Che -Guevara

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Everything posted by Che -Guevara

  1. ^^^^or maybe you have the habit indignantly decrying other's qabilist words. Afterall it takes a qabiilist to spot one.
  2. ^^^^I just pick on my own duqa specially Shiekh Iskadoon's faankiisa.
  3. Cali Naafto caqabo ma, laha, and Ina Boy is just being a politician.
  4. Originally posted by ThePoint: ^ok Che - my high school spanish is limited. And according to the web - there is no translation for entonces. Stop making shid up. LooooL....I learned my Spanish from the Taco Bell Chihuahua, and Maria across agrees with me that's entonces is actually word. You need to brush up on your High Schoool Spanish, and stop using the web. Now what were we talking about :cool:
  5. Regardless of whatever they control, their influence is disproportionately smaller compared to their cousins in southern Xamar. The TFG has better chance of securing Xamar with Ina Salaad's tribe. LoooooooooooL@loaned tanks. I wonder what else is on loan.
  6. Me....Oodweyne markuu Yeey baa xamar tagay baa qando uu kasoo kici waaye baa qabatay. And don't forget Alle-Ubaahne...the wadaad qabiil Khalaf....Dhabalif deserve no mercy.
  7. ^^^LoooooL, I figure that. There was no going around it. The poor folks are stuck between Dheere, and Sudi, a couple dimwits.
  8. I don't mean to disparage this particular Somalis, but I think one could hardly expect or rely their support in any meaningfull way. Their leaders are just witless bunch who clapped for any group that comes through Mogadisho.
  9. in the Air Force, and carpet bomb the place.
  10. Originally posted by Sophist: Che-- you are not (or atleast I hope you aren't) I was reffering to othere here who all over sudden become Mullahs and Nationalistic!!!! Soomaliya Hanoolaato Sophist...Our pathetic current state is not lost to me Duqa. Hardly any Somali can be called nationalist. For me it is matter of choosing the lesser of the two evils.
  11. Useless organization. I don't even know why it exists.
  12. Those will never see the truth You wouldn't know the truth is even it was 18 wheeler coming at you 180 mph.
  13. But the fact that most of Plands Soldiers are Reer mudug is telling. is pointless talking to you laters
  14. Sophist....What's with new you....looooool Taako......Now if I was from Gaalkacayo, you would have said that I don't like him cuz we don't share da same sub-sub clan. And by da way, reer Somaligalbeed Planders do make up a good number of his militia. They could hardly be called anti-Yeey. Castro.....Riyo kale ii ku jiraan dadkaan.
  15. I don't like him, and we share same lineage. Not everyone that opposes this man hates his qabiil.
  16. MMA.....Taliban muran luu haayaa. And speaking of preservation of the Somali tongue, the two words I gave you are from a book written by guy from SomaliGalbeed. Here is the word Roob-Laan in context, Ragda xeebta taalliyo bakhtiga, radadu keenayso adduunyada rogmeyseen naflaha, rubuc u soo cayman daaraha ruqaayee midfaca, lagu rayaasayo roob-laanadaa kici intaan, waagu kala roorin nin rafaadka moog baad tahoo, raaso beegso leh Apperently, Roob-Laan means diyaarad. N this is what poet who recite this poem regarding world war II called the planes that were used by Ingiriis and Talyaaniga. Candho-Qoys is second month the Gu season when xoolaha naxaan lana aqalgalo. Iam just rediscovering the language. It is beautiful and rich language. I don't know much May May, but I do understand if I listen well when people start talking it. My better half speaks May May even though she was born and raised in Xamar Caddeey. The May May itself I understand is very rich and diverse, and some dialects can't followed by your average Maxaa tiri speaker. There are so many dialects within Somali May May.
  17. This is practice session for new USAF pilots.
  18. I should have clarified that my bad. Both are Maxaa tiri..The second word is actually roob-laana(singular). I can't believe people in here are actually saying Af-May May is not Somali. Amazing.
  19. Go and do Hula dance for your master. Defeated Kulahaa...witless bunch My bad MMA....Iam out.