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Everything posted by Che -Guevara
Originally posted by me: So do you have the German version? Bangen um Geiseln in Somaliland geht weiter Das Internationale Kommittee vom Roten Kreuz fuerchtet weiter um das Leben von 10 Mitarbeitern, die am Mittwoch in Somalia verschleppt worden waren. Ein Sprecher der Hilfsorganisation sagte in Genf, die Lage sei aeusserst ernst. Zugleich kritisierte er das Zurschaustellen der Geiseln vor Fernsehkameras. Unter den Entfuehrten befindet sich auch ein deutscher Staatsangehoeriger. Nach juengsten Informationen haben die Kidnapper fuer jedes ihrer Opfer ein Loesegeld in Hoehe von 100.000 Dollar verlangt. Sie drohten mit der Hinrichtung der Geiseln, wenn das Geld nicht innerhalb von 24 Stunden gezahlt wird
Faarax...Wadaad ku hayste inee iyagu Jamcahee xabadka isa saaran. LoooooooL@Lily, Ka Qaley. Awluugey..We will find you Mudug girl that gets you upto speed. Caution though, chicks from there don't like nice guys.
Your Somali stinks Stoic
Duceysane.....I don't have lucky number, but I sorround myself with lucky people. Cl....Lollipop,and hug from Faarax Brawn
LSK....You may have a point there. She is talking, her audience seems to be distracted unlike the passionate crowd that Obama attracts. She didn't come out as the clear winner last night. If anything she seem humbled by saying "You know, no matter what happens in this contest, I am honored. I am honored to be here with Barack Obama, I am absolutely honored." Somewhat of realisation,she is more than possibility Obama might the nomitation. March 4 should be an interesting day. I say Obama would carry both Texas and Ohio. MMA...Are you feeling left out? P.S. It is not the best democracy, and say what you may about America, but it is the only country that could give a first generation a chance to be at the top. Of course, this doesn't mean everything is rosy in America.
Let's take da thread to 4444
Clinton needs to revamp her message. Whatever she is saying seems to be falling on deaf ear. Can she convince the blue collar workers of Ohio, and the large Hispanic community in Texas to give her a second chance. These two groups formed the core base of her supporters,but even they seem to be falling for Obama's charm, and his call for change. What can she do counter his message rather than dismissively calling it an empty rethoric.
^It is not. It is not very intelligent game, but still addictive
The blue squares and rectangles follow the same pattern everytime. You could actually memorize it and aviod them. I keep hitting the walls though. P.S. Go in circles to aviod the walls...Got finally
General Gebre slapped Abdilahi Yusuf on the face LOL
Che -Guevara replied to Suldaanka's topic in Politics
^LoooooooooooooL..war Gediid wat does your camp say Juje....True, Darwish is devoted Yeey follower. -
General Gebre slapped Abdilahi Yusuf on the face LOL
Che -Guevara replied to Suldaanka's topic in Politics
^Duqa inkaar buu qabaa. He is not good independent force not good stooge either. -
General Gebre slapped Abdilahi Yusuf on the face LOL
Che -Guevara replied to Suldaanka's topic in Politics
Khilaaf xoogan oo soo kala dhaxgalay C/laahi yuusuf iyo Gen, Gebre Warar lagu kalsoon yahay oo laga helay ilo xog ogaal ah kuna dhaw madaxweyne yuusuf ayaa shaeegaya in khilaaf xoogan oo gaaray heerkii ugu sareeyey uu u dhexeeyo madaxweynaha DFS C/llaahi Yuusuf Axmed iyo Sarkaalka ugu sareeya ciidamada Itoobiyaanka ee ku sugan soomaaliya ee dhinaca siyaasada Gen.Gabre. Qilaafkan ayaa lagu macneeyey inuu salka ku hayo awooda dhinaca maamul ee Soomaaliya, ayaa soo shaac baxday ka gadaal markii C/llaahi yuusuf uu dacwad ka dhan ah jananka itoobiyaanka kuna dalbanayo in laga bedelo Soomaaliya uu u gudbiyey Ra’iisul wasaaraha Itoobiya Malez Zenawi muddadii uu safarkiisii ugu dambeeyey uu ku joogay Magaalada Adis ababa, arintaasoo muddo maalmo ah ku qaadatay Madaxweyne Cabdulahi Yususf sidii uu uga dhaadhicin arrimaha uu kaga cabanayo Jeneraal Gabre raiisal wasaare Meles Zenawi. Ilahaasi xog ogaalka ah ayaa sheegaya in Malez Zanawi aanu si rasmi ah u aqbalin dalabka C/llaahi Yuusuf balse uu sheegay in Gen. Gabre looga yeeri doono Adis Ababa waqti aan la cayimin, waxaanse la ogayn in Gen. Gabre looga yeeri doono Adis Ababa iyo in kale, wallow la tuhunsan yahay in hadalkaasi