Che -Guevara

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Everything posted by Che -Guevara

  1. loooooooool.....My bad. Sorry David Pooja...Me rule Somalia, and you could be my queen
  2. hadaa lagartay. This kid is on somebody's payroll. Has to be really.
  3. I know Paragon, we are disgrace to our Qabiil. Duqii sanaag ku dugnaa must be rolling in his grave seeing his sons turn against their own.
  4. The first time I ever exchanged my opinions with Duke, he attempted to find which "clan" I belonged to He is dedicated guy, but his entire outlook depends your qabiil afflitation. The man once accused of wanting to mow down his sub-clan simply coz I simply didn't share his blind devution and enthusiasm for Yeey. LooL@ Fanisha...Take easy walaal. No need to get personal. Just pray dadkaan lunsan inoo Ilaahay soo hanuuniyo. God knows we need any help we could get.
  5. Originally posted by Jimcaale: I thought he was more than a shiekh! A Messiah maybe.....lool
  6. Duke...Your person is part of the very machinery that tore apart the system set in place to protect the weak. Qeybdiid is no use to anyone, but then again the TFG is the place where all that's wrong with Somalia resides. It is only logical that you welcome and praise the Qeybdiids of Somalia.
  7. Duke...Like you actuallly care about what happens to the people of the Shabbeele, Amazing. Red....They will all eventually fall. This retard will be no diffirent IA.
  8. And this is coming from General Duke. Praises for the man that did Aidid's bidding in Gaalkacayo. Interesting bro.
  9. Haa isku daalin Axadkaan. The man comes to Sol, and tells us we can't talk on behalf of the "Somali Ethio" while he lectures us on everything Somali.
  10. Very unfortunate. I hope they will get Qeybdiid this time around.
  11. The power of clan is greater then you think. You can say that agian
  12. moderate Muslim democracy loool Somaliland also deserves recognition from a purely U.S.-centric national security perspective Politics of convenience hardly solve any impasse. The author is yelling the same old mantric rant while ignoring the realities on the ground.
  13. Greater Somalia is closer than close Aren't we being little too optimistic. There never was or will be a reasonable conclusion to the saga in the horn. The most ruthless will win, and the weak shall remian subserveint.
  14. All Somalis are our brothers Not really. Some are better off dead. The likes of Yeey doesn't deserve justice. He should be hanged and killed like the dog he is. No Axmaar have ever reached the shores of Somalia. Today that possibility might come true largely due to this man.
  15. Didi as Rosie... Dam it You didn't have to ruin my fanstasy by bringing up Rosie. Surely, you could have picked a better looking woman. Anyway , laters
  16. When can we go and how? I want to be in the same unit with CHE and MMA. Our unit won't be very popular one. Advocating for Somalinimo would offensive to some in these quarters. Xoogsade.....The TFG is gonner. Bringing Ethios to kill Somalis is simply indefensible. I do hope Yeey along with the other stooges will be killed.
  17. Waraa Duke....With the powerful "national army" and its Ethio 'allies" on your side I thought the TFG would have defeated the courts by now. The goverment didn't gain an inch of land. This is turning into Hizbullah/Isreal thing.
  18. Tanug you Paragon. Maybe the UIC should send a true suicide brigade. Talking about picking on the weak.
  19. I don't know the man, and unfortunately I didn't get to meet him during his little excursion to boston, but the idea of kaabi Qabiil is an outdated one. Hopefully he bring unity and peace to his people.
  20. Do you have other sources Paragon. dadkaan lagu celin doono Goboladda Koonfureed ayna gaarsiin doonaan magaaladda Gaalkacyo ee xarunta Gobolka Mudug. Amazing. A Somali is being deported from Somali land. Reer Puntland should seriously look at the actions of those that rule the land.Complacency in the face of injustice mounts to an endorsement.
  21. Didi..LooL...I actually thought you had more common sense than that. I guess one learns something new everyday. you. Asking him that would pointless. The man is delusional.
  22. Xox-ogaal....Ma ku fahmin. Who is giving up SomaliGalbeed? Didi...Your rumblings about Togane reflects your own tribalism. It takes a tribalist to sense any qabiil under tones.