Che -Guevara

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Everything posted by Che -Guevara

  1. Wax ammintaas sawirka guriga laga qaaday ku sugnaa wiil iyo gabar yar oo uu madaxweynuhu dhalay oo aad u naax naaxsan iyo gabadh ay ilmadeer yihiin marwada madaxweynaha, Huda Barkhad, oo carruurta ilaalinaysay Stop picking on da pics....loool Alot of speculations, but hardly any evidence
  2. I get da feelin alot people will be, Ceebla so ready for a smackdown.
  3. Number three in line for the presidency in case you or somebody accidentally shoot Cheney and Bush at the same time . N how about democratic nomination for Hillary in 08. Does she have chance?
  4. Democrats have chosen Representative Nancy Pelosi to be the first female speaker of the House, in the wake of their victory in the US mid-terms. Former House majority leader Ms Pelosi will succeed Republican speaker Dennis Hastert, who leaves the job in January. The speaker is second in the line of succession to the presidency, behind the US vice-president. Democrats, meeting in a secret session, remain divided on who should succeed Ms Pelosi as majority leader, reports say. The party was deciding whether to back Ms Pelosi's choice of a former soldier and leading Iraq war opponent, John Murtha, as House Democratic leader, or her long-time deputy, Steny Hoyer of Maryland. The full House will formally elect a speaker when it convenes in January under the control of the Democrats for the first time in 12 years. Ms Pelosi is certain to win. The position brings with it the power to appoint politicians to chair key bodies such as the Judiciary and Intelligence committees. Widely respected for her organisational and fund-raising skills, Ms Pelosi has a low public profile compared with the Democrats' other female big-hitter, Hillary Clinton. Ms Pelosi represents a liberal San Francisco district and analysts say her personal voting record puts her to the left of many in her party.
  5. Breaking News Mogadishu 16, Nov.06 ( Sh.M.Network) New Khad that was imported at capital Mogadishu was burnt Thursday in south of the capital Mogadishu following demonstrations in which one person was dead in the capital after protesters who were angry at Khad burnt by Islamists demonstrated in the capital. It was yesterday when Khad from Hargeysa, the capital city of the breakaway region of Somaliland, was set on fire on the suburb of Mogadishu where Islamists intercepted the Khad which was worth $ 40,000. Abdulahi Ali Nahar, the security chief of the Union of Islamic Courts for Banadir province has told Shabelle by telephone that a curfew was imposed on the capital Mogadishu indefinitely starting on Thursday evening. When the curfew would last is uncertain. This is the first time a curfew was imposed on the entire city since former revolutionary collapsed.
  6. Originally posted by Devilangle: It is the interview morning. ...... I got to go now….[/QB] LoooL@Devil. Come to think it, Stioc might have been blogging, and made the entry to the wrong site. It does sound little like, "Dear Diary, It is the interview morning" Stioc....Hopefully you nailed da interview, and landed the job.
  7. ^^^Going to the school where your mom teaches, lazy. you hate kids, don't you?
  8. ^^^loool War wadaadka maxaad u su,aaleysaa
  9. Redsea....Soomaali iyo naxariis kala fog atleast when it comes to each other, ee wax kale me ii sheegay. The "army" of the courts constitute the same merciless killers. If they spare any life cuz they had to in order to appease Somalis.
  10. Siad Barre's remnants? LoooooL....I just wanna how Barre's remnants look like, so I will know when I meet one. Dis reminds of me of Oodweyne's "defeated lot"...very therapeutic for some I guess
  11. "Fanaankii indhoolka xataa ma xumeyn, magaciis muxuu ahaa?" Kii heesi jire ma his video.
  12. "I am a six foot –one inch guy" We need a proof Duqa. "Was my dress going to make a conservative impression on this white male dominated office?" Focus less on who your interviewer is, more on how you would sell yourself by educating yourself about the job which you are seeking,always reference your past experience and your ability to resolve issues. As for body posture, don't slupm into the chair, keep your spine straight, your eyes locked on him/her, and listen attentatively. N Don't let him/her to take control. Stop them every now and then by asking questions, and make them elaborate more on answers. N always have a smile on your face, and not to forget, start with firm hand shake!
