Che -Guevara

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Everything posted by Che -Guevara

  1. Originally posted by Cambarro: Che..that picture was scary. I didnt know i was scared of slimy things, until i saw that picture of a man being swallowed. Get a load of this. Just imgine Kaas oo ku ciijiye. Once I saw on some nature a python that died trying to swallow man. The man was stuck in his jaws.
  2. Originally posted by Cambarro: ^^ That is called bacweyne my friend. It covers a lot. It looks flammable too. Tempted to light match around her.
  3. Originally posted by Mujaahid: Red Sea: [QB] Hello all, There wasn't really nothing new about this at all,it felt like seniors' night out. Taking glimpse at those books,I can already spot few non TFG supporters,in fact die hard somalilanders Including this singer,(was there for the party offcourse). What is she wearing, a plastic :confused: War Red meesha xaa ku geehye.
  4. Cara...You haven't obviously meet man eating snakes. Ngone's fears might well be justified. Don't look this pic if you wanna sleep tonite. Warning...Pictures of man swallowed by large Python. web page
  5. YouTubers to get ad money share By Tim Weber Business editor, BBC News website, Davos People who upload their own films to video-sharing website YouTube will soon get a share of the ad revenue. YouTube founder Chad Hurley confirmed to the BBC that his team was working on a revenue-sharing mechanism that would "reward creativity". The system would be rolled out in a couple of months, he said, and use a mixture of adverts, including short clips shown ahead of the actual film. YouTube has more than 70m users a month and was recently bought by Google. The offer applies only to people who own the full copyright of the videos that they are uploading to the YouTube website. The company, which Google bought in November last year for $1.65bn, was currently working on "audio fingerprinting" technologies to identify copyrighted material, Mr Hurley said in a session on social networking at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland. Speaking to the BBC after the session, he declined to give further details, saying that YouTube was still working out the technology and processes involved - both for the rewards system and the video clip advertising system. But he confirmed that the various features would be rolled out one by one over the next few months. "There won't be one big release," he said. The audience of the YouTube website will not have to put up with overly long "pre-roll" adverts. Mr Hurley said a clip of three seconds length was one of the options, although the details had not been worked out yet. Other video sharing sites such as Revver already split advertising revenues with users uploading original content, but only YouTube has managed to attract an audience measuring in the tens of millions. Mr Hurley said the fact that YouTube had not had a revenue sharing model was one of the reasons for its success, as that had allowed the website to focus on its key strength, making it easy to share videos with others. YouTube has repeatedly clashed with film studios and music publishers over copyrighted material that has been uploaded to the website. The company says that it is quick to remove copyrighted material on the site that has been brought to its attention. Since the takeover by Google, YouTube has also negotiated
  6. I thought da Devil might enjoy this since she has thing against reer Khamiis.Probably, some of yu saw this vid. Anyhow, it made laugh hard.
  7. LooooL@Val....It turns the TFG hold the party the same day our new nation celebrates Festival of Timkat. The raw meat was diverted to this more meaningful national event. The TFG apologized, and promised in immersing themselves in the Ethio culture. Here is few pics of the event. There were atleast 5000 people in attendance. N yeah, the TFG event was rescued by caterer who just happens to be Shiekh Shariif cousin..He says Hi to Lazy.
  8. You are not winning either!! Only ordinary Maryooleey are being sacrified, and for what?
  9. Nothing to brag about Duqa. It is shameful act. You don't humiliate your enemy by dragging the corpses, Just kill them and leave it there.
  10. "VIVA SHEIKH SHARIF"...loooooooool..Lazy has a thing for a Faarax, a wadaad I might add Lazy he is being held in Kenya by Yanks. You and your crew of Amazon Xalimos should release him. Brown.....LooooL@Geedi n Hiraale. I guess it was exclusive Qabiil party.5000 kulahaa...lool
  11. Originally posted by Caano Geel: southern italy right? Yup....home to the bloodthirsty and greedy Mafia.
  12. Originally posted by David_Letterman: I'm from Yey's clan but never would i die for this traitor would i die for Shariif the real president or a Female patriotic president? yes! Good to know some sane fellow Planders. A Plander should shoot this B*stard right between the eyes.
  13. LooooooooL@Jb.....ok who is who in that pic. Good one mate!!
  14. Tanug yu Xiin "Snake nightmares caawa" Come to Papa
  15. ^^^You are not helping now....Val I could have sweared Abeese was Masocagalay. Need to brush up my Somali. Anyone know Jinac in May May.....MMA if you could pls. Jimacaale...wariiri waa madow yahay.
  16. ^^^^I wish I would be there to show my support. Do take pics Yaa Red.
  17. Pujah....I already did. You guys need not to know about it. But it involves holding hands.
  18. LoooL@Aaliyah....Good one Lazy
  19. I thought Abeeso is Masocagalay which doesn't look anything like a rattle snake at all. N why did people use to fear Masocagalay. I remember people use to call sheedaanka xaaskiiya.
  20. I never heard of jiracyaal....wariiri yeah
  21. "jiracyaal" mean wariiri