Che -Guevara

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Everything posted by Che -Guevara

  1. Still you are not taking my advice and thus wasting energy How about taking your own advice and not reply to this thread. Put your energy to something usefull, perhaps a lap dance for Xabashi master. And No, I don't wanna know where you stand. What's the point in asking the obvious.
  2. ^^^Tuug Man....Your company is not worthy researching.Iam better off knowing your Amxaari masters.
  3. Cynic & Puja...It is someone you call on lonely friday evening, no strings attached, and cynic no baggages.
  4. Tuug Man.....Continue applauding these killers duqa, and the only bad date in here that's from Arabia is just you. And yes, it is everybody's country, so get off your high horse, I meant Ethopian tank.
  5. Originally posted by Fanisha: QUOTE]What? Riyaale? you must be kiding me. :confused: Don't give a sh*** about him. Riyaale, A/Y and all of the warlords/criminals can go hell. Then we are all on the same page Fanisha.
  6. ^^^Tanug you Cambarro "Dude do you hate my country?" Are you kidding me?
  7. ^^^Married men or men for matter don't have female friends, friends with benefits maybe.
  8. I guess militia were just missing their old days of just firing for no reason. LooooL Sude & Yeey...very uncomfortable moment for both of them. Where is Osman Atto? It seems they are listening to Macalin Sam, and his assistant Kabiir Zenawi.
  9. Is-rasaaseyn sababtay dhimasho iyo dhaawac oo ka dhacday Xarunta Madaxtooyada Soomaaliya Jimco, January 12, 2007(HOL): Is-rasaaseyn dhexmartay Maleeshiyooyin la socday Hoggaamiye Kooxeedyadii Muqdisho iyo Ilaalada Madaxweyne C/llaahi Yuusuf Axmed ee ku sugan Xarunta Villa Somalia ayaa waxay sababtay dhimashada ilaa 6 ruux, halka ay ku dhaawacmeen tiro kale oo intaas ka badan. Sababta keentay isku dhacan ayaa lagu sheegay in ay la xiriirtay iyadoo Maleeshiyooyin la socday Hoggaamiye Kooxeedyadii Muqdisho ee kala ah Maxamed Qanyare Afrax iyo Cumar Maxamed Maxamuud (Cumar Filish), ay isku dayeen in ay xoog ku galaan Xarunta Villa Somalia oo xiligaasi uu ka socday kulan dhexmarayay Hoggaamiye Kooxeedyadii Muqdisho iyo Madaxweyne C/llaahi Yuusuf iyo Ra’iisal Wasaare Cali Maxamed Geedi, iyadoo taasina ay keentay in ilaaladii Madaxtooyada oo awalba ka shakisnaa Maleeshiyooyinka ay wateen hoggaamiyayaasha ay ka biyo diidaan, dabadeedna ay sidaas ku bilaabatay is-rasaaseynta. Warar kala duwan ayaa ka soo baxaya khasaaraha ka dhashay isku dhacaas, waxayna wararka qaarkood sheegayaan in dhimashada ay lix ruux ka badan tahay, halka uu Afhayeenka Xukuumadda Federaalka C/raxmaan Diinaari uu sheegayo in ay isku dhacaas ku dhinteen kaliya 2 ruux. Wararku waxay intaas ku darayaan in marii ay is-rasaaseynta socotay qadar daqiiqado ah laga itaal roonaaday Maleeshiyooyinkii Hoggaamiye Kooxeedyada, isla markaana la qab qabtay, iyadoo taasina ay suurtagashay kadib markii ay ciidamo Itoobiyaan ah garab siiyeen Ciidamada Ilaalada ka ahaa Xarunta Villa Somalia. Afhayeenka Xukuumadda Federaalka Soomaaliya C/raxmaan Nuur Maxamed Diinaari oo shaqaaqadaas kadib saxaafadda la hadlay ayaa wuxuu sheegay in Madaxweyne C/llaahi Yuusuf Axmed uu hoogaamiyayaasha uga tacsiyeeyay dhimashada soo gaartay Maleeshiyooyinkooda, isagoo is-rasaaseyntii dhexmartay labada dhinacna ku sheegay mid ku timid qaab shil ah. Isku dhaca dhexmaray Maleeshiyooyinka Hoggaamiye Kooxeedyadii Muqdisho iyo ilaalada Madaxweyne C/llaahi Yuusuf Axmed ayaa wuxuu dibadda u soo saarayaa sawir ah in aysan Magaalada Muqdisho isla qaadin Ciidamada Dowladda Federaalka iyo maleeshiyooyinka hoggaamiye Kooxeedyada. Dhanka kalena Kulanka dhexmaray Mas’uuliyiinta sare ee Dowladda Federaalka iyo Hoggaamiye Kooxeedyadii Muqdisho ee kala ah Maxamed Qanyare Afrax, Muuse Suudi Yalaxow, Cumar Maxamed Maxmuud (Cumar Filish),Bootaan Ciise Caalin, Cabdi Xasan Cawaale Qeybdiid iyo Cabdi Nuurre Siyaad ayaa waxaa looga dooday sida ay Hoggaamiyayaashan oo qaarkood Xildhibaano ka ah Dowladda Federaalka ay uga qeybqaadan karaan xasilinta dalka, iyadoo dood iyo falanqeyn karibna la isku af-gartay in si wada jir ah looga wada shaqeeyo sidii loo xasilin lahaa dalka Soomaaliya, isla markaana ay Hoggaamiyayaashii hore ee Muqdisho ay hubkooda iyo Maleeshiyooyinkooda ugu soo wareejin lahaayeen Dowladda Federaalka, iyadoo soo xareynta hubka iyo maleeshiyooyinkana loo saaray guddi farsamo oo Dowladda iyo Hoggaamiyayaasha Muqdisho kala metelaya. Salaad Iidow Xasan (Xiis), Hiiraan Online Mogadishu, Somalia
