Che -Guevara

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Everything posted by Che -Guevara

  1. Walaal These articles do a little to ignite any debate regarding the issue of the shabbeelo Hoose. It just depicts you as bitter tribalist who was outsmarted and out-gunned. We all are aware of the evils in the that part of Somalia. Rather than demeaning those that control Shabeelle,your time could be better utilized in figuring out how we could free the good people of the Shabeela from this sub-human existence.
  2. I second that. The same nepotism and bellicose tribalism exist in these enclaves.
  3. However the appointment of Barre is something that will please Abdullahi Yusuf enormously! Isn't it remarkable how the same people, who chased Abdullahi Yusuf out of Somalia, are today indeed kissing his shoes and on top of that bowing down to him? It is said that when Abdullahi Yusuf goes out to Nairobi, the children of the late Siad Barre ask him for a few 'favours' and he provides them with those 'favours'! Abdullahi Yusuf is really enjoying this! It must be the golden sixties all over again! This is why you and your adeer will fail. Waxaan wax lugu farxo ma, aha. Hadee maanto iyaga ka, taalo adigaba biri tii kuu danbeen doonta Ilaahaa og. N my boy, da sixties are gone, never to be revisited. Get dat in your thick skull. Allam....Wax kale kuma qosleeneh, Kitaabka iyo Hiiraale put on grin on my face. Waa rag is dhaarta.
  4. Here is Ethios singing in Amhari and Somali. web page Anigo wahbadan jirin...lool LoL@guy...anigaa waa ku jaa
  5. ^^^Geeze man...All he asked for was to provide the source of this news. The article is making alot of claims, we just wanna know if it's credible.
  6. Originally posted by Jaylaani: It explains that I have a brain. looool....If that works for you, sure buddy
  7. anyway why ist its always a man who will grace us with his views on woman and there proper conduct in society LoooL@Cynic, Would you prefer if it was coming from 800 pound silver back.
  8. If he did hear from them, and was offered the job, would you take him to dinner?
  9. Glad to see she is actually making a diffirence. Many Somali centers hardly provide any meaningfull services to their communities. Best of luck to her!
  10. Your view and knowledge of Southerners seems to stem from fadhi ku dirir session among your Qabiil/regions folks. Have you actually ever lived in da South?
  11. The point is, not too many Somali people in the south know anything about Djibouti so why judge them? Is that what the "Qaldaans" say when they get together?
  12. Puskas, who was in hospital for six years with Alzheimer's disease, died in Budapest at 0600 GMT on Friday after suffering from a fever and pneumonia. Puskas led Hungary's golden team of the early 1950s, before taking Spanish citizenship and becoming part of Real Madrid's all-conquering team. Puskas scored 83 goals in 84 games for Hungary from 1945 to 1956 and later played for Spain in the 1962 World Cup. After leading Hungary to the 1952 Olympic Gold medal, he was part of the Mighty Magyars who became the first overseas team to beat England on home soil in 1953, scoring twice in the 6-3 win at Wembley. Hungary then rolled England over 7-1 in Budapest and were consequently installed as favourites for the 1954 World Cup in Switzerland. But injury to Puskas severely hampered the Magyars and they lost in the final to Germany. Puskas joined Real Madrid and, along with Alfredo di Stefano, was the inspiration behind a string of domestic and European titles. He scored four goals in Real's 7-3 win over Eintracht Frankfurt in a remarkable final at Hampden Park in 1960, and won the European Cup three times with the Madrid side. In all, he scored 512 goals for Real in 528 matches and in 1962 he took out Spanish citizenship in time to play for his adopted country in the 1962 World Cup. Puskas retired in 1967, going on to coach clubs in several countries, leading Greek side Panathanaikos to the European Cup final in 1971. As the last millennium drew to a close, Puskas was voted the 20th century's sixth best player by the International Federation for Football History and Statistics.
  13. Darn it, can't access da site from work. What are they saying exactly?
  14. LoooooooooooL@Devil....Love da pic!!! now gaari dameers in Xamar can be ticketed for speeding. Wonder what high donkey chase would like?
  15. Wax ammintaas sawirka guriga laga qaaday ku sugnaa wiil iyo gabar yar oo uu madaxweynuhu dhalay oo aad u naax naaxsan iyo gabadh ay ilmadeer yihiin marwada madaxweynaha, Huda Barkhad, oo carruurta ilaalinaysay Stop picking on da pics....loool Alot of speculations, but hardly any evidence
  16. I get da feelin alot people will be, Ceebla so ready for a smackdown.
  17. Number three in line for the presidency in case you or somebody accidentally shoot Cheney and Bush at the same time . N how about democratic nomination for Hillary in 08. Does she have chance?
  18. Democrats have chosen Representative Nancy Pelosi to be the first female speaker of the House, in the wake of their victory in the US mid-terms. Former House majority leader Ms Pelosi will succeed Republican speaker Dennis Hastert, who leaves the job in January. The speaker is second in the line of succession to the presidency, behind the US vice-president. Democrats, meeting in a secret session, remain divided on who should succeed Ms Pelosi as majority leader, reports say. The party was deciding whether to back Ms Pelosi's choice of a former soldier and leading Iraq war opponent, John Murtha, as House Democratic leader, or her long-time deputy, Steny Hoyer of Maryland. The full House will formally elect a speaker when it convenes in January under the control of the Democrats for the first time in 12 years. Ms Pelosi is certain to win. The position brings with it the power to appoint politicians to chair key bodies such as the Judiciary and Intelligence committees. Widely respected for her organisational and fund-raising skills, Ms Pelosi has a low public profile compared with the Democrats' other female big-hitter, Hillary Clinton. Ms Pelosi represents a liberal San Francisco district and analysts say her personal voting record puts her to the left of many in her party.
  19. Breaking News Mogadishu 16, Nov.06 ( Sh.M.Network) New Khad that was imported at capital Mogadishu was burnt Thursday in south of the capital Mogadishu following demonstrations in which one person was dead in the capital after protesters who were angry at Khad burnt by Islamists demonstrated in the capital. It was yesterday when Khad from Hargeysa, the capital city of the breakaway region of Somaliland, was set on fire on the suburb of Mogadishu where Islamists intercepted the Khad which was worth $ 40,000. Abdulahi Ali Nahar, the security chief of the Union of Islamic Courts for Banadir province has told Shabelle by telephone that a curfew was imposed on the capital Mogadishu indefinitely starting on Thursday evening. When the curfew would last is uncertain. This is the first time a curfew was imposed on the entire city since former revolutionary collapsed.