Che -Guevara

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Everything posted by Che -Guevara

  1. And you will be doing us all a great service. A thousand years from now, kids will be taught the great man that killed the traitor
  2. Come on Señor The Point,Diga la verdad Castro...The TFG has an offer which you can't refuse. You will appointed as the director of Minyar Affairs my old boy.
  3. Ok Comrade Castro, here is the deal. The TFG will appoint as the director of Minyar Affairs if you tone down your critisms, and stop discrediting them.
  4. Xalane...Excessive ilka cadeen induces wrinkly face. I know you have been riding high lately, but come on.
  5. Devil.....Erractic weather patterns that deviate from the norm seem to an adverse effects on my gal's mood. Puja.....Iam used to cold winters. It gives everybody something to complain about.
  6. Waraa Duke....On such "historic" occassion, I would have thought somebody would be taking the pics of Yeey entering Villa Somalia. Where are da pics duqa
  7. ^^^^^LoooooL@supporters.....You mean his close knit clan members, no worries there.The rest of us outnumber them if it comes down to the ballot.
  8. ^^^^^I still want him out duqa. That never changed.
  9. I think Pland has been stable enough to hold elections, gathering the resources to hold an election and educating the public about the political process is another story, but Iam glad. Now we could move forward. it is far from prefect, but it is step in the right direction. My hope is the likes of Cadde never to lead people again.
  10. What's TFG take on the Tigray hunting down Oromos in the Somali soil? Muqdisho (Allpuntland)-Waxaa la soo gudboonaaday dadka Oromada ah ee ku nool gudaha dalka Soomaaliya cabsi iyo welwel kadib markii ay sababsadeen dagaalyahano kasoo jeeda qowmiyada Oromada kuwaasi oo ka barbar dagaalamayey maxkamaddaha Islaamiga isla markaana ciidamada dowladda iyo kuwa Itoobiyaanka ay ugaarsi ku hayaan. Maalintii shalay ayaa duleedka garoonka degmada Jowhar waxaa ka dhacday in lagu dilo nin Oromo ah labo kale oo la socotayna xabsiga degmada Jowhar la dhigay kuwaasi oo lagu kala magacaabo Mashruuc Xasan Xuseen iyo Cabdalla Taani Aadna waxayna maanta ka warbixiyeen qaabkii ay kusoo galeen Muqdisho iyo sidii ay ugu biireen maxkamaddaha Islaamiga. Mashruuc Xasan Xuseen oo saxaafadda kula hadlay xabsiga Jowhar ayaa sheegay in uu ku dhashay deegaanka Kibaali ee magaalada Harar, isagoo sheegay in tababaro uu ku soo qaatay dalka Eritrea, isla markaana 13 kii December ee sanadkii hore uu yimid magaalada Muqdisho, sidoo kale Cabdalla Taani ayaa sheegay in dhinaca gobolada Puntland uu ka soo waday wadaad reer Puntland ah ayna jiraan dagaalyahano kale oo Oromo iyo kuwo Erateriyaan ah kuwaasi oo tababar Milateri ku qaatay duleedka degmada Afgooye sida uu sheegay. Ilaa iyo lix nin oo kale oo Oromo ah ayaa shalay lagu qabqabtay degmada Marka ee gobolka Sh/Hoose kuwaasi oo ka tirsanaa maxkamaddaha Islaamiga, arintan ayaa keentay in ay cabsi iyo welwel ay lasoo gudboonaadaan dadka kale ee Qaxootiga ah Cali Sandheere AllPuntland, Muqdisho
  11. I must say the first piece of good news that's coming from home. Kudos to them. Let people decide.
  12. On the fourth pic, there is guy trying to squeeze between Sudi and some other guy. Shades iyo garabaatahaa idaley.Between him and da tie, it Looks inuu culus yahay. N shouldn't the body gaurd atleast be little bigger than Sudi.
  13. You could have bigger touchdown granted that you house the good people of Maldives and many other Islandic people. It is already warm enough.
  14. Sure Castro....Just roll so nicely from the tongue...Ubax "scanning her from head to toe" Point...I thought all Somalis had that distinct look. Maybe it is farah in her.
  15. LooooL@MMA you like the name.....Sure buddy
  16. Spring in January, you gotta love this erratic weather. Iam not complaining, but where is the winter?. Blame it on El Nino or global warming, the weather here in New England has been warmer than usuall, atleast 10 degrees higher, shattering previous records. From New York, Boston to Maine, people were walking around in T-shirts over the weekend. Has global warming finally made a touchdown, and what does this warm weather mean for the enviroment and bunisseses. I know Ski restorts and Shovel makers are hurting.
  17. Yeey in Villa Somalia where every moron dreams to be...looool web page
  18. Name a country that starts with U.....Freaking dimwits LoooL@Budhist monk religion...Islamic Al-Qeada is wing of masonic order....looool
  19. LoooL@Mantra...You are doing just fine. Continue learning it. Remember, you are doing for yourself, not for the rest of us maryooleey. And roughly translated, I was saying the man cared about what people think than God expected of him. And about "Iam Somali thing", that ain't good excuse. I think Hefner thought we will just join the chorus, and sing his tones.He didn't expect people calling on him to explain himself.
  20. ^^^^I think Bila Aadan Caabud waaye, not Alla caabud. And how does oen remove religion from social issues?
  21. LoooL@Bathroom Hefner...You have point in that society isn't that kind to women that sleep around while men get praises for the conquests. I get that. I also understand patners that engage in premarital usually won't commit to each other. But if you are talking about Danbi, and divine judgement, you and the girl are in the same boat, used or not.
  22. Originally posted by Xalimopatra: Ibtisam my warlord looks hella cool with a AK47 perched on shoulder and that orange beard! I was kidding sweets Lol.... Orange beard eh, from the looks of it your warlord is neo al-qaeda. He is 'extra Muslim" as Caano Geel woudl say.There is new scheme that would actually allow you to sell him off with rhe help of Ethio muscles and Yank mighty Dollars. Ibst....Ka tag meesha intaad cudurka qaadin
  23. Relax, I never even thought about doing that with my gf, and I told her that's not good to happen, what is the hypocracy your talking about. I ain' hiding nothing. Hefner....First you really don't have to share that with us, or secondly it is hard to believe, but I will give the benefit of the doubt. N speaking of Danbi, and let me make sure I understand right. You will not marry a girl that you have been with intimately ie hypothetically. Why is it Danbiga iyada luu qabtaa?
  24. Originally posted by AYOUB_SHEIKH: ^^ The chances are between slim and none and slim is out of town. - Ali LooooL...well that should answer your question Ayoubi.