  13. ^^^^Duqa, When did start supporting courts or atleast airing their sentiments!!!
  14. Thanks Bob, "October alone we lost 30 brothers in a place called Khayelitsha" Even Xamar doesn't see that level of violence!! It seems we ain't catching any breaks these days. A Somali man hacked to pieces in Nairobi Aweys Osman Yusuf Mogadishu 15, Nov.06 ( Sh.M.Network) A group of Kenyan muggers heavily armed with machetes has brutally murdered a Somali man living in the Kenyan capital Nairobi, where more Somali refugees are dwelling. Sa’id Mohammed, a Somali migrant living in Nairobi, was cruelly killed by Kenyan gangsters, hacking his body to pieces as the victim was returning from work to his apartment in the impoverished town of Eastlight in the capital Nairobi. It is not clear why he was murdered, as his cell phone, watch and money were not stolen; Sa’id, however, was the second Somali man killed with machetes in the Kenyan capital Nairobi. Many Somalis living in Kenya are concerned about the merciless killings against Somalis, saying they were similar to killings inflicted to Dozens of Somalis allegedly killed in South Africa's Western Cape Province in the past few months in what appears to be an escalating campaign of xenophobic violence. Somalia has had no government since 1991 when tribal warlords toppled former president Siad Barre, triggering more than 2 million Somalis to flee, becoming immigrants to neighboring countries, Europe and North America. Sa’id Mohammed, 38 years old, was survived by two children and their mother. Kenyan police are reportedly tracking down the perpetrators, interviewing the victim’s relatives. Somalis in Kenya say that killings of this type is new to them, fearing they may turn to racial hatred like the killings against Somalis in South Africa where the Somali refugees live in fearful lives.
  15. ^^^^Atleast, it is not from lack of ambition, just bad planning and lack of honest communication.
  16. Rahima....I don't understand how it works. Is it something both patners agree on or is it the Faaraxs that suggest goverment housing? Atleast one patner gotta have some ambition :confused: Lexus....I think people focus too much on wedding, and hardly for the life after. What they need to do is discuss, and let your wishes be known. In other words, don't settle for less.
  17. Originally posted by me: Either Unite or die like PIGS!!! There is no middle ground. We live in vicious world. Sooner we realise that, da better off we will be. CG....Saaxib, Insentative maybe, but Iam glad atleast someone has proof of these atrocities being committed against Somalis.
  18. ^^^^^^Saaxib, I was replying to NN with his "heavy handed" comment which sounds like prelude to more severe ramifications for everyone that disagree with Cadde and Co. As for the courts, destablising peaceful region of Somalia no matter how corrupt it's leadership is would be mistake on their part.
  19. CG.... Saaxib, I don't mean to offend anybody's sensibilities. Perhaps I should warned you first! Thanks Soma-Inc
  20. Che -Guevara


    HA...Wat happen to your old avator?
  21. instability can not be tolerated now. Perhaps another time, he would be ok as PL police chief but not now. More then ever, president needs be heavy handed in dealing with internal anarchist.getting rid of Yusuf ahmed Khayr and Cabdiwali, for me is a step in the right direction. This would only have adverse effect. Stability can't be sustained by political repression coupled with intimidation and threat violence agianst the very people one is supposedly leading. We need consensus building.
  22. It is not helpful for the state of Pland politics if everyone whose views diverge from the establishment is given the boot. Diverse opinions play a role in making a thoughful political and military decisions.
  23. ^^^^I doubt it is about being gentle and kind, it is mostly for PR , and the simple fact that POWS have to be feed and clothed, something the courts wouldn't wanna burden themselves with.
  24. web page "Wuxuuna kamid ahaa xubno faro ku tiris ah oo Maamulka Puntland ku jira oo soo dhaweeyey in dalka wixii amni xumo u keenaya in si adag looga difaaco, balse aan lagu tuman xuquuqda shacabka iyo dadka la tuhmo" The Pland admin should have kept a man like him who understands that rights of oridinary planders regardless political persuasion shoudl be respected.