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Farmaajo oo go'aan looga fadhiyo Ra'iisal Wasaaraha cusub ee Soomaaliya, Maxamed Cabdullaahi, ayaa waxaa soo wajahay arrimo dhowr ah oo ka dhex dhacay xukuumadda oo uu ku khasban yahay in uu ka qaato tallaabooyin si ay hawshu u kala socoto. Iyo si inta ay dowladda wada shaqeyntu kala dhexeyso ay u fahmaan dhabbaha uu doonayo in uu raaco. Ma la mamnuucay hay'adaha samafalka? Markii Wasiir ku xigeen ka tirsan xukuumadda cusub uu isku dayay in uu la kulmo hey'adaha gargaarka, waxaa dhacday in qaar badani ay shirkii ka soo qeyb geli waayeen. Wasiir ku xigeenka Go'aankiisii wuxuu noqday in uu ku dhawaaqo in hey'adahaas oo dhan laga mamnuucay hawshii ay dalka ka hayeen. Taas waxay la yaab ku noqotay hey'adihii, dadkii gargaarka ka heli jiray iyo dhammaan inta xog ogaalka u ah dhaqnka wadashaqeynta ah ee ka dhexeeya dowladda Soomaalida iyo hey'adaha gargaarka. Aakhirkii Dowladda waxaa khasab ku noqotay in ay dib u gurasho ka sameyso go'aankaas. Ma la baarayaa heshiiska Saracen? Waxaa xigay warar soo ifbaxay oo muujinaya in Dowladda TFG ay heshiis la gashay sharikad Ammaan oo gaar loo leeyahay oo la yiraahdo Saracen. Waxaa soo ifbaxay waraaq sida muuqata ay qoreen ciidanka AMISOM oo ay ka muuqato sida ay ula yaabeen in Dowladdu ay soo kireysatay hey'ad ammaanka qaabbilsan. AmISOM waxay waraaqdeeda ku weydiineysaa TFG baahida keenta in hey'ad gaar loo leeyahay ay dowladdu soo kireysato? Hawsha ay qaban doontaa waxa ay tahay? Nidaamka hawlgalkoodu waxa uu noqonayo, sida iyaga iyo AMISOM ay u wada shaqeyn doonaan iyo su'aalo kale oo badan. BBC waxaa iyaduna soo gaartay waraaq uu qoray, Wasiirka Warfaafinta oo markaa ahaa Madaxa Xafiiska Madaxweynaha, taas oo uu ugu jawaabayo AMISOM. Markii BBC ay la wediisay Wasiirka Arrimaha Dibadda, waxa ay xukuumaddu kala socoto heshiiska iyo in uu faahfaahin dadweynaha ka siin karo, waxaa uu ku jawaabay in ay dowladdu baaritaan ku sameyn doonto heshiiska, inta ka horreysana waan wax war ah laga bixin doonin. Wasiirka oo markaa joogay Addis Ababa, inkasta oo su'aalo badan laga weydiiyay hesiiska, haddana waxaa uu ku soo celiyay isla jawaabtaas. Laakiin isla maalintaas, Wasiirka Warfaafinta oo isagu joogay Washington ayaa idaacad kale u sheegay in heshiiska ay dowladdu ka warqabto, faahfaahinna waa uu ka bixiyay. Yaa Soomaalida uga wakiil ah New York? Arrintaas oo weli taagan, ayaa haddana waxaa soo ifbaxay khilaaf ka taagan Xafiiska Ergada Soomaaliya u fadhida Xarunta Qaramada Midoobay ee New York. Wasiirka Arrimaha Dibadda ayaa waxaa uu dib u soo magacaabay in Ciid Beddel uu noqdo ku xigeenka Madaxa Ergada Soomaaliya. Ciid oo hadda ka hor laga fariisiyay hawshaas, ayaa Dr. Cilmi Ducaale oo ah Madaxa Ergadu waxaa uu ka biyo diiday in uu arrintaa siday tahay u meel mariyo, taas oo keentay in uu Wasiirka u jawaabo una fasiro sababta. Laakiin Ciid oo u shaqo tegey xafiiska iyada oo aan Madaxa ergadu aqbalin ayaa waxay sababtay in booliiska New York loo yeero si uu u xaqiijiyo in aan fal dambiyeed halkaas ka dhicin. Laakiin arrintu waxay ka sii dartay markii