Che -Guevara

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Everything posted by Che -Guevara

  1. This reminded me of this story web page And this was on major news network. I guess retards are everywhere.
  2. LoL@North...Annoying ain't it I thought I understood what he was saying. I guess I was way off. War Maandhow af Muslin ama af Gaal ku hadal
  3. Pooja....Ma lagaa soo yaabiye...loool Well sis, it is not really just a Somali thing. All societies allow men to get away with murder. Even here in the west where anything hardly shocks me, I run into women that marry ex-homsexuals ( if there is such thing). It was beyond my understanding why a woman would marry gay man. But hey I guess that's life. khalaf....Good for you bro. I was just kidding with you. I actually find people who sleep around alot to be socially irresponsible as society becomes burdened with their cost if these were to catch deadly disease like the virus or generate a child as result of their carelessness.
  4. [as I have 2 rugrats of my own/QUOTE] Really?..lool
  5. Saaxib...It is low saaxib. Accuse me of not liking Yeey ( Infact I despise the guy), but don't accuse me of wishing an entire people to disappear. That was simply an insult to the very basic decency of every being, affront to me. And I don't get you Saaxib do you think the courts would care to diffirientate between men from Galaadi and those Galkacayo. As for Pland, karamada Ilaahi iyo Nabad Jaceelka bulshuda intaas gaariisey. It is little to do with Yeey. Ayway I said my piece, Habeen Wanaagsan Cafas iyo Saamix
  6. You would like the old mans clan to be cut to size noh, by the Clan courts no less. Since you do not agree with them ideologicly. What other reason could there be . Now that's just low Duke even for you. What exactly do I gain from your clan's demise. As for your adeer, mark my words. The man hasn't changed his SSDF days. He will meet the same faith Barre and Aided before him. You can hold me to that.
  7. Che, you are not as mysterious as you think mate. Also its you who always refers me to President Yey's nephew, so dont mind if one highlights what you are and how it effects, your stance in SOL. I never said I was mysterious. Majority of my "people" are from SomaliGalbeed( Wardheer, Galaadi, Walaal,Qaloocan, Yarmaguuley,etc) It is you who insists in identfying the person's Qabiil to understand their political view. And the adeer reference was meant only to hightlight your blind support to the old man.
  8. Khalaf...loool..Qabiil is sickening. Duke is basically accusing of hating Yeey coz we belong to diffirent subclans. It is Bedouin Arab thing "my uterine brother and I against my half-brother" thing. P.S That particular tribe also lives in SomaliGalbeed.
  9. Saxib, you dont need to hide, I have long suspect your attacks on the President and Puntland stemed from nothing other than the internal clan politics of the state. You don't even know what Iam. For minute, think outside box, and not in Qabiil terms. My majority of subclan isn't from Somali proper. Why do they care about Pland's internal politics if it doesn't effect them directly.
  10. You support the clan courts, if I assume to reasons some do, because they feel their clan gets little representation in Puntland. Due to them not belonging to the major confederacy.. LoooooL.@Major confedaracy, right on bro. Now Iam minority in Pland who is pissed at being left iout...loool As for the courts, it is matter of supporting the lesser of two evils. Your adeer is ahead in that department than the courts. He is actually 40 yrs ahead, and all to no avial. Now it came down to having Axmars in our amidst to protect your ailing adeer. N tell me Duke...Couldn't the major confedaracy fight off the courts on their own? As for my folks, they don't support the courts but they did confirm Tigray presence in Gaalakacayo.
  11. Saaxib.....You haven't answered my question. Whom am I exactly supporting? Anyhow, You have major Somali city with Amharo in its midst. This doesn't bother you at all. Amazing Duqa. And my family along with many others are astounded by the fact that Pland authorities would allow Amxaars to room freely. It find interesting your family doesn't share everyone else's sentiment. the groups led by the likes of IndaCade and Xasan Dahir are not welcome in the city. In your world, no one is welcome saaxib unless they are directly related to you or your cause.
  12. Originally posted by General Duke: ^^^Che, first one should never be dishonest when trying to have discourse with another. You have never supported the President and you should not now petend to do so. The driver for many here is the issue of Clan and that includes you. N what clan am I supporting exactly? Yeey had two long years to device a workable plan for the country. I admit that I really don't care for the guy, but he had my support if it wasn't for his imcompatency and complete reliance on the Tigrays. As for Gaalkayo, my family is there too, Saaxib. N they don't like what they are seeing.
  13. Originally posted by Paragon: Hehehehe waryaa what are you implying? I know the pose is less than a man pose...but could it be Militia Model pose? [/QB] I wasn't implying anything, but I guess we know they kicked out of the Maxaakiim camp who by da way need to hire Maxkamad Model Pose Trainer so these guys could get da pose right. I think da guy in middle is cursing da one on the right Smithy..Walaalkiis, one time I have actually your shared sentiment web page for the courts (albeit for diffirent reason. But regardless of what they did, what is worse to me are those that have allowed my land to occupied by Tigrays. I was with Yeey till he decided to throw all his cards with Amxaar. Gaalkayo is under Amxaaro siege. Why?
  14. Abject poverty is the main cause it comes to the majority of these tribal wars. One can stop as many wars as they can, but if one doesn't address the underlying issues, then these wars never go away. Lets think forward people
  15. Iam more worried how the one on the right is posing with his hand on the chin...loool
  16. ^^^^^LooooL That's diffirent Val. He is getting paid to do a public service. Pooja...Everybody does investigate. Iam fully aware of that fact but apart from having STDs and illegitimate children, no other ramifications will come on the man's way when a woman is weighing the option of being with him. I just don't think his past sexual misadventure unless it resulted in serious illness or child would be the number one thing that would derial his relationship.
  17. Other than settling tribal disputes, do they do anything else to contribute to the development of their particular areas. Alle-Ubaahne lives in Boston.
  18. I miss the event on sunday. Never understood what these sorts of event are meant to accomplish. I wonder if Alle-Ubaahne was there?
  19. Akhyaarta, bootada naga daaya ee bacaadka iskula baxa, otherwise lets just agree to disagree!
  20. LoooL...Better get started Khalaf
  21. Originally posted by Pooja: ^^ YES, THERE IS SUCH THING AS MALE WASQAAN :rolleyes: The term does encompass the actions of man who have been around alot. But it is all about consenquences. How many women do you know that turn down a guy coz he slept with a lot of women? I doubt not alot!! Cynic...Sleeping with alot doesn't necessarily make one better in bed. But you are right knowing you what you want and expressing it might be helpful.
  22. ^^There is no such thing as male Ho*e
  23. Sorry if I sounded too crude but I felt the Qur'aan was accused of triggering depression... I don't know what it triggers, but I have seen people oo as Somalis would say, Diinta ku waasha, deeply devout people that loses touch with reality. I guess complete devotion to one particular thing could be detrimental to your over general feeling.
  24. Somali language has become mores code for criminals. That's true. They also use Swahili, and other "exotic" languages to carry messages from the jailed gang leaders. The State and Federal prison systems may have to hire translators to break the code. Imagine the Maras aka 18th street gang( Central American gangs) speaking Somali....lool
  25. Originally posted by Jaylaani: How come Duke isn't responing to this new development? They are not paying him for the overtime