Che -Guevara

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Everything posted by Che -Guevara

  1. Also the support is international, not just Ethiopia as you and the jokers who support the clan use. Ethiopia, Kenya, Uganda, Yemen are all supporting the TFG, however you are stuck on Tigray, which highlights your undertsanding. International eh...Iam sure they have the interests of the Somali people at heart.
  2. ^^^^That's true, and but atleast I know how deal with a Somali. Nothing good ever comes out of having an occpying force dictating your daily life.
  3. ^^^If your choice is the Tigray, then you really don't have much say in your future, they decide your faith. And we all know how kindly and fairly the highlanders treat the eastern and southern citizens of the horn. But it is the courts, you are able to shape your the future of your country, and won't be relegated to infinite serfdom.
  4. Duke-Ethiopian support means bombarding the city of Xamar, and having our faith being decided by them.Honestly, what do you think outcome would be if they do invade and win. Do you think they gonna hand over power to your adeer, and calmly retreat to high lands?
  5. Originally posted by HornAfrique: I think the neutrality of Caabudwaaq and its members nationally hurt her this time. These people are about force, absolutely no respect towards neutrality. LooooooooL....Hada ba baraarugtay. I have always wonder how you envision Hiiraale being a neatral between the TFG and the Courts. We know how that ended. I guess it will be now between the Courts and the Tigray.Lets pick one
  6. Yes they can, but I guess we will find out soon as the Tigray will officially be invading Somali proper.
  7. ^^^Loool..Wiilo On fire, Duke......Duqa, the war is looming, and might be upon us soon, I wonder your loyalty will be, to the Somali nation or your adeer?
  8. ^^^LoooL Mareekan isku haleenaa. After Iraq Fiasco, I don't know one could depend on them. But I guess the Amhara/Tigray have always depended on outsiders in time of crises from Ahmed Gureey timess to 1977.
  9. MMA...LoooL Meeshaan wax kaa yaa biya ma arki noh
  10. Congrats Dear Pierre....I don't know man. You and Bishy going Awol for awhile from SOL....Hhhhmm? Again congrats to Bishaaro and da lucky dude
  11. ^^^^^It probably does. I was once reading a book by Nurudin Farah where black magic and beastility ( incest as well) featured prominently in the characters.
  12. ^^^^I used to hear in Xamar. I thought that was just urban legend.
  13. Originally posted by Valenteenah: ^ Maybe because the men bang anything that moves, human or otherwise? LoooL..Then how come we never hear stories of bestiality.
  14. Melez was a Somali refugee N I thought he was Ethiopian
  15. Could anyone watch test matches, one day matches. Iam betting on Aussies
  16. I don't have Jinn story to tell, but why do anecdotes about Jinn revolve around men having a fling with a Jinn woman. It always beguns late night at da beach, from berbera to merca da same deal. How come no Somali woman had fling with Jinn boy?
  17. ^^^^You just killed my appetite dam you. Please your yams and gray where they belong
  18. Originally posted by Caamir: It shows care and concern. LooooL...right Somali-Friend.....LooL@ da nick, If the so called international community is truely honest about aiding the flooded regions, they need to be pragmatic, and quit appeasing the useless TFG.
  19. The functions of the committee are unknown because most of the regions affected by the flooding are controlled by the Union of the Islamic Courts which is greatly opposed to the interim Somali government. The appointment comes at a time when the Union Islamic Courts have appointed a 15-member committee in Mogadishu to assess the damage caused by flooding of the rivers. Looool...da gov is being out-foxed everytime. And why bother with something you could hardly do anything about?
  20. I was watching this story on frontline web page about America's ever increasing elderly population estimated to reach 70 million (20% of the population). This will have massive economical, social and political impact on the society. The advancement in medicine means people are no longer dying from acute diseases, but they are living longer only to succumb to chronic diseases that require constant care which proves to be very costly and emotionally exhausting for the individual family as well as the larger society. Imagine yourself as patient or the relative of patient that needs a longterm care as result of chronic diseases, would you go under life-saving measures to prolong life or would just opt out and let nature take its course which allows to die in dignified manner rather than rot in hospital bed. Personally I wanna die before I lose my functions, and ability to do things own.
  21. Must be Darwiish land. How about Gaari Dameer racing?
  22. Cimaamada MUST miyaa...loool Reminds me of Barre's Red Berets
  23. typical somali ignorance This is your problem saaxib. Adaa isla Quman and the rest of us are ignorant tribalist. Somalis whether tribalist or not have legitimate concern about the Maaxakiima. Soomaaliya Aamin ma jiro, and for good reason. Just tell me why would someone whose father was killed by USC in 91, and was ethnically cleansed from Xamer Caddeey trust anyone from that part of Somalia. I was in Xamar 91, and people were being murdered coz of their Qabiil whether they had anything to do with the former regime or not. As for who are you, I don't know and don't really care, but if you are trying to sell me the Maaxakiim agenda, and tell why are they any diffirent from those before them? But it makes easier on you to dismiss me as Qabiilist then so beat it even though that should lack sincerity, and Qabiilist sees the tribalism in others.