Che -Guevara

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Everything posted by Che -Guevara

  1. ^^^It is thing to do dear. You can't be Somali, and be without one. Now who is your warlord Ibt.
  2. You gurls should talke this as a tip, that a man will degrade you after that, that your price will drop down, that you will not be considered wify material. Why? Doesn't that reflect on you. And why would I wanna sleep with someone that would badmouth later. Your thinking is flawed. Maybe it is just me, but who I choose to sleep with and whatever I say about them after the deed is done says alot about me too. Maybe you are just talking to boys, not so much about men.
  3. ^^^So soon Devil...Tanug yu. My vac at the politics section was disastrous. Find out my warlord is no more, and my qabiil got a$$es whopped.
  4. But I doubt the cricket restriction will go. What if he is good baller
  5. This honeymoon will be over soon. The reality is "King' Zenawi has own issues to deal with. Ethiopia with its many diverse nations will go the way of Balkans. Zenawi is merely buying time,and making sure the Tigray nation could defend when all hell break loose in the horn.
  6. Paragon...Yup Baashi iyo neutrality, how does one abandon principles for the sake of neutrality.
  7. ^^^he wants to bunch your lights out before those muscles get deflated. Duke....Waxaaga waa garoor geel kakayn.
  8. How did this serve the Iraqi people. Ruthless killer murdered by equally ruthless vigilantes with little or no regard for the law and the basic human decency. At the least, the Yanks could have monitored the execution, and made sure it was carried out properly.
  9. ^^^^ The daily ritual beating of your hand holder could only mean one thing, otherwise why would anyone put up with such abuse. Besides, you didn't elaborate on where your fatal blows land on his scarred body.
  10. LoooL@Val, she is dominatrix in the making, atleast no mention of whips and tight spandex pants.
  11. Try it harder, you are almost there. Come on boy
  12. Try it harder, you are almost there. Come on boy
  13. ^^^^And you are biggest clown. Now jump boy.
  14. ^^^^And you are biggest clown. Now jump boy.
  15. We are targeting the wrong folks. Kill the Dhabalif first, and the Amxaaris will disappear eventually. Besides, Ethios have their own issues, and could hardly afford to stay in hostile terrotories.N Uncle Sam won't be financing their operations for long.
  16. We are targeting the wrong folks. Kill the Dhabalif first, and the Amxaaris will disappear eventually. Besides, Ethios have their own issues, and could hardly afford to stay in hostile terrotories.N Uncle Sam won't be financing their operations for long.
  17. Originally posted by Naxar Nugaaleed: we not I. Are we not? No, we ain't.
  18. CG....LooooooooL@Fabalous George That's good start. You left Woyane aka Yeey & Geedi pimp though I think MMA wouldn't mind that.
  19. Nuune...Every decent Somali waa ka xumaaday. There are lessons to be learned here. I hope we learn from our debacle.
  20. MMA...Widaageys....You are taking the fun out of this. I guess we gotta find replacements. You get your work cut out for you. Good luck.
  21. ^^I didn't think you were just weakling.
  22. you never was a nationalist, Of all people in SOL, you should the last to accuse others of not being nationalist. Your idea of nationalism is to march with our nemesis to the city of Xamar.
  23. Duke......The side I supported did loose, atleast for now, but I doubt the dhabalif will rule Somalia in peace.
  24. N when did he become Captain. Perhaps on Zenawi orders by the way of Duke for being just good cheerleader.