Che -Guevara

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Everything posted by Che -Guevara

  1. Originally posted by Pi: ^^ Che, dude, to draw a connection between a family (i.e. tribe) and what a certain individual says is the real sign of ineptitude and idiocy. Agreed...N I was being deliberately offensive. Now tell dis Axad that wrote and I qoate "Yes we were even the most hated before this latest actions, I guess we're hated constantly for our 'visions' because as you know it Mudug is the birth place, where visions are born! Yet another one called federalism was born from the brains of the sons of Puntland once again we lead the way brother, so don't hate, I know the clan gets envied due to their visions and remarkable achievements but hey don't hate the clan but your 'grandfathers' Paragon, although I'd admitt that you probably one of those hate-filled would be sanaagians!" to shut it. N he speaks of generalisations...Cajiib Shiek Iskadoon...nac nacda iyo dhareerka igala dhaqaaq.
  2. Shiekh.....Iam sorry for calling retarded. That's actually divine infliction that I shouldn't be joking about. What your suffer is sheer **********. N Jaahilnimo is coming to these forums, and start boasting about your tribe while being disrespecful to everyone else. Pi...And your point is? Paragon.....That would explain alot of things. [ January 09, 2007, 05:18 PM: Message edited by: Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar ]
  3. ^^^^ I think ************ must run deep in this family. [ January 09, 2007, 05:16 PM: Message edited by: Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar ]
  4. Is it not absurd to support the courts while hating IndaCADE? Was he not one of their leaders? Why do you support the TFG with all its warlords starting with Yeey. Of course, you have Sudi, Qanyaro , Aato , etc. People Iam sure you don't admire much. And for the last time, I don't share any Qabiil afflitation with the courts.So, I don't understand your reference to your Qabiil being outgunned. The courts were a mixed bag of true ideologues and clan oppurtunists. Apart from the Shebeele issue, the courts have done more good than evil by taming Benadir.
  5. ^^^What victory Saaxib? I have supported the courts for they brought peace and stability to Xamar. I have however never praised, condoned, or travialized the terror visisted upon the people of Merca by Indhaccade. If you have any evidence proving the contrary, pls be my guest. As for you hightlighting the miseries of reer Shabeele, no offence bro, but you only do things to make others look bad. If you had any convictions, you wouldn't have condoned the invasion of the very Tigray that terrorises people in Somaligalbeed.
  6. Duke...LooooooL Iam sure you have the interests of the people in Shebbeele at heart. And as for Yeey, he is what he is, traitor at best.
  7. That I know. Just wrote what you wanted to hear duqa.
  8. minority rights loool Does such term even exist in the Somali language. Taako...I have to only tolerate them.
  9. They are not my Qabiil, they are therefore expendable.
  10. Taako...We are talking defenseless people being targeted for no reason. You might have legimate point in Oromo overwhelming Somali lands, but lets not prey on those that can't defend themselves.
  11. Tiradii ugu Badneyd ee Oromo ah oo la qabtay, Halka qaar kalena la dilay January 8, 2007 Markacadeey Dadka Oramada ah ee ku noolaa Soomaaliya ayaa sababsaday Oromo kale oo dagaalyahano ah oo la sheegay inay Soomaaliya ka barbar dagaalamaan Maxkamdihii Islaamiga ahaa. Maalin kasta waxaa dhaca dilal loo geysto dad Oromo ah, shalayna waxaa la soo wariyay in duleedka garoonka diyaaradaha Jowhar lagu dilay nin la sheegay inuu ahaa Oramo halka laba kalana lagu qabtay. Muqdisho ayaa sidoo kale kiisas ku saabsan dil dad lagu sheegay Oramo oo qaarkood loo geeyo loona gacan geliyo Dowladda Itoobiya, waxeyna dadka Oramada ah ay ka taagan tahay meel aad u xun. Dhinaca kale Oramada ayaa sanadihii ugu danbeeyay si weyn u soo galayay gudaha Soomaaliaya, iyadoo qaarkood ay yihiin dad qaxooti ah oo isaga soo cararay wadankoodii kadib markii dagaalo sokeeye ka dhaceen, halka qaarkoodna ay Soomaaliya u soo galeen Howlo Milatari kuwaas oo gacan siinaayay Maxkamadihii ee lagaga itaal roonaaday dagaaladii dhawaan Soomaaliya ka dhacay. Xafiiska Markacadeey Muqdisho
  12. ^^^^My point exactly, Tukaale....Every Somali should have the right to live there. Why should some be more entilted to the city. Planders just wanna the city to themselves, and that ain't gonna fly with everybody.
  13. ^^^^He is the tribal chief or suldaan of the tribe that inhabits sool, hawd, and buhoodle. Any pics from home? I hope you had an excellent trip.
  14. This is sad. They are all being pimped.
  15. Somalis need to understand what coexistence mean. This is really rubbish. Neither of these parties are truly from these areas. They all have been implanted there, granted some earlier than others.
  16. MMA.....Aw translate dis Candho Qoys Rooblaan or rooblane.
  17. ^^^^LoooL what are yu implying ayeeyo
  18. Disturbing...hhmmm are sure you ain't confusing with someone else?
  19. ^^^Adiga dagaaleey ku jirtaa. Talo kale maheesaa duqa And by the way, those that came in 1993 saved the lives of thousands of Somalis whom the warlords were literally holding them as hostages, Maybe you have conveniently forgetten that.
  20. Jimcaale...lOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOl ma ila aragtay.
  21. Gotch you. Now you are just laying dat groundwork for the eventuality.
  22. Entonces comparta tu problema...maybe we will learn few more things Mr Point