Che -Guevara

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Everything posted by Che -Guevara

  1. What's point of having good looking patner if both of you have to ignore each other in public. I say hell with the Somali thing, hold on him like any another accessory. Do you really care if you have cute kids. Cute or not as parent, we will have to like them anyway.
  2. ^^^^LoooooooooL@cute babies. I like Wifey to be cute, not coz I wanna my kids to be cute, but merely for my gratification. So Aaliyah, is it really about da kids or you wanna a hubby that looks good in your arms while walking down the street.
  3. No, this is not news clip from da motherland, but rather a little story that might have us an insight into the Somali mindset. You all have heard tales of the canning and conniving Dawaco that outsmarts of all reer Dugaag exception being the Libaax who it fears. What exactly are the Moral of these Dawaco stories,and what are young kids suppose to learn from them. Here is one such tale about the Dawaco and Dhurwaa (Waraabe). WARAABE IYO DAWACO Bari ayaa dawaco adhi fara badan ka cuni jirtay reero meel deggan. Adhigaas oo riyo iyo idaba lahaa. Maalin danbe ayaa dadkii meel isugu yimaadeen waxaaney ka wada hadleen sidii ay dawacadaa dhibta badan iskaga dili lahaayeen. Waxay dadkii talo ku gaadheen in dabin loo dhigo dawacada. Dawacadii waxay ku dhacday dabinkii loo dhigay. Dadkii waxay ku xidheen dawacadii geed jiridiis, si looga aarsado oo waxaa talo lagu gaadhey in dab lagu dhex rido. Dadkii waxay soo gureen qoryo xaabo ah oo aad u badan. Waxay xaabadii ka buuxsheen god aad u weyn oo ay ka qodeen geedkii ay dawacadu ku xidhnayd agtiisa. Markaas ayey xaabadii dab ku huriyeen waxayna yidhaahdeen, "Aan iska tagno, oo marka dabku uu aad u shidmo ku soo noqonno oo dawacada ku dhex ridno." Waraabe aad u gaajaysan ayaa wuxuu maqlay cidii dawacada. Markaas ayuu soo orday oo is yidhi, aad ka eryatid neefka ay dilootey maanta, waraabihii wuxuu u yimi dawacadii xidhneyd. Intuu yaabey ayuu ku yidhi, "Naa dawaco yaa geedka kugu xidh-xidhay?" Markaas ayey dawacadii tidhi, "Waxa igu xidhay adeerkay." Waraabihii (Dhurwaa) ayaa hadana yidhi, "Oo muxuu kuu xidhay?" Dawacadii ayaa tidhi, "Adeerkay aad buu ii jicelyahay." Wuxuu arkay in aan caato ahay markaa wuxuu ii qalay wan weyn oo aad u buuran. Dabkaasna wankaas ayaa lagu karin doonaa. Aniguna waan diidanahay in aan cuno wankaas buuran, waayo gaajo ima hayso oo maalmahan oo dhan ayaan hilib cunayey, oo waxaan ka cabsanayaa inaan calool xanuun ka qaado. Markii aan damcay in aan ka tagana, intuu i soo qabtay ayuu geedkan igu xidhay. Markaan hilibkii cuni kari waayeyna wuu i diley. Waraabihii ayaa intuu afka aad u kala qabtay illeen waa wax hilib iyo baruur jecele yidhi, "Ihi! ihi! ihi! aniga ayaa xariga kaa furaya ee aniga geedka igu xidh, si aan anigu u cuno hilibkaas adiguna uga nabad gasho." Markii dadkii ku soo noqdeen meeshii dawacadu ku xidhnayd, si ay dabka ugu dhex tuuraan, waxay u yimaaddeen waraabe ku xidhan geedkii. Dadkii ayaa intey yaabeen yidhi, "War Waraabe meeday dawacadii?" Markaas ayuu waraabihii yidhi, "aniga ayaa xarigii ka furay oo way tagtay." Dadkii ayaa yidhi, "Oo maxaad uga furtay?" Waraabihii wuxuu yidhi, "waxay i tidhi dawacadii aniga gaajo ima hayso, ee hilibka la ii keeni lahaa adigu cun." Markaas ayey dadkii isagii dabkii ku tuureen. Sidaas ayaa waraabihii isku darsaday hunguri xumada iyo doqonnimada ku dhintay. Source: web page
  4. Hayam....Caadi kuu dhacayaa, confront him. Luckly, I never had a racist teacher, but co-workers yes. The best to deal with them atleast in my case is to show that you are not afraid, and that you understand and know your rights.And also make sure that you fullfill your job's requiremnts. Racists thrive on three things, Fear Lack of Aweraness as it relates to your rights Lack of knowledge regarding the task at hand. Obviously, you do your schoool work well, know your rights as student, and hopefully not feeling intimidated by him. So gave after him.
  5. Loved his speech at UN with his diablo comment in reference to Bush.....LooooL@speedy, liked dat cartoon as kid.
  6. My bad...I was confusing him withMorales of Bolivia, part of new wave of leftist regimes. I wonder if Morales is related to Tupac Katari's people who lead one of rebellions in Latin America. True, Simon is much older. Castro is old, but without Che, it would have been difficult. Pancho was very fav revolutionary though.
  7. Nomadic.....Che made Castro, and by extension, the Chavez, Bolivar, Ortega,etc Kaastaroo....Know dat bro...loool Da kid could be my Qabiil. Mentioning him and TFG in da same line ain't rite.
  8. Dumb N Dumber...lets keep da nacnac at politik section, shall we?
  9. Our correspondent also says that Aids is eroding the continent's ability to provide troops for peacekeeping operations at a time when its many wars are placing increased demands on armies. web page
  10. LooooooooooL@Rokko, If only you could find those seperately. Mantra......I think there is Cynic's syndrome going around. Devil and Ibti have already fallen, and you are next. This is just the early stages.
  11. Ayaan Daro, and more will be hunted. Zenawi wants no threat emanating from Somali proper. N these are Somalinised Oromos ee qafalaayaan.
  12. Originally posted by MC Xamar: quote:Originally posted by Castro: ^ He was looking for an Eritrean girl. Hit the nail right on the head. Man, this guy's good!! LoooooooooooL....Take da entire horn for a spin. That's an idea. MCXamar, the hot thing is da Tigray Xabashi, da new lords from Indian ocean to the highlands. The power thing makes them a little more attractive.
  13. A day late, and dollar short. Somalis are fcuking screwed. Rahima......Soomaali ma jirto!!
  14. Redsea...say kaa naqutay. Leave the dumar alone. has been coming, wax soo socdana uma jeedno.
  15. Che -Guevara


