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Everything posted by ScarFace

  1. Yo-Yo how could you possibly understand their tongue or are you just poppin your head to the beats
  2. Sports Football Cricket Rugby Give me 3 makes of cars
  3. Originally posted by ibtisam: as for the question: the closest person to me at that time or the one who needs it most. cheers