Che -Guevara

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Everything posted by Che -Guevara

  1. Ghanima..LoooooooooooL..I thought you were talking our southern girls, or did I misread that. I was just agreeing that they are too hot for me, hotter than reer you know.
  2. ^^Horta who made their spokesperson,and if they like to play little tough. That makes little the challenge more interesting. "I’m sure your lot are too great/ hot for ya. Haha lol. So we agree then soo maah: somalia" I agree, but I would say plenty are hotter than reer Burcaawi including certain someone
  3. Ok, you don't have to take swipe at my yanks, and at my Xamar folks, but I did stop claiming to be from Xamar altogether.Never end a sentence with "I'm told". Xalimos here are garab garab! P.S. I would consider reer Burcaawi.. Know anyone
  4. ^^Head to Soomaaliya, not bad idea, but plent fishes here in the big Apple though. P.S. Too many people claim to be Burco. It must be like Xamar of the north. In our case every southerner was in Xamar.
  5. ^Come on, don't be fulay now LoooooooL@Ghanima..Qaraabsi aka fishing. The master mightn't be here too long not that wish for his death.
  6. ^^The list is long,but Duke and Emperor is the head of the army. When you disappeared,some thought you joined the protest at Cromwell with Paragon.And couldn't call me an old man. Qaraabsi aan ku jiraaye. It is good to see your kind to your Inadeer though
  7. ^^And who are you? Ghanima...I didn't actually see Duq NGONE saying you went to Burco. We just miss you. That's all.
  8. What's machetes and Africans. I don't even remeber Maryooley hacking each other like that, but it is weapon of choice from Rwanda to Siero Leone.
  9. Suldaanka....This time around Riyaale will be instructed to lose LA,and we will have Duke posting a thread titled "Laas Caanod liberated", much like your boy Ayoub did when LA changed hands. And we won't see you in SOL for while atleast till Somaliland makes another excursion into SSC town or village. On serious note, Riyaale and Yeey are Zenawi's Biaatches.Matters little why are they there.
  10. I do know my neighbor. She is hot mamasita from Brazil. P.S. I think someone is in trouble when family and friends become something to tolerate. That's case here in the west.
  11. It is right of passage of every newbie to bash Somali men. Now people, leave the Xalimo alone.
  12. ^^Though I don't share your view of them, you make more sense than the fella that showered them with divine attributions.
  13. Some of us consider the SNM to be sacred LoooooooooooL..What Joke
  14. ^^Your tenacity is admirable Duke,but seriously how long you are gonna keep on singing the same tune.
  15. AfricaOwn is on campaign of his own. Keep it lad.
  16. Hi Rahima, People were killed in mosques back home, but I never heard of preachers fueling the flames of fire and definitely the killings were not that scale either. Sadly, the same thing is happening in Kenya. Amazing how seemingly stable country can deteriorate into violence so quickly.
  17. Red...At end of the day, everybody is pursuing their narrow self-interest. Cid Soomaali asxaan ufasha majidho.
  18. ^^^It is all matter of perception, but carry on.
  19. ^^I agree with you it is up to them. Just make sure you respect their wishes too. Suldaanka is closer to everything somalinimo. When does pursuing your narrow interests mounted to the Soomaalinimo. Suldaanka.....It doesn't matter who it is. If it makes feel better you can include AfQudhac. In any case, peace is precious, and these two tribal entities are flirting with fire.
  20. The "Somali Syndrome" is not avoidable, but let's hope the best. Civil in Kenya will have serious ramifications for the entire east Africa.
  21. Meesha wax yaala majiro ee nabad halagu wada noolaado. And the Good people of SSC should rid themselves the likes of Xaabsade and establish their own ministate till the day a proper Somali government is born.
  22. Qarax Xoogan ayaa Caawa Gil Gilay Magaalada Bosaaso ee xarunta Gobolka Bari Bosaaso:- Qarax xoogan ayaa caawa Gil Gilay magaalada Bosaaso ee xarunta Gobolka Bari, qaraxaasi ayaa waxa la sheegay in lala beegsaday Gaadhi ay wadeen Booliska Magaalada Bosaaso xili ay ku jireen hawlgal balaadhan oo ay ku sugan yaan Amaanka magaalada Bosaaso, goortii qaraxaasi dhacay ayaa waxa ay rideen Ciidamadu rasaas. Dad goob joogayaal ah ayaa saxaafada u sheegay inuu qaraxaasi ahaa Mab-gacmeed kaasi lagu tuuray Baabuur ay la socdeen ciidanka Booliska ee magaalada Bosaaso, qaraxaasi ayaa la cadeeyay inuu dhawaac ka soo gaadhay hal ruux oo goobtaasi ka dhawaa, kagadaal goortii uu Mab-kaasi dhaafay Ciidankii lala beegsaday. Isla markiiba ciidan xoogan oo dheeraad ah ayaa soo gaadhay goobtii ay Masiibadaasi ka dhacday iyaga oo isku gadaamay waxayna baadhitaana xoogle ka wadaan goobihii ku dhawaa agaasi iyaga oo la sheegay inaanay ilaa haatan cidna loo qaban Qaraxaasi. Maamulka Puntland ayaa ilaa iminka wax jawaab ah ka soo saarin qaraxaasi caawa dhacay iyaga oo sheegay inay wadaan hawl galo baaxadle oo ay ku soo qabanayaan dadkii falkaasi maleegay, waxay sheegeen saaraakiisha Ciidanku ee Puntland inuu qaraxaasi caawa dhacay uu ahaa mid aad looga soo shaqeeyay ujeedkiisuna uu ahaa in lagu wiiqo Amaanka Dawlada Goboleedka Puntland oo awlba ahaa mid laga dayrinayo. Qaraxaasi caawa ka dhacay magaalada Bosaaso ayaa ah kii labaad oo noocisa oo kale ah oo ka dhaca magaalada Bosaaso, isaga oo kii ka horeeyay uu ka dhacay habeenkii dhawayd magaalada Bosaaso uu aah mid kiinay khasaare lixaadle oo ay ku dhawaacmen ilaa 7- Ruux halka 3-kalena ay ku dhinteen. Tani waxay soo beegmaysaa xili Cade Muuse uu ku sugan yahay magaalada Bosaaso, isaga oo la sheegay inuu uyimi sidii uu ula xajoon lahaa wafti u andacoonaysa laba Hablood uu duleedka Bosaaso lagu haysto Mudo gaadhaysa ilaa 10-maal mood. Dhamaan xaalada guud ee magaalada Bosaaso ayaa ah caawa mid Kacsanaan laag dareemayo iyada oo ay wadooyinka joogaan Ciidamo aad u farabadan kuwaasi oo baadhitaano ka wada Gudaha Magaalada Bosaaso. Jaamac AYaanle LaasqorayNet/ Bosaaso