Wasiirka Arrimaha Dibaddu uu waraaq u qoray Xoghayaha Guud ee Qarammada Midoobay oo uu u sheegay in Dr. Cilmi Ducaale, looga yeeray Muqdisho, Ergadana uu mas'uul ka yahay Ciid Beddel. Warqaddaas oo aan Dr. Ducaale weli u hoggaansamin. Xalku waa maxay? Marka la fiiriyo, Amarka Hey'adaha Samafalka shaqada looga fariisiyay ee haddana isla markiiba laga noqday, Labada Wasiir ee kala hadlay iyo khilaafka booliisku uu soo dhex galay ee ka taagan New York, waa saddex arrimood oo culeyskooda leh oo ay dowladdu iyadu gacanteeda ku samaysatay. Waxayna muujinayaan dhowr arrimood. Marka ugu horreysa waxay muujinayaan in saddexda arrimood midkoodna aan go'aan mideysan looga qaadan fadhiga Golaha Wasiirrada. Waxaa kale oo ay yihiin kuwo ugu yaraan weji gabax ku ah dowladda, Ra'iisal Wasaarahana looga fadhiyo in uu ka qaato kaalin hoggaamineed, oo dhibka hadda dhacayna uu ku xallinayo, kuna xaqiijnayo in aan taas oo kale dib u dhicin. www.bbc.co.uk/somali
Annaga oo ah waxgarad Soomaaliyeed oo u dhashay gobolada SSC kuna kala nool daafaha adduunka, waxaanu ugu horayn ka xunahay dhibaatadii ka dhacday baliga Kalshaale ee keentay isku dhaca dadka walaalaha ah ee Soomaaliyeed. Waxaanu tacsi u diraynaa eheladii iyo qaraabaddii dadkii ku geeryooday shaqaaqadaa anaga oo ilaahay uga baryayna in iyagana u naxariistu eheladoodiina samir iyo iimaan ka siiyo …Aamiin. Waxaanu ugu baaqaynaa beelaha Buuhoodle iyo Qurilugud in ay isu samraan dhibaatadaa dhacdayna si nabad gelyo ah xal ugu raadiyaan. Waxaanu beelaha u sheegaynaa in Kalshaale dhiig danbe oo ku dataa uu taariikhda labada beelood ku reebi doono dullinimo iyo magacxumo taariikhda u gala iyagoo horay uga heshiiyay dagaallo ka xun kana khasaaro badan kan hadda ka dhacay Kalshaale. Waxaanu beelaha Habrjeclo iyo *********** ka codsanaynaa in si islaanimo iyo maskax wanaagsana ugu dadaalaan in aan beelaha walaalaha ahi isku dhicin, isuna geysan dhager cawaaqib xumo dheer oo if iyo aakhiraba yeelata. Waxaanu u sheegayanaa in aan dagaal sokeeye liibaan iyo guul midna keenin, waxase uu keenaa ay tahay dhimasho iyo burbur aan mddo dheer laga soo waaqsan. Waxaanu ku waaninaynaa kuwa labada dhinacba ah ee afuufaya dabka ay doonayaan in ay ka dhex shidaan labada beelood ee walaalaha ah in ay ka waantoobaan fidnada ay hurinayaan. Waxaanu kula talinaynaa dadka sharka ololaynaya in ay dhaqaalaha iyo xoogga ay ku abaabulayaan dagaalka sokeeye ay geliyaan horumarinta iyo nabadaynta dhulkaa ay dadkaa Soomliyeed kuwada nool yihiin. Waxaanu maamulada Somaliland iyo Puntland ku boorinaynaa in ay qayb weyn ka qaataan qaboojinta xiisaddan labada beelood kuna dadaalaan isu soo dhowaanshaha iyo nabad gelyada dhulkaa dadka walaalaha ahi ku wada noolyihiin. Ugu danbayntii waxaanu ilaahay uga baryaynaa dhammaan ummadda Soomaaliyeed meel kasta oo ay joogto in caqli wanaagsan iyo cibaado saalaxa oo tusta nabadgelyada iyo wada noolaanshaha walaalahooda Soomaaliyeed. Mahadsanidiin Waxaa baaqan shabakadda soo gaadhsiiyay: Cabdifataax Maxamed Yuusuf Ottawa , Canada www.ceegaag.com
Garaad soofe of Buhoodle: The Khuusuusi Must leave Buhoodle.