uu ahaa mid keliya lagu qancinaayey Madaxweyne Yuusuf. Waxana warar la helayo ay sheegayaan in ay jiri karaan in xaaladu ay sidan ka sii weynaato oo uu yimaado shirqool la isku qaarijiyo, arintaasoo laga dareemi karo in si aad ah loo adkeeynayo amaanka Madaxweynaha, oo ay imminka si weyn u sugayaan ciidamada AMISOM iyo Ciidamada ka tirsan kuwa DFS, arintana qilaafka ahna waxa ay sababtay sida la xaqiijiyey in dhinac ka mid ah raggan is haya ay hawlgalo ay ka sameeyeen Magaalada Muqdisha lagu sheegay inay ka dambeeyeen kooxaha ka soo horjeeda Dawlada. Weeraradda la tuhusanyahay in ay ka dhasheen khilaafka madaxweynaha iyo jeneraal Gabre ayaaa waxaa ka mid ah weerar lagu qaaday garoonka diyaaradaha muqdishu xilli uu ka sii baxayay raiisal wasaare nuur cadde iyada oo madafiicda lagu ganay garoonka laga ganay meelo fariisan u ah ciidamo soomaaliyeed oo madaxdooda la saaxiib ah jeneraal Gabre. Madaafiicdaasi ayaa ahaa kuwii ku habsaday guryo ku dhowaa xeradda afasiyoone oo ay ku lee’deen dad rayid ahaa. Raggga sida gaarka ah Gen. Gabre la saaxiibka ah uuna ka dhaxeeya isbaheysi xooggan ayaa wxaa ka mid ah Darwiish, Maxamed Dheere, Xaabsade iyo xubno kale oo ka tirsan Golaha wasiirada iyo qaybaha kale ee dawlada,waxaana Madaxweyne Yuusuf uu si aad ah u diidan yahay Ciidamada ay sida gaarka ah u leeyhiin Darwiish iyo Maxamed dheere oo fuliya danaha ka soo horjeeda isaga, inkastoo uu doonayey inay isaga ka amar qaatan dhamaan ciidamada dawlada sida uu doonana u adeegsado si ay awooda dawlada oo dhan gacanta ugu soo gasho balse arintaasi aanay dhicin, waqti badan oo xilkii uu hayeyna laga lumiyey in kastoo uu haatan dadaal ugu jiro sidii uu ku hanan lahaa awooda Dawlada oo dhan Madaxweyne yuusuf ayaa la xaqiijiyey in uu xilka ka qaadi lahaa raggan xulafada la ah Gen Gabre ee aan ka tirsanayn Golaha wasiirada waa haddii ra’iisal wasaare Meles Zenawi uu bedeli lahaa Gabre hase yeeshee Meles ayaan weli fulinin codsiga madaxweynaha oo ah in Gabre laga wareejiyo arrimaha Soomaaliya. samatar said salah triples.limo@gmail.com -
General Gebre slapped Abdilahi Yusuf on the face LOL
Che -Guevara replied to Suldaanka's topic in Politics
Originally posted by Suldaanka: ^^ You seem very indifferent there sxb. Adeero nin Xabashi ah ayaa faraxumeeyeyna waa ka diiriwayday? Between you and me, you seem to be worried about Yeey. Warlord la fara xumeeya is the least of my concerns. -
General Gebre slapped Abdilahi Yusuf on the face LOL
Che -Guevara replied to Suldaanka's topic in Politics
^LoooooooooL..It gave Suldaanka little chuckle. -
Target? Opera/Tyra watchers? How does it effect them anyway.
so what is she doing wrong in bringing light to the issue? Whose is her target audience in regards to this issue?
SSC delegation goes to Ethiopia, thank you secessionists!
Che -Guevara replied to me's topic in Politics
War Me, JB has Faisal Waraabe in his signature, do you really believe you would get reasonable reply from him. -
^LooooooooooooL, And LoooooooL@clanish wailers...This is from people whose entire State's existance is owed to Qabiil movement.
^I'm Maryooley Professional
The bus and train were on my time, a good start to the day.
Barack Hussein Obama wins Iowa (97% Whites)
Che -Guevara replied to Libaax-Sankataabte's topic in General
Republican White House hopeful John McCain has rejected a newspaper report that suggested he had an inappropriate relationship with a female lobbyist. web page Da dems learned about republican dirty tricks. They will come out swing too LSK...I don't think that story is gonna anywhere. Peasant...LooooooooL..That was indeed a porn site. I learned that in my goverment class. For second, I thought LSK had a parapraxis. -
Barack Hussein Obama wins Iowa (97% Whites)
Che -Guevara replied to Libaax-Sankataabte's topic in General
Among Wisconsin voters making between $15,000 and $30,000 a year, Obama edged out Clinton 52 percent to 46 percent. Among voters making between $30,000 and $50,000, Obama had a 56 percent to 44 percent advantage. She can't even hold on the blue collar folks. web page -
Barack Obama is a phenomenon...he is through to the final
Che -Guevara replied to General Duke's topic in Politics
Almost 90% of those voting were white, most of them working class and more than 50% of them women - in other words, the group that until now has proved to be her base. web page