Che -Guevara

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Everything posted by Che -Guevara

  1. ^^^^Well, she saw me checking her sista out. Laakin in my defense, I didn't know that was her sista. Da problem, I run into da wrong sista!
  2. Originally posted by Paragon: ^^ Maybe not idol worshiping but the concept of nationalism is dead ma is tiri sxb. If I understand Redsea better, what I understand of his words, I would say he is advocating for the Islamicity of Somaliness over all else. This meaning, one should make the criteria of his/her Somaliness be based on shared-Islamicity, secondarilly strengthend by other common factors (such as culture and language), instead of making these other factors the priority, to arrive at a faith-based identification of our society. I find nothing wrong with that, to be quite honest, because nationalism as a criteria gives way to regionalism (Puntland and Somaliland), which inevetably gives birth to clanism, hence divisionism. To avoid such divisionism, then, wee should use faith as identity. I don't think Somalinimo (as an ideology) is sacred cow, but I believe it had won us our freedom from the colonial powers. Men and women had given up their lives so that the future Somali generations could live in peace and prosperity. It was Somalinmimo that brought together those freedom fighters who won us our independence. To them, Somalinimo wasn't bunch line or a way to make it to the top of the food chain. It was SINCERE effort to see their people liberated. To catergorize their sincere efforts as idol-worshipping is an insult. Let's not tarnish the legacies of those truly embodied the meaning of Somalinimo just because those inherited that legacy failed to understand what it truely stands for.
  3. ^^^^Mr Redsea, It is disturbng saaxib. Society so quick to sacrifice its young. N we don't have the support of all Muslims. Duke...Waad qoslaysaa, that could actually happen
  4. Duke......Do you have an actual thing to say about the ruling?
  5. I respect your Surwaal gaabs, but please don't come here and tell us Somalinimo is idol worship.
  6. all this fitnah kinda defeats its purpose anyway.. You ain't the one initiating the fitna.How does it defeat the purpose?
  7. ^^^Wixii danbi galoo dhan. Definetly that would include indhocadde and Co.
  8. Ma is cafinaa oo yaaban waxba laga soo qaadin wixii dhacay Cafas Ma xumo laakin waa inaa danbigii lagakay kow la qirtaa, kuwii la galanay wa inee ku caafiyaan. Dadka qarkoodna in lacafiyo ma qumana ( Jees, Morgan, Aided, Yeey, etc) Agreed Naxar.
  9. My point exactly Naxar. We might not killed any northerners. We did nothing when they needed us the most. I don't remember the Somalis in Xamar demonstrate against the massacres upto north. They did the samething when Mudug was being destroyed by Barre. I think the sooner we Somalis come to accept our own demons, the better off we will be. Forget about the evils of other Somalis, look into your own mistakes and crimes.
  10. Saaxib...Adiga shiqsi ahaan kaama hadlo. Soomaaladi Xamar joogtoo dhan sheegayaa. Bal maxii qabteen markii reer Waqooyi labaabiinaaye. Midakale, dadkaan aad ku haysid Hargeysa and Beledweyn lagu abuuray. Soo Dagaalkii Somalia gashay masoo bara kicin. Soomaalow dhanbaa danbi gashay including you and I.
  11. ^^^Saaxib, cut da qabiil crap. It makes you look retard!
  12. Kamal...You missed the point duqa. What have you done to stop the massacress that were committed in Hargesya and Burco. The reality was majority of your so called peace-loving people couldn't be bothered with the tragedy that had befallen on our northern brethens. Reer Mogadisho were complacent. And lack of empathy atleast in my book makes guilty as well.
  13. what makes you think it will be limited only to the south? I was thinking in terms of the immediate effects. But surely, this will be devastating for Somali regions (including those under occupation). Kamal....Calm down duqa. USC alone is not at fault. All Somalis are guilty. Where were these peace-loving folks when Hargeysa and Burco were being bombed to the stone age by Rhodesian mercenaries.
  14. Paragon....Jokes aside, there is literally Ethio maid and handy all over Somalia. There could demographic shift. Naxar....I guess the end justify the means for you.
  15. I don't think the UIC fully understand the inherent flaws in their logic of over-running Baydhabo. They might succeed in this futile attempt, but ensuing carnage will have a serious ramifications for southern Somalia as Yeey, and his Ethio masters will not be bullied into fleeing that easily. Somalis in the south had enough of this violence, and many more will lose their lives. Sadly, no will be held accountable.
  16. By Sahal Abdulle Friday, December 08, 2006 MOGADISHU, Dec 8 (Reuters) - Fighting broke out on Friday between Islamist fighters and government troops backed by Ethiopian soldiers near the government base in Baidoa, a witness and top Islamist said. The witness told Reuters he could see fighting going on in Safar Noolay, 30 km (19 miles) southwest of Baidoa along the defensive line the Islamists have set up to encircle roughly half of the only town the government controls. "I see huge smoke clouds and I am hearing artillery fire and small guns exchanging fire," witness Adan Isak Ali, who said he was located about 3 km (1.5 miles) southwest of the fighting, told Reuters by telephone. Ali told Reuters he saw Ethiopian and Somali troops heading in the direction of the Islamist defence line. There was no independent confirmation of the fighting or word of any casualties. Earlier, Sheikh Sharif Ahmed, a top leader of the Somali Islamic Courts Council (SICC), told a crowd gathered in the capital, Mogadishu, after Friday prayers that he had just heard a report of an attack by the Ethiopians and government. The government could not be reached for comment. Ahmed placed the location in Dinsoor, located roughly 100 km (60 miles) southwest of Baidoa on the same road as Safar Nooley. "The news reaching us from Dinsoor indicates that Ethiopians have attacked Dinsoor," Ahmed said. The SICC has declared holy war on Ethiopia, which it says has invaded Somalia to prop up the interim government. Ethiopia has consistently denied it has any soldiers, besides a few hundred military trainers, inside Somalia. But security experts estimate there are between 5,000 and 10,000 inside Somalia, along with heavy weapons and armoured vehicles. Many fear that any conflict between the SICC, backed by Eritrea, and the interim government could erupt into a war that spreads across the Horn of Africa and possibly further south. Source: Reuters, Dec 08, 2006
  17. Very unfortunate. Tactics being employed here emulates that of regime nearing it's end.
  18. No, I just know I want to know. Trying to figure out women would be like wishing for world peace. It is nice atleast in theory, but you know you will never reach there.
  19. I hope we have clear winner this time around!!!