Che -Guevara

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Everything posted by Che -Guevara

  1. I hope that they would be a clear winner this time around. This tit for tat thing is getting old.
  2. How about we become friends and visit each other, trade with each other and live in peace as neighbors as is being done with most of Somalia for a number of years now? SF-Where is the fun in that?. If you are looking for eternal bliss, the horn won't be the place to find.
  3. There is no glory in war, but it is necessary part of the human evolution.And there is something exhilarating in seeing your enemy perish and humiliated while believing that you are upholding the divine law. It is honest portrayal of what we wish upon our enemies.
  4. Would Somalia have a half-breed Somali with Christain heritage as the head of the state? I probably Say No. The woman might be super paraniod, but she is only appealing to our common prejudices.
  5. Brown...I believe he understood the Tigray bankrolled Yeey's ascedency to the office. For him, it was a choice btw Yeey and the chaotic ex-warlords in Xamar whose only interest was to continue pillaging the city. It is matter of choosing the lesser of the two evils. Any sane person would have chosen Yeey over the crazy bunch. Somalia had no other alternative. And he spares nobody in his writing including the boys from Mudug and Galgaduud.
  6. Especially, my fellow kismen [big Grin] Hopefully, they will realise themselves before it is too late. Brown...He did support the TFG cuz Togane thought Yeey was genuine and able in bring about Somali peace. Obviously, Yeey has proven otherwise.
  7. Looks like it went well. Kudos to everyone. Paragon..what did we learn about fatherhood, and were there any Faaraxs to listen to the message. Great pics by da way
  8. ^^^^^Just wonder what they would have done to your Afro ( Imagining CG la karbaashaayo)
  9. Muruq ba igalay: muscle entered me LoooL...Good one Zaf
  10. Are you married to yourself or just anti-bulsho tahe?
  11. Alright jay..Empathy for the suffering masses. That I can understand. But You do understand any Somali goverment will lay a claim on Somaliland, and most of southerners are not keen on independent Sland.
  12. Wuxuu ka helo hala arko. Asaa ka xaaxaabin doona. History will not be kind to these men, inflicting an unneccessary on already war weary nation ravaged by floods and droughts. Shiekh Yusuf is ready for
  13. Give it up Massa, even with monty, England doesn't stand a chance. The English batsmen are pretty useless against Aussie bowlers. Good day for Monty. They could use couple more Desi.
  14. I know you don’t believe this but I would love to see Somali proper with functioning Even I don't believe that, and your perspective has everything to do with Somaliland.
  15. well said Maakhir. Soomaalida hordu ee kujiraan. Let them be I guess. They will have rude awakening!
  16. Originally posted by AYOUB_SHEIKH: Buluugle's star represents everyone of us, from Djibouti to NFD. I'm I wrong?[/QB] Yes, it does, but there is little chance of the five Somalis uniting even all of them were an independent entities. Redsea..... It is about interest. Your Somaalinimo does little for me if we don't have the same goals. If Somaliland goes on its own path, then that's where our interests diverge.
  17. SB....Man-made Famine that lead to the death of 300,000 people doesn't qualify as genocide in your book?...a just mass killing eh.