Kelya_Xariif replied to Xaaji Xunjuf's topic in Politics
Cawke! the picture you posted are 5 years old, it was taken when there was mediation between the some of the clans in the region I find these picture to prove my point -
There is no Circular Logic in Honesty By. Nur Bahal January 21, 2010 Your Excellency, Mr. Prime Minister, I am a member of the Diaspora that zealously supports the TFG whose Prime Minister you are. I support it not because it is doing a fantastic job, but because of the alternatives out there, it is the only one that can be supported with a semblance of good conscience. With that Diaspora, I share the hope and desire to see a peaceful and prosperous Somalia in our lifetime. I also have a lot of respect for the responsibilities that you have taken upon yourself to see that such can be achieved. Yet, your letter on the New York Times has left a bitter taste in my mouth. It is propaganda rhetoric, similar to those written before by Ould Abdalla, designed to anesthetize the diaspora and extinguish their wails for a proactive government that harvests the goodwill of its people and leads them from dejection and abject poverty to stability and prosperity. Allow me to shed light on a few points. To begin with, it has been confirmed that the man from Denmark was not the one who dressed himself like a woman and exploded himself at the graduation ceremony. Pictures of him sitting at the ceremony dressed as a regular man have been found. And Pictures of his dead body still dressed in the same clothes have been found. Your government in its first news release has circulated the pictures of the dead body of the young man. Did your government follow up on the information? Frankly, I doubt it! This is an indication of how your government has failed to implement a consistent information network which will not only save your government from embarrassment but will also help it in decisions against the evil groups you say to be fighting. Your government has often resorted to reckless announcements and fishy press releases. It does not go the extra mile to get the factual, correct and reliable information. And you know what, Mr. Prime Minister, unreliable information comes from unreliable sources. Is that what your government is? Unreliable? Well after so long on the job, it has yet to proof itself of reliability! Your Excellency, it was the government’s responsibility to ensure the safety and security of the graduation ceremony. So far, neither you nor the President has taken any responsibility for your shortcomings. Instead, you are constantly pointing the finer at the opposition groups in utter disregard for the fact that your government’s fault and failure to guarantee the security of the few blocks in Mogadishu that you control. You have said that the TFG’s principle purpose is to “… prepare the way for the establishment of legitimate and accountable public institutions. (We have already taken the initiative and hired Price Waterhouse Coopers to ensure the accountability of international donor funds.)”. First, hiring a firm that tracks the accountability of the international donations has absolutely nothing to do with your government’s ability and capacity to establish legitimate and accountable public institutions. The legitimacy and accountability of public institutions is a result of the efforts of the government and the efficiency and knowledge of the staff that run these institutions. I am sorry but a foreign company tracking donations cannot create such an atmosphere. Secondly, of all the international accounting firms that your government could have hired, Pricewaterhouse Cooper should have been the least to be considered for the job. Take a look at how many scandals and lawsuits they have been involved in and you tell me, Mr. Prime Minister, if that polished image that you give of PwC is still intact in your eyes unless you are wearing tainted glasses. Below are a few of the legal troubles that PwC was involved in in the last few years. I left the reference numbers in there intentionally so that they could be cross-referenced. These same events have been widely reported on many rebuttable media. I also left the reporting language the same and hereby give credit to Answers.com, kycbs.net, Reutors, New York Times and knowledge.wharton.upenn.edu Legal Troubles of Price Waterhouse in the 1990s and 2000s: 1. A protracted battle over the company's audit of Bank of Credit and Commerce International ended in 1995 with a payment of $200 million, significantly less than the $11 billion sought by the creditors of the collapsed bank. In addition to hefty settlements, the suits led to (1)soaring insurance costs for the accounting firms. By the mid-1990s, many insurers refused to even cover the auditing practices of the Big Six firms, forcing Coopers & Lybrand and Price Waterhouse to set aside money to cover themselves. 2. In July 2007, PwC agreed to pay $225 million to settle a class-action lawsuit brought by shareholders of Tyco International Ltd. over a multibillion-dollar accounting fraud.[38] 3. Recently, PwC was criticised[39][40][41][42][43][44], along with the promoters of Satyam, an Indian IT firm listed on the NYSE, in a $1.5 billion fraud. PwC has written a letter to the board of directors of Satyam that its audit may be rendered "inaccurate and unreliable" due to the disclosures made by Satyam's (ex) Chairman.