Che -Guevara

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Everything posted by Che -Guevara

  1. Hefner...Getting caught...loool. Then you put on a brave face, and say nice @ss. There is nothing in wrong in looking, just don't smack it. I live in da beantown.
  2. someone's body without their will Very unusuall but ok.
  3. why I hate to sick behind somali girl Sick behind..what are they feeding you.
  4. My suggestion is to stop giving this lady more publicity than she deserves. runtaa waaye. Now lets talk about something more important, like why your nick changes every two seconds. I mean seriouisly, is there some compulsive disorder you have about updating the profile. N what should we call you..Pujah, Pooja , Poja, Puja, or Puj.
  5. Originally posted by Laba_Xiniinyood: Ileen meesha waagii hore waxanaa laga sheekaysan jirey! N why did yu bring back this topic unless you were gonna hit us with link....Disappointed now.
  6. What do people have against the black dress? It is personal choice, lets respect that. You don't wanna anyone making fun of your pink n white dresses. Dev & Lazy seemed little reluctant in their congrats. Come on ladies, were you put off by the big grin on her face.
  7. The woman could mock and deride the Islamic values all she wants. The more important question here should be what does this woman actually did for Muslim women? Hightlighting an obvious problem doesn't mount to anything. Did she actually did anything tangible to mitigate problems faced by Muslim women?
  8. Nepali becomes both man and woman By Charles Haviland BBC News, Kathmandu Chanda Musalman shows off the citizenship ID card The authorities in Nepal have granted a man who dresses and behaves as a woman both male and female citizenship. The unprecedented legal status was given to 40-year-old Chanda Musalman. Conservative and religious Nepal, like many Asian countries, has a sizeable community of people who are born male but behave as women. It is unclear how this unique legal status will play out in practice - for instance, how it will affect Chanda's marriage rights. Constitution With elections approaching, government teams are currently touring the country issuing certificates of citizenship. One team came to Chanda's village in western Nepal. Chanda, who has had no sex-change surgery, asked the officials to erase the words male and female, listed under gender. They obliged, and ascribed Chanda's gender as "both". A local campaign group, the Blue Diamond Society, has thanked the government for the move, which it described as a victory for sexual and gender minorities. In the past the group has accused both the police and the Maoists of harassing transgendered people in the streets of Kathmandu. It is now lobbying to get the rights of sexual minorities explicitly protected in the new constitution, to be drawn up after the elections.
  9. meeshii la doono lagu tallaalaa Binsinka..War Dee halkee kaloo bidaarto gashaa ha naga nixinine. Waa aduun walaan waxaan maqli jiri Kanadaa bali dadka cadeeya ku yaal. Tintana maloo soo dhigtay. Ma, aanaba xasuusan kara rijanreeshin. War hedhee wax ka fudud oo dukaanada laga halo ma jiraan.
  10. ^^^Is that you Paragon. war bidaar dhereed maxaad ku sameesay.
  11. ome women out there want their husband to be is a sickness! Waxaad i soo xasuusiay a guy who strangled his wife, and then claimed his wife was into erotic asphyxiation which meant her death was accidental. Just why would anyone put up with senseless abuse? Lazy....loool My boys read these pages. Easy now or they might think Iam going softy. On serious note, I don't like people that exercise power over others knowing the victims can't fight at that particular moment. If he wants a fight, and go and pick someone of your own size.
  12. Blacks are genetically prone to laziness. White males are predisposed to serial killing. And dam Puerto Ricans are just all thieves. Pls don't ask me to qualify these assertions.
  13. “walaashaa iskuma hubtide, seedigaa ha isku dirin” Granted Seedigaa don't use your sister as bunching bag.
  14. Hadoo Gacan u qaade ha iska tagto. There is nothing to reconcile in my opinion.
  15. This is wierd and disturbing! US sex offender 'posed as pupil' Mr Rodreick was reportedly "fairly quiet" at school A 29-year-old convicted sex offender has spent four months at a US school after successfully posing as a 12-year-old boy, officials say. They say Neil Rodreick shaved his body hair, covered his stubble with make-up and took a new name to attend Imagine Charter School in Phoenix, Arizona. The 173cm (5ft 8in) man was eventually expelled for poor attendance in 2006. He was arrested after trying to enrol at another school. He has since been charged with forgery and fraud. Mr Rodreick spent seven years in jail after being convicted of lewdly propositioning a six-year-old boy in 1996. 'Age-appropriate' Mr Rodreick adopted the name Casey Price to attend Imagine Charter School, investigators say. We are just shocked Mindy Newlin, pupil's parent They say he blended well with the other pupils, many of whom were actually taller and bigger than him. He attended classes and always handed in his homework on time. "He absolutely looked age-appropriate," school spokeswoman Rhonda Cagle told the New York Times newspaper. "By all accounts from the teachers, he was fairly quiet and withdrawn," she said. Mindy Newlin, parent of one of the pupils at the school, said: "We are just shocked." Mr Rodreick even convinced two men who had been looking for boys on the internet to pretend to be his relatives. He was caught earlier in January, after teachers at another school in Arizona - where he had gone for a day - became suspicious. In all, Mr Rodreick spent nearly two years disguised as a boy. Cons.....My hindi is little rusty, but I think Puuja means ask.
  16. LoooL@Xalimo..are you sure you wanna see my big forehead, bidaar dheer with Trupm style comb over. N yes Geedi style Fanax. Didn't SOl had section with people's profile n Pics. Maybe the SOL Admin could bring that big if it is not too expensive of idea. In da mean time, here pic of as kid posted by Pujah web page LooooL@Red....come on, post one Aw. Iam sure it won't scare da kids away. MMA.....Oday baan ku heestay widaagiis
  17. Originally posted by Politically-Inclined: Che and Conspiracy are the only names i remembers ... Hey Y'll Long time ... Salaam..welcome back
  18. ^^^Love your avator though...lool
  19. ^^^Obviously some of us really have add the name. Xox....Those guys will sign onto anything. It is scary sh*t.
  20. taliyaha ciidanka itoobiya ee jubbooyinka LoooooooL...I never thought I will see all these words in da same sentence.
  21. Got up from the wrong side of da jiinbaar eh....loool Guess who raised these st-upid men?
  22. ^^^You haven't run into a Faraax with the right Af-Maal skills, but thanks for tip though
  23. What about them Azma Bob....Jokes might turn into babbling. Azmaya is on it already....loool Forget Maxaa tiri dialects...Try May May people. Love their ladies even they are cursing.