    LoooooooooL@Sudi comment I thought the old man was pimping like Diddy. I thought there would be Somali version of farnsworth bentley. Loooooool@Barre comment. Duqa Afmiinshaar wuu ahaaa. God bless his soul.
  16. Che -Guevara


    ^^^LoooooooooooooooL...ootaay dacaayada jooji I guess Villa Soomaaliya u mooqatay. It is understandble.
  17. ^^^He is actually from Somaliland, and doesn't believe tearing up the country. Infact, he is against all kinds of lands.I guess he does to point out that he doesn't share his fellow countrymen's sentiments. It is not neceeb for the people there or anything.
  18. LoooooooooL@ MM Translate to it Amharic. He understands that perfectly. LooooooooooL@Paragon, Waa iga yaabiyeen ragaan. Somalida waxee ku maahmaahdaa nin naag wadu iyo fuley ku lagde labado kaama kacaan. Hada fuley tank tigray kuray aa hada xabadka noo ruxaaya.
  19. LooooL@Puja...That would be nice, but already get date this friday. Cynic.....I thought this is perfect usage of men by the women who think men are no longer nececessary. Cambarro....Come one, Iam nice guy LoooooooooL@Devil
  20. Cambarro....He is messing with her. P.S Could there be cultural aspect to this? I find out that Somali women and women in general put up alot of crap when dating men from other cultures.
  21. ^^^ Now, you are a torturer too.You are learning fast from the Addis regime.