colorado and seven other US states on Tuesday on whether to ban same-sex marriages. Mr Haggard, who is also known as "Pastor Ted" and has five children, has close contacts with the White House.
  3. Ethiopia's most senior judge, Teshale Aberra, has left the country following threats and "continued harassment" from the government, he has told the BBC. The Supreme Court president accused the government of Prime Minister Meles Zenawi of killing its critics but managing to avoid international blame. He also said the government was planning to appoint new, loyalist judges throughout the system. Mr Meles had been seen as being part of a new generation of African leaders. Mr Teshale is the latest in a series of senior officials - judges, diplomats and military commanders - to flee the country. Massacres He told the BBC's Focus on Africa programme that Mr Meles' government was just as bad as that of its predecessor, led by Mengistu Haile Mariam, who is accused of crimes against humanity. "The difference is these guys as wise... These people kill whoever they feel like and then ask: 'Who killed them?'" Another judge, Wolde-Michael Meshesha, recently fled the country after carrying out an investigation into the suppression of protests against alleged fraud in last year's elections. In his report, he said the police had massacred 193 people. His report said that the government had concealed the true extent of deaths at the hands of the police. He claimed he had been put under pressure to alter his findings and fled into hiding in Europe when he received anonymous death threats. More than 100 opposition leaders, journalists and aid workers were rounded up during the protests and are currently on trial, accused of treason and attempted genocide. Police records showed 20,000 people were arrested during the anti-government protests, the judge said. In January, Britain withheld $87m in aid because of concerns over the unrest. Last year, Mr Meles was invited onto the panel of the UK's Commission for Africa to find ways of relieving poverty in the world poorest continent.
  4. Duke.....Congrats bro, you have new convert in the name of Khalaf. Good to see that corrupt regime is atleast making some progress.
  5. ^^^Hargeysa iyo Mogadisho Bosaso maa ka xigtaa?
  6. Once aad Baydhabo timaado that confirms in lagaa raaye. He should just give up this futile quest.
  7. ^^^Now we know where you are from..wazzup cuz Do one of you ever came across pics from Buhoodle?
  8. Alle-U Saaxib, adba waad so marte. It is the right of every maryooley to go throught that. Let be it. Back to the topic, the courts must not derial the peace and stability that Pland has been enjoying. Direct military confrontation will only give more ammunitions to the likes of cadde.
  9. I think Planders in the diasporo have failed terribly in organizing an effective oppisition to this corrupt regime. It is them that has the resources and the means to bring about any change in the way this administration is run.
  10. My sympathies with my people in South Africa. 32 of them dead so far,and some were even burned web page I guess yu are fair game since you have no state to protect you.
  11. Hooking up your couz..eheh...loool good one Khalaf
  12. I dont know why but we seem to think we are superior than other blacks/africans just because we look better. Lets get real. LooooL....So you actually believe we look better than other Africans.Maybe you need to stop the madness little lady.
  13. I AM SHOCKEDD!!!! NGONGE and Morals? LoooL..He must have been high or something.
  14. Modesty....Iam confused dear. Firstly, I remember you and that kid Pure-Blood so insistent on being of Arab descent. Xaa Secondly, cut the Somalis some slack.What do you exactly want from them? These people led harsh nomadic life followed by 100 yrs of colonialism which was ended by the ensuing indepedence that brought some rest and peace only to destroyed under the 21 yrs of dictatorship succeeded by a horrifying civil war that mounted to nihilistic fratricide, sending ill-prapared thousands abroad that were lucky enough just to be alive, and still faced many challenges in alien world. And through it all, they were resilient. They have endured and survived. I say hats off to them. So please you have nothing to contribute to the betterment of your people, the least you could do is spare them the insults and respect their chioces. N about the racism thing, nothing unique to Arabs. No amount of religious and secular enlightment will eridicate hate in the human heart. Millions years from now, people will still be the same, but one could aviod the pitfalls of racism by being proactive. Now you are just reacting to what somebody said. The funny thing is that it is bothering you more than it bother her. What you should have done was to stop her in her tracks by showing her the hate she was spewing. Iam sure that would save us the time we took to reply to this thread, and it would have stopped you from picking on poor Somali girls, and by the Grace of God, you could even help this Arab in realising her faults. Salaam Jee P.S n don't be fooled by labels Africanes, Arabness, Somaliness, Just look out for number one.
  15. Redsea....In dat case saaxib, I welcome you to Bilaajo Carab. Ahmed Naaji's house is not dat far from mine. Maybe we can have nieghborhood concert or something.
  16. I could some resemblance between and first kid. That might even be you as kid.
  17. p.s. If I ever showed up in Xamar, who would invite me to their home for the night, Paragon, Che, or perhaps Duke anyone? My relatives are not as powerful as Duke's. Perhaps he would since the rest of us are never to Mogadisho.
  18. Cara...The story from Cairo can't be substantiated, but Iam sure awful things do happen there too, and you might not have A grand Mufti calling women meat, but the west does portray women as meat. Just look tv ads and movies. Women are just there for men's amusement, forever there to satisfy men's fantasies, and still blamed for provoking these fantasies. They are reduced to mere objects.
  19. Duke.....In other the post, you stated your relatives are big guns in Xamar,and here you claimed Gaagab's power base is Gaalkacayo (since his Qabiil reside there), do you equate power with Qabiil supremacy? This might explain why Yeey will never set a foot in Mogadisho?
  20. See my relatives are the big guns LooooooL..Classic saaxib
  21. The Courts has invited back to Xamar..Please come Dear Duke. Paragon...Miracles have been known to happen.An Oasis or rainforest in the desert not so far fetched.