[46] PwC's U.S. arm "was the reviewer for the U.S. filings for Satyam."[47] Consequently, lawsuits have been filed in the U.S. with PwC as a defendant. 4. India's accounting standards agency ICAI is investigating partners of PwC for professional negligence[40] in the now-defunct Global Trust Bank Ltd. case of 2007. 5. PwC was also associated with the accounting scandal at DSQ Software[54] in India. 6. In July 2006, PwC’s Japanese affiliate Chuo Aoyama was handed a two-month ban[40]. 7. Following the Satyam scandal, the Mumbai-based Small Investor Grievances Association (SIGA) has requested the Indian stock market regulator SEBI to ban PwC permanently and seize its assets in India alleging few more scandals like "Ketan Parekh stock manipulations."[55] 8. The Accountancy and Actuarial Discipline Board, which regulates the profession in the UK, announced an inquiry in July 2009 into PwC's auditing of Cattles, the struggling sub-prime lender that failed to keep track of its bad debts.[56] 9. PricewaterhouseCoopers agreed to pay $97.5 million to the state of Ohio to settle a class-action lawsuit on behalf of investors in troubled insurer American International Group, which uses PwC as its independent auditor. 10. PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) has made an out-of-court settlement with shareholders of e-district who alleged the accountancy giant had failed to discharge its legal responsibilities. Should I continue Mr. Prime Minister? I think you get the picture. Companies do make mistakes. However, mistakes rarely fall into as regular a pattern as the above cases clearly indicate – auditing designed to perpetuate fraud and malpractice. My question to you is; who introduced your government to PwC? Was it Oulad Abdalla? Or was it the managers of Project Somalia, Ethiopia and Kenya? Excuse me but I am only taking a wild guess! I know that our nation has been used as a project for the last 20 years and I have a premonition that the PwC audit contract is a continuation. But it is sad that your government is implicated in this. If you like, Mr. Prime Minister, you can claim ignorance. But, then, I too will claim that through ignorance you failed your duties by taking gratification in ignorance over the prudence of hard work and caution. Your government, in all honesty, should have done the leg work. The shady signature of the sea pact with Kenya and then this? Sir, with all do respect, your government may be the wholesaler in Project Somalia. PwC is not the only telling sore spot of your government. Lately, I was wondering if you and the President are on the same page at all. You signed a deal with Puntland only to be repealed by the President. You and the President are outside the country more than you are in it, often traveling expensively with a large entourage. Your government has yet to do anything for the displaced unfortunate Somalis who look up to you for help. Whether it be Mogadishu or Beletwein, your government is not visible in helping its unfortunate subjects. I have to mention Beletwein, specially, where the current war with the forces of the devil has caused an unthinkable suffering, your government is invisible. The people of Beletwein, who welcomed your government after it was elected in Djibouti so that the President could show the world that there is a spot besides a few blocks of Mogadishu where he is supported are now bearing the brunt of bloodshed without your government, yet again. Your government lacks vision and foresight and you look to foreign organizations to translate the culture, the cries and the besieged sentiments of your own people into dysfunctional political strategy. Your government depends on foreigners more than it depends on the resource, the social might and the good will of its own people. Your government has disenfranchised its own society because you have no plans to move the nation forward. They do not support Shabab or Xisb – the fellowship of the devil- but they search high and low failing to see anything tangible your government has to offer. Your government limited itself to survival in villa Somalia! So then, it begs the question, Mr. Prime Minister, why are you and the President always traveling? I’ill you why! Because that is the only thing your government knows – beg, beg and beg some more and take your people out of the equation. Your government has failed to utilize the weaknesses of the opposition and speed up the recovery of a battered nation. Your government is always catching up and reacting to events driven by the opposition and I am sure you know the answer to this more than I do, Mr. Prime Minister. a government by the warlords, for the warlords; a government for the middlemen by the middlemen cannot be for its people. Nur Bahal Toronto, Canada E-Mail:nurb@rom.on.ca Related Article: Prime Minister Sharmarke’s Credibility Gap By Liban Ahmad The Bomber is Alive: Shamo Carnage Revisited By Abdikarim Buh http://www.wardheernews.com/Articles_2010/Jan/Nur_Bahal/21_No_circular_logic_in_honesty.html