  10. Some of the warlords who have fought in Somalia for 16 years have said they will surrender their weapons - after a battle, which left at least five dead. The warlords agreed to lay down their guns after meeting President Abdullahi Yusuf in the capital, Mogadishu. As the talks were being held, gunmen loyal to one of the warlords battled presidential guards outside. The warlords and the president returned to Mogadishu this week, after the ousting of an Islamist group. Meanwhile, aid agency Oxfam says that at least 70 people were killed in this week's air strikes against Islamists and suspected al-Qaeda operatives. Rocket-propelled grenade "The warlords and the government have agreed to collaborate for the restoration of peace in Somalia," said government spokesman Abdirahman Dinari following the talks in Somalia's presidential palace. "The agreement means they have to disarm their militia and their men have to join the national army," he said. He named the warlords who had agreed to disarm as: Mohamed Qanyare Afrah Musa Sudi Yalahwo Omar Mohamed Mohamoud Issa Batan Alin Abdi Hassan Awale Qeiybdid Omar Habeb Bashir Raghe Shirar. They formed a US-backed alliance last year but were driven out of Mogadishu by the Islamists. The gun battle, in which a rocket-propelled grenade was used, was reportedly sparked by a dispute over where to park an armoured vehicle. "They killed five of our fighters on the spot and wounded seven others, some of them seriously," said a gunman loyal to Mr Qanyare. "They refused to allow our wounded to be taken to hospitals." Such clashes between gunmen loyal to rival warlords were fairly common during 15 years of lawlessness in Somalia. After seizing Mogadishu from the warlords last June, the Union of Islamic Courts removed most of the militias from the streets and many residents welcomed an increase in their security. Government and Ethiopian forces routed the Islamists in recent weeks. The Islamists denied accusations that they were sheltering senior al-Qaeda operatives, accused of carrying out attacks in East Africa. Air strikes condemned Oxfam says it is deeply concerned that civilians and military targets were not distinguished in this week's air strikes, leading to innocent deaths. "According to the reports from local organisations in Afmadow district, bombs have hit vital water sources as well as large groups of nomads and their animals who had gathered round large fires at night to ward off mosquitoes," Oxfam said. Earlier, Djibouti, which hosts a large United States anti-terror base, condemned this week's US air strikes in southern Somalia. (This made me laugh)..looool Eritrea's President Isaias Afeworki, accused of backing Somalia's Islamists, has also condemned the air strikes, saying they could destabilise the region. The US says it was targeting al-Qaeda operatives. Somali's interim government has backed the air strikes, in which a US official says that Somalis linked to al-Qaeda were killed. But he said the top three suspects in those attacks - Comoros national Fazul Abdullah Mohammed, Kenyan Saleh Ali Saleh Nabhan and Abu Taha al-Sudani of Sudan - all survived. Aid workers report that more 1,000 people have been wounded since fighting erupted in December. However, there is no reliable information on casualties in the current fighting in the remote south.
  11. ^^^^^^^^LoooooooooL I get it....You don't wanna him dissing Adeer Riyaale ootaay.
  12. ^^^^Me is no Dhabalif, or secessionist for that matter.
  13. ^^^^Should be interesting to see what likes of Sudi and Qanyare would be doing, and where is Shariif I wonder?
  14. ^^^^^This is entertaining actually. They all being bussed back and forth. The stooges in baydhobo are also coming up to Mogadisho
  15. LoooooooooL@Shoes Nah...Men are like wheel. Without them, the world won't around. Besides, who would you go complain about to your girlfriends. And remember they gave you most of innovations that you listed, and they could take them away. One always needs choas.And for that to happen, one has to tango with the oppisite sex. A world without either sex is pure boredom regardless how interesting your gals are.
  16. Cynic....It is non-profit. It is more of species preservation bank. With the rate we Faaraxs are killing each other, we need back up system to ensure our existence. sweety who needs a man is my qs this ok now, let's not go crazy, shall we?
  17. Cynical....Technically, you are not fornicating if one donates or accepts the sperm. Maybe I should start Faarax Sperm Bank Inc.....looool P.S Pregnancy is more difficult and complicated at 40, I think the younger the better it would be.
  18. They laugh and giggle while innocent ones are being killed in the Jubba. Where is suicide bomber when you need one?
  19. Originally posted by UK_ROSE: ^^ I will Only consider sperm bank if my child is going to look like the guy I saw in a wedding the other day! Was he married too? If he wasn't, you should have made a move. Cynical...Looooool...even child bearing became modern day convenience thing. God bless human ingenuity. Not to throw religion into this, but I wonder religions says kids generated as result of sperm bank donations.
  20. you will never marry, have kids and hear the word MUM". You don't have to be married to be mom. That's why they have sperm banks. N no, you are not mistaken for looking for a decent person unless your expections of guy is bit over the top.
  21. LoooooL...He is already on his way to Xamar Cadeey web page. Atleast they spare him of this humilaiting moment web page And what is a defence minister doing setting up administration?
  22. All is good as long as Horn's warlord Hiiraale is back in Kismayo. The bloodletting, and invasion is therefore not just justifiable, but necessary.