Che -Guevara

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Everything posted by Che -Guevara

  1. I was just reading...LoooL Kudos to the maxaakiim though for sparing the citizens a nasty urban warfare.
  2. Ok CG, you are not welcomed to GD & Juje's SOL pro-TFG cyber-warriors party.
  3. I just remembered Gediid's Amharic classes thread, Very appropiate for the day.
  4. I would die then let the Habesh control Somali affairs loooooooooooL That's classic duq NGONE. Horn might be already in Kismayo along with Allamagan.
  5. By the way from today on i am a American, African-American LoooooL....that's problem. No one wants to sacrifice. We just wanna the easy way out.
  6. I beg to differ. Somalia in reality has become a Ethio colony. Ethios didn't shed their blood so they come and leave at the behest of the TFG.
  7. Xoogsade...Maryooley will learn lessons the hard way. As for Zenawi, we shall return the favor. Peaceful coexistence of nations in the horn will be thing of the past.
  8. Melez too is on somebody's leash. He is only doing America's bidding. He will definately try to spend this " political capital", but in the long run, Zenawi would have to abandon his little adventure into Somalia as the masses both in Somalia and Ethiopia do not share his sentiments.
  9. LoooL@Val. Tell him please it wasn't women that did this, but it is the "honorable" men that become somebody's little b*tch. Petty Tribal competition got us here. Ha laga xaaxaabiyo.
  10. Pls waxay sifeeyeen malahay naga qalay. Atleast give the Amhaar the credit, freaking dhaba lif riding someone else's success.
  11. The hardcore ideologues like Ayro iyo Turki coupled with the tribalist buffoons like Indhacadde became the court's undoing. Sad ending to a promising movement.Guerilla warfare will be the likely outcome here.
  12. Dheere iyo Hiiraale are nearly back. Jowhar should be a nasty fight though.
  13. ^^^Iam still at work unfortunately. Hopefully will catch rerun tonite.
  14. No offense intended. None taken duqa. Baashi seemed to be pulling "horn aka hiiraale" on us, but that's just my view.
  15. A private first class in the Keyboard Commandos unit. LoooooL Baashi kooxdii raysa la jiraa. He is playing safe I guess.
  16. must have missed this para, where the worst blunder in Somali history is referred to as an impressivb trick. N Baashi would have us believe he is neutral.What a BS!! Ayoub.....Tanug You Duqa. The likes of Alle-Ubaahne couldn't counted on anyway.
  17. Walee caqli xumada wa loodhasha. Some are worse than others.
  18. Why is the TFG begging the ICU for ceasefire? Saaxib, maatada iyo ciyaalka ha loo naxo. Heeshiis mooyaane dagaal wax lugu dhameenayo ma jiro.
  19. Alle-Ubaahne....Lugtaa iska toogatay saaxib. Kitaab iyo Qabiil meel islama galaan. Mid dooro saaxib. Xumaan hadeetahay Soomaali isma dhaamaan. Anba waan isku tiran karaa reerkaa ka dhalatay dbibaatidii Soomaali marsiiyeen xukun jeceel baradiis. Laakin taas wax quman ma,aha. Maaxaa yeelay reerkaaga dad xun iyo fiicanba waa ku jiraa. Ana rer Pland kuuma faaninayo. Iyaguba in xun iyo in ciifaban waa kax buuxdaa.
  20. You are basically looking for the return of the warlords, the very ones that have been destroying xamar.
  21. Originally posted by Alle-ubaahne: The problem of Somalia is only originating from one family who are doing everything to become the leaders of this victimized nation! You can guess that family! Now that they rented Ethiopians to overwhelm us, they forget that we have Allah on our side who can give us victory as we stay on the course of Jihaad. Insha-Allah Muslims will win and the hypocrites will lose, no matter the nonsenses of Baashi! Could do better Saaxib...Iam from that the family and I don't share Yeey's misadventure. Don't boil this down to Qabiil. When it comes that, everybody including your own Qabiil share the blame. Soomaaliya nin isxaan ugalay ma, laha. Baashi.....You are trying to pull "horn" on us. Try it agian Aw.
  22. Rokko & Rahima...Are you talking the brother from Melbourne that died in the fighting? May Allah Bless his soul.
  23. My friend actually knows the person that owns this site. Iam thinking of starting my onw tabliod e-paper.