Make Somalia a Priority By OMAR A.A. SHARMARKE Published: January 19, 2010 Last month, a Somali man who had lived in Denmark dressed himself in women’s clothes, positioned himself at a graduation ceremony in Mogadishu and then blew himself up. He killed 22 people, including three government ministers and many young medical graduates and professors, who had hoped to dedicate their lives to the alleviation of suffering in Somalia. The terrible events of Dec. 3 reverberated around the world. Somali doctors, information technology and engineering graduates, alongside their families, began the morning full of hope and pride, yet many were not to see the sun set that day. They were among the brightest and the best of Somalia, and so were the ministers who lost their lives. But as the recent events in Aarhus, Denmark, Mogadishu and over the skies of Detroit on Dec. 25 show, the current situation in Somalia and across the Gulf of Aden in Yemen not only threatens the lives of Somalis, but also people beyond its borders. However, Somalia is not the ultimate failed state of popular perception. Its people are resilient and manage to survive in conditions that are probably well beyond the imagination of most readers. In Mogadishu, a city of two million, people carry on, despite the fighting, the shelling, the displacement. Over 100 Somali-led reconciliation processes have taken place at local and regional levels since 1991 — and they’ve proved the basis for stability in Somaliland, Puntland and Galmudug state in central Somalia. While Somali reconciliation and mediation efforts will be the key to sustainable peace and stability, the international community — including the Organization of the Islamic Conference, the African Union, the Arab League, the European Union and the United Nations — has an important role to play. Somalia and Yemen must be properly on the agenda at the London conference at the end of this month. As 2010 unfolds, our collective vision should be to see the beginnings of a secure, stable and prosperous Somalia, at peace with itself and its neighbors, where its citizens can go about their lives in safety and provide for their families with confidence and dignity. Let us strive for a resurgent, tolerant society, built on respect for traditional Somali cultural and religious values. The Transitional Federal Government, as its name suggests, is a temporary structure for developing the environment necessary to achieve this objective. It is a transitional mechanism that will enable the people to decide for themselves how they want to be governed, free from outside interference and coercion. The transitional government’s principle purpose is to prepare the way for the establishment of legitimate and accountable public institutions. (We have already taken the initiative and hired Price Waterhouse Coopers to ensure the accountability of international donor funds.) These institutions will form the basis of a stable, representative government that can begin to alleviate the trauma of the last 20 years. We will achieve this by building professional, representative security forces; creating transparent and accountable public institutions based on the principles of civic responsibility and good governance; developing a fair and impartial judicial system; and increasing economic opportunity through investment, training, health and education. Given the complex and extremely difficult circumstances that recent events have so graphically illustrated, achieving all this will be an extraordinary challenge. It will require the combined effort of the whole Somali people, as well as assistance from outside. Only in partnership with all Somalis and the support of the international community will success be possible. It will take time, determination and patience but it can be done. Let us all take up this challenge. Let 2010 be the start of something new. Omar Abdirashid Ali Sharmarke is prime minister of the Transitional Federal Government of Somalia. http://www.nytimes.com/2010/01/20/opinion/20iht-edsomalia.html
SHeekad haysan! Bari was never good any sport, I remember back in the day when we used sing along... ma bosaasad ka timi ma boodhkay kugu liqeen ma soo badi baad istiri
Farole and Rayale’s Indictable crimes against ******s By Mohsin Mahad Dec 1, 2009 Abdirahman Farole, president of Puntland, has been in the news as usual for his egregious violations of fundamental human rights against his native Puntlanders but above all for his abominable crimes against innocent ******i residents in his midst. Under his watch, several have been snatched, imprisoned, bundled together and handed over to Ethiopian security agents as sacrificial lamps to oblige and indulge his master in Addis Ababa. These wretched ******i have been forced to flee their homes in the ****** (Somali regional State) in order to escape Meles Zenawi’s barbaric and merciless scorched earth policy in their territory. In coming to Puntland, where they thought they would be save, they were following time-honoured practice since Somalia’s independence in 1960 whereby any Somali, no matter where he or she hails from outside Somalia, and irrespective of the circumstances they face, would come to the free motherland and be immediately granted and assured equal rights with any other Somali including automatic Somali citizenship. If Somalia of the past had any common denominator with any other country in the world, it is none other than Israel. Just as the Jews from anywhere in the world have automatic right to come to Israel and settle if they so wish, so anyone of Somali origin from neighboring Somali