Che -Guevara

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Everything posted by Che -Guevara

  1. what makes you think it will be limited only to the south? I was thinking in terms of the immediate effects. But surely, this will be devastating for Somali regions (including those under occupation). Kamal....Calm down duqa. USC alone is not at fault. All Somalis are guilty. Where were these peace-loving folks when Hargeysa and Burco were being bombed to the stone age by Rhodesian mercenaries.
  2. Paragon....Jokes aside, there is literally Ethio maid and handy all over Somalia. There could demographic shift. Naxar....I guess the end justify the means for you.
  3. I don't think the UIC fully understand the inherent flaws in their logic of over-running Baydhabo. They might succeed in this futile attempt, but ensuing carnage will have a serious ramifications for southern Somalia as Yeey, and his Ethio masters will not be bullied into fleeing that easily. Somalis in the south had enough of this violence, and many more will lose their lives. Sadly, no will be held accountable.
  4. By Sahal Abdulle Friday, December 08, 2006 MOGADISHU, Dec 8 (Reuters) - Fighting broke out on Friday between Islamist fighters and government troops backed by Ethiopian soldiers near the government base in Baidoa, a witness and top Islamist said. The witness told Reuters he could see fighting going on in Safar Noolay, 30 km (19 miles) southwest of Baidoa along the defensive line the Islamists have set up to encircle roughly half of the only town the government controls. "I see huge smoke clouds and I am hearing artillery fire and small guns exchanging fire," witness Adan Isak Ali, who said he was located about 3 km (1.5 miles) southwest of the fighting, told Reuters by telephone. Ali told Reuters he saw Ethiopian and Somali troops heading in the direction of the Islamist defence line. There was no independent confirmation of the fighting or word of any casualties. Earlier, Sheikh Sharif Ahmed, a top leader of the Somali Islamic Courts Council (SICC), told a crowd gathered in the capital, Mogadishu, after Friday prayers that he had just heard a report of an attack by the Ethiopians and government. The government could not be reached for comment. Ahmed placed the location in Dinsoor, located roughly 100 km (60 miles) southwest of Baidoa on the same road as Safar Nooley. "The news reaching us from Dinsoor indicates that Ethiopians have attacked Dinsoor," Ahmed said. The SICC has declared holy war on Ethiopia, which it says has invaded Somalia to prop up the interim government. Ethiopia has consistently denied it has any soldiers, besides a few hundred military trainers, inside Somalia. But security experts estimate there are between 5,000 and 10,000 inside Somalia, along with heavy weapons and armoured vehicles. Many fear that any conflict between the SICC, backed by Eritrea, and the interim government could erupt into a war that spreads across the Horn of Africa and possibly further south. Source: Reuters, Dec 08, 2006
  5. Very unfortunate. Tactics being employed here emulates that of regime nearing it's end.
  6. No, I just know I want to know. Trying to figure out women would be like wishing for world peace. It is nice atleast in theory, but you know you will never reach there.
  7. I hope we have clear winner this time around!!!
  8. ^^^^I was referring to all women....loool Peplow....Sex is state of mind. Focus less on the mechanics of it.
  9. Tukaale..She is African American. Sophist....Didn't think the hot was in your vocabulary. Unfortunately though, she is married to white dude. Why is it a shock to get your clitoris working again to have an ORGASM You are not suppose to have one (orgasm that's)
  10. ^^^^Seriously buddy, what ever you are on, HOOK ME UP. Pland sending peacekeepers...loool
  11. Thankx Jay, Me....LoL. I was just being curious buddy. Someone like Waraabe atleast to me seems to do more than harm than good it comes to the Sland cause. The guy has bone to pick with all Somalis that nieghbor his country, and plus I believe he does lack the stature to engage the international community whom the Sland so badly needs to join. And his endless tirade of constant hate mongering and war threats just shows the man is joke. How did even get to lead what I would assume to be a major political oppisition? Siilaanyo on the other hand is a more true diplomat, very deliberate and calculating man, and able technocrat. If merits are anything to go by in judging people , this man should have been leading SLand.
  12. Sheh....It is not about the size Val....The "Marfish walalaa" usheeg there will something to chew at the event, and this might turn into intervention.
  13. Paragon...Shiekh aa? Waxaan ku sala xanooyaa iga qaleey saaxib. I could never get used to the surwalka gaaban though Val....Ok Abooto, I promise I won't call Ayeeyo.
  14. He is Pan-Islamic state-omit Somali( I don't know what means exactly)
  15. Is there a constitutional limit to the number of terms a president can serve?
  16. Originally posted by me: Che be careful with your words...its De-faqas-hized. Tanug you for da correction. I know it is loaded word. Jaylaani....Maybe the camp is running out of ideas. Other than scare mongering, what else do they have to offer the Somaliland public. Maybe someone like Siilaanyo should assume the leadership.
  17. If someone disobeys Allah what else are they good for,they should just die then,I even think the knife is a waste on them. Is daji Duqa. There is no compulsion in Islam. The report could actually be true. Surwaal Gaab can be craxy at times.
  18. Che -Guevara


    ^^^^ Iam afriad to ask, but what's your last? Welcome abroad
  19. ^^^Good Luck Ayeeyo N I gotta to be out to catch some rays. Suppose to snow tonite and tomorrow . I know it is crazy
  20. ^^^^Tornado maa ka cabsate. Oklahoma in lagu geeyo waaye in trailer park with twister rigth on your behind. Val....I neven been to London, but I know it is rainy and gloomy, and populated by people with bad teeth and horrible food. Atleast that's what we yanks like to believe, but Tornados?