territories whether independent or otherwise, or from anywhere else in the world, could come and freely live in Somalia with no questions asked. Unfortunately, things ain’t what they used to be in the present-day stateless Somalia, where patriotism and Somali solidarity are moribund, and where warlords, federal puppets masquerading as heads of a defunct state, and the likes of Farole and Dahir Rayale run their own fiefdoms under foreign protection or Ethiopian guidance. One of the casualties of the collapse of the Somali state is the demise of that long-standing common Somali heritage, entitling any Somali to come and live in mother Somalia and acquire immediate citizenship if so wished. It has been shamelessly dishonoured by Somaliland and Puntland and for what price? Somaliland under, Dahir Rayale, believes that no price is high enough for securing recognition from Ethiopia. From their perspective, feeding hapless ******i to the Ethiopian dragon is a small price to pay for their high-prized goal. What is sad is that this illegal, immoral and heinous crimes committed in the name of Somaliland’s illusory recognition rarely ever raise eyebrows, let alone objections, among those who call themselves Somalilanders at home or among the Diaspora. No people in Somalia have been more vociferous as they have been about the abuses committed against them by Siyad Barre but it is another matter when it comes to what they are doing to others, whether the ******i or the Sool, Sanag & Cayn people they now occupy and oppress. The same mentality of collusion with Ethiopia also prevails among Puntlanders at every level of the administration (Sool, Sanag and Cayn regions are nominally part of Puntland but do not subscribe to, nor condone, this shameful practice). To the best of my knowledge, no critical voices against these shocking crimes against the ******i residents have been raised by Puntlanders inside or outside the area. On the contrary, the reverse has been the case judging by press releases and articles appearing in WardheerNews. Thus, the Minneapolis- based Puntland Diaspora Forum (PDF) has challenged US Congressman Donald Payne’s commendable statement on the flagrant abuses of human rights in Puntland (“Abusive behaviour in Puntland”) and scalded him for what they call his “hastily drafted criticism based largely on unsubstantiated allegations…”. Their star witness for refuting these “unsubstantiated allegations” is the very same Puntland authority which is in the dock for these crimes. PDF claim disingenuously that they have been “assured by senior cabinet level officials that no one was in fact handed over to Ethiopia”. What else did PDF expect to hear from the culprits other than denial? It reflects badly on their credibility that they made no effort to contact the victims’ families, or the ****** Diaspora in the area, or civil society organisations, or the countless other sources for independent reliable information that are available and accessible to anyone genuinely committed to get to the bottom of this matter. Though its actions are abhorrent and unpardonable, yet Somaliland can at least claim to be pursuing the goal it set itself from the day it declared secession in 1991 and that is to secure recognition from Ethiopia and pay any prize. But what are Puntland and its leader Farole gaining from this slavish subservience to Addis Ababa? There is obviously nothing in it for the people of Puntland, but for him, grovelling to and gratifying Meles Zenawi might be a prudent insurance policy to guard against his wrath or to win his favours. This is reminiscent of the time of the slave trade when European slave traders coming to the West African coast would dangle glittering and worthless glass beads in front of beguiled African chiefs and bargain the capture of their fellow Africans from the hinterland which they eagerly obliged. Taking their cue from Meles Zenawi, what Abdirahman Farole and his soul mate Dahir Rayale are doing in the 21 century to their fellow ******i guests is no different ( Siyad Barre and the founding fathers of Somalia must be turning in their grave in horror). The ****** liberation struggle will grind on for sometime. Meles Zenawi’s response has always been predictable. Like other beleaguered colonialists before him, he believes that the best way to defeat the indomitable and elusive ****** National Liberation Front (ONLF) is to inflict indiscriminate and unbearable collective punishment on their people in the hope that this would deny the insurgents the support and sustenance they need to wage their liberation struggle. What Meles Zenawi is doing as an Ethiopian imperialist is consistent with what his predecessors - Menelik, Haile Selassie and Mengestu Haile Mariam - have all done to the Somalis they subjugated in their empire for over a century. Denial of basic human rights and institutionalized militarised occupation and ill-treatment of the Somalis in the territory is the folklore that passed from one Somali generation to the next. What is new and unpalatable is the fact that for the first time since its independence, Somalia has come a full circle from a proud, united independent country, respected and feared by its neighbours, and sworn to defending the rights of its brethren in other non- free Somali territories, to one where Ethiopia has now become the unchallenged overlord and arbiter of Somalia’s affairs, where its Bantustan partners -, Puntland and Somaliland - are its active collaborators in its oppression of the ****** people. In the absence of sympathy and support from the wider Somali public, and in the face of Somaliland and Puntland duplicitous collusion with the enemy, it is a consolation to the forlorn disowned ******i that at least outsiders like US Congress Donald Payne is on their side and ready to speak on their behalf. It behoves the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, the Independent Expert appointed by the UN Secretary General for the human rights situation in Somalia, as well as human rights defenders such as Human Rights Watch, to speak up against the on-going worst human rights abuses against the ****** people in their own territory and in Somalia. As for the Puntland Diaspora Forum (PDF), well, with so-called brothers like that, who needs enemies like Meles Zenawi? Mohsin Mahad Email: (mohsinmahad@yahoo.co.uk http://www.wardheernews.com/Articles_09/Dec/01_farole_rayale_mohsin.html
Shirkii SSC OO Guul ku dhamaaday: Kanaxow nafta waa
Kelya_Xariif replied to Kelya_Xariif's topic in Politics
[ October 17, 2009, 12:36 AM: Message edited by: Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar ] -
Shirkii Tolka SSC Oo Maanta Lagu Soo Gabagabeeyey Magaalada Nairobi, Isla Markaana Lagu Dhaariyey Hoggaanka Badbaadada Iyo Mideynta Sool, Sanaag iyo Cayn Ee Soomaaliya. Written by Jidbaale.com Thursday, 15 October 2009 14:46 Nairobi(Jidbaale.com):-Waxaa Maanta Xarunta dalka Kenya la gu soo gaba-gabeeyey shirkii muddooyinkan uga socday tolka SSC, kaas oo ay ka soo qayb galeen wufuuud ka kala timi dalka gudihiisa iyo dibadiisaba, waxaana xafladdan oo si heersare ah loo agaasimay isugu yimi dadweyne aad u tiro badan, iyadoo halkaasna lagu dhaarinayey Hoggaanka Badbaadada iyo Midaynta SSC Ee Soomaaliya. Waxaana Muxaadaro kooban ka dib lagu soo dhaweeyey Mikrafoonka isaga oo shirka furayey Garaad Abshir Saalax, oo sheegay in shirkii Tolka SSC isugu yimi magaalada Nairobi guul laga gaadhay, ayna ahayd midaynta beesha, horena loosii anba qaadi doono hawlaha haatan la isku afgartay, Midnimada Soomaaliyana lagu dadaali doono lagana shaqyn doono. Waxaa isaguna ku xigay oo Madasha ka hadlay Garaad Cali Buraale, oo Gabay guubaabo ah halkaas ka soo jeediyey, wuxuuna aad ula dardaarmay Hoggaanka Badbaadada iyo Midaynta SSC ee Soomaaliya, waxaan hadalka Garaadka aad ugu bogay dadweynihii ka soo qayb galay shirkan. Waxaa isaguna goobta warbixin dheer ka soo jeediyey Shir guddoonka shirka SSC Md C/qaadir Axmed Aw Cali, wuxuuna halkaas ka akhriyey go'aamadii ka soo baxay shirka, wuxuuna sheegay in laysku afgartay in la sameeyo Hoggaan loogu magac daray Hoggaanka Badbaadada Iyo Midaynta Sool, Sanaag Iyo Cayn ee Somaliya, wuxuuna sheegay Md C/qaadir in hoggaankani qaban doono dhammaan hawlaha beesha ka qabyada ah insha alaahu. Waxa kale oo uu aad mahad balaadhan ugu soo jeediyey uguna ammaanay kaalinta ay shirka ka qaateen Ururka NSUM, wuxuuna sheegay in ay qayb libaax ka qaateen sidii shirkani u hirgali lahaa, taariikhduna xusi doonto, lana ilaawi doonin. Waxaa iyaguna shirkan ka hadlay mas'uuliyiin Soomaaliyeed oo uu ka mid yahay Gen. Maxmed Siciid Xirsi (Morgan), wuxuuna aad ugu dheeraaday Midnimada Soomaaliya, wuxuuna dhiirri galin u soo jeediyey Hoggaanka Badbaadada iyo Midnimada SSC, wuxuuna Morgan macneeyey xarfaha SSC, isaga oo ku sheegay (Soomaali-weyn, Sinnaan iyo Caddaalad), wuxuuna sheegay in ay intaasba Soomaali u baahan tahay, oo ayna meel gaar ah ku koobnayn. Ergayga Ururka NSUM uga joogay xafladda Maxmed Xasan Buraale ayaa sheegay isaga oo ku hadlaya Afka Ururka NSUM in ururku isla qaatay in la taageero Hoggaanka lagu sameeyey shirka ka socday Nairobi, wuxuuna sheegay in ay si daacadnimo ku jirto ula shaqyan doonaan Hoggaankan. Madaxweynihii Hore ee Dawlad Goboleedka Puntland Maxamed Cabdi Xaashi ayaa isaguna halkaas ka soo jeediyey weedho gaaban, isaga oo sheegay in uu aad ugu faraxsan yahay natiijada ka so baxday shirka, uuna taageersan yahay xubnaha loo doortay hoggaanka, wuxuuna aad ugu dheeraaday Midnimada Soomaaliya, isaga oo tilmaamay in la taageero dawladda Soomaaliya. Wuxuuna dhalliil u soo jeediyey walaalkiis Axmed Cabdi Xaashi (Xashara), oo aad uga soo horjeeda dawladda kumeel gaadhka ah. Waxaa iyaguna madasha ka hadlay xildhibaano ka tirsan dawlada federaalka, oo uu ka mid yahay Jinni Boqor, oo sheegay in ay soo dhaweynayaan hogaanka SSC. Maxamed C/laahi, oo isagu xilli ahaan jiray madax Laanta Afsoomaaliga ee BBC-da ayaa hadal uu ugu boogaadinayo hoggaanka ka soo jeediyey goobtaasi, wuxuuna sheegay in la ilaaliyo Midnimada Soomaaliya, iyada oo aad looga digtoonaanayo kuwa iyagu ka shaqeeya kala faquuqida bulshada Soomaaliyeed, wuxuuna intaas ku daray in maanta adduunkii aad isugu soo dhawaanayo, oo mel kasta midnimadeeda ka shaqaynayso.. Intaasi ka dib waxaa la dhaariyey labada xubnood ee loo dortay Hoggaanka Badbaadada iyo Midaynta Dr. Saleebaan Ciise Axmed (Xaglatoosiye), iyo Col. Cali Sabaray, oo Kitaabka Qu'aanka Kariimka ah gacanta loo saaray, iyada oo lagu dhaariyey in ay daacad u noqdaan wixii ka soo baxay shirka sidii ay uga midho dhalin lahaayeen. Hoggaamiyaha Badbaadada iyo Midaynta SSC Soomaaliya Dr. Saleebaan Xaglatoosiye, oo hadalka u baxay dhaarta ka dib ayaa waxa uu sheegay "In ay ka soo bixi doonaan ballanka ay qaadeen, dhaartana aysan baal mari doonin, ballanta iyo goobta halkan ku xigta ee uu rajeynayo idinka Ilaahay in laysku arkaa ay tahay gudaha magaalada Laascaanood, wuxuuna sheegay in ay sida ugu dhakhsiiyaha badan gudaha u gali doonaan. Ku xigeenka Hoggaanka Badbaadada iyo Midaynta SSC Col. Cali Sabaray, ayaa isagu waxa uu ka hadlay sidoo kale in yoolkoodu yahay Laascaanood sidii gacanta loogu soo celin lahaa, wuxuuna intaasi ku daray "In kuwa Hargeysa joogaa tolkood ku soo noqdaan, Saamaxaadna weydiistaan si meel loogu wada jeesto". Garaadka Guud ee beelaha SSC Garaad Jaamac Garaad Cali, oo soo gaba-gabeeyey shirka ayaa sheegay in maanta xilka halkan logu dhiibay xubnaha yahay mid ay beesha SSC iyadu u dhiibatay, wuxuuna shacabka ku boorriyey in ay is garabtaagaan, oo taageero weyn u muujiyaan hoggaanka la doortay. Wuxuuna intaas ku daray in shacabka loo horseedo waddo ay kaga baxaan kala firiqsanaanta, ugu danabytii wuxuu Ilaahay uga baryey in uu la garab galo xilkan loo dhiibaty. Suleiman Mohamud Hashi dheere. iyo Cabdiwahaab Mohamed Cabdiweyne Xaashidheere1@yahoo.com This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it Jidbaale.com Daawo Sawirrada Last Updated on Thursday, 15 October 2009 22:02
Wasiirka Arrimaha Dibada Oo Sheegay in Go’aankii Guurtida uu soo jeediyay Wasiirul dawlaha Itoobiya Hargeisa . Somaliland . Awdalnews Network. Wasiirka Arrimaha Dibada Md. C/laahi Maxamed Ducaale, ayaa sheegay in go’aankii ay Jimcihii la soo dhaafay ansixiyeen Golaha Guurtida Somaliland isla markaana ay ku qanceen darafyada siyaasadu uu ahaa hindisihii uu soo jeediyay Wasiirul dawlaha arrimaha dibada Itoobiya, oo metalayay deeqbixiyeyaasha iyo saaxiibada Somaliland. Wasiirka oo ka hadlayay go'aankii Guurtida, wuxuu yidhi “Waxaan aad iyo aad ugu mahad celinaynaa odayaasha guurtida guddoomiyaha, shirgudoonka iyo xubnaha guurtida go’aankii ay soo saareen ee muddo kordhinta madaxtooyada oo haddii aanay taasi dhicin dalka khalkhal geli lahaa mala. Kordhiya iyo hala korhdiya muu ahayn wax meesha ku jira ma aha waa arrin sharci ah waxaanay guurti ahaan guteen waajibkoodii dastuuriga ahaa cid iska hortaagtayna ma jirin cid iska hortaagi joogsan kartayna ma jirin. Guddoon loo baahnaa buu ahaa nasiib wanaag si qurux badan bay ku dhamaatay.” Wasiirka arrimaha dibadu wuxuu intaa ku daray “Waxaan u mahad celinaynaa xukuumad ahaan odayaashii, waxgaradkii, culimadii iyo madax dhaqameedyadii iyaguna arrintan ku jiray iyo axsaabta qaranka jawaabta wanaagsan ee ay ka bixiyeen.” Md. Ducaale wuxuu sheegay in qodobadan la ansixiyay uu ahaa hindisihii dhinacyada siyaasada Somaliland uu horkeenay wasiirul dawlihii arrimaha dibada Itoobiya oo ka wakiil ahaa dawladiisa iyo saaxiibada iyo deeqbixiyayaasha caalamiga ah. “Waa qorshihii uu inoola yimid Dr Tekedu Elamu wasiirul dawlaha arrimaha dibada Itoobiya isaga oo hawsha la waday saaxiibadiisii la socday waxay ahayd arrin uu raysal wasaaraha Itoobiya iyo wasiiru dawlaha arrimaha dibada Itoobiya ay intuba xoog debada uga wadeen, go’aankaasi wuxuu ahaa go’aan xukuumadeed, caalamkuna uu ku raacay,” ayuu yidhi wasiirka khaarajigu. Wasiirka oo ka jawaabayay su’aal ahayd Somaliland oo khilaafkeedii markii ay xalisan kari weyday dawlado shisheeye soo faro geliyeen oo golayaasha iyo axsaabtuna sidaasi ku qaateen, waxaanu yidhi “Ma qabo in arrintu sidaasi tahay arrintii ay imika inala soo galeen deeq-bixiyayaasha iyo saaxiibadeena Itoobiya, iyagoo keliyana ma aha runtii arrintan IGAD baa la socota, waxa kale oo la socda midawga Afrika, sidaad la socoto dan jire Bwakira ayaa isaguna yimid dalka inkasta oo aanu dhexgelin wuxuu isagu taageeray wasiirul dawlaha arrimaha dibada Itoobiya, waxaanu tilmaamay in aan loo baahnayn in la faro geliyo.” “Ma qabo anigu inay tahay wax la inoo yeedhiyay saaxiibadeen way inoo yimaadeen way damqadeen madaxweynaha ayay ku soo horreeyeen axsaabtana way la kulmeen waxay yidhaaheen haddii aad diyaar u tihiin in aanu idin dhagaysano oo isku kiin soo dhaweyno ayaanu doonaynaa ayuu wasiirku la yimid, madaxweynuhuna wuu ka aqbalay,” ayuu yidhi Md. Ducaale. Wasiirku wuxuu sheegay in madaxweynuhu diyaar u yahay in xisibyadu isku yimaadaan oo la wada hadlo si la isula eego sidii loo fulin lahaa heshiiskan iyadoo deeq-biiayayaashuna goob joog ka yihiin. “Deeq-bixiyayaasha iyaga wax badan baa ku xidhan, arimo badan baa jira arrintu, ma aha arrin si yar oo fudud uun u dhammaanaysa,” ayuu yidhi Md. Ducaale oo maanta u waramayay Laanta Af Soomaaliga ee VOA, waxaanu intaa ku daray “Horta anagu shalay ayaanu diyaar ahayn xukuumadu mar walba diyaar bay ka ahayd waajibkeeda doorashada la xidhiidha, waxa naga diyaar ahayd inkaaniyaatkii iyo lacagtii doorashada oo lagu shubay bog xisaabeedka (account) guddida doorashooyinka. Wasaaradda daakhiligu waxay samaysay wax kasta oo nabadleyada la xidhiidha http://www.awdalnews .com/wmview.php?ArtI D=12301
New Sharif Hotel Cabinet : Its a joke I tell ya
Kelya_Xariif replied to General Duke's topic in Politics
sophist I think mo'med omaar lacks the experiencce -
GAROODI sounds you born yesterday mate
^ habaarka culus ma aqaani ayeeyo adiga soo tuur bal
Haaheey! nabad diidow dilaaac.. aamin dhaha
cadaan bro am not interested in any job, i currently have a job but not the sort of i job want to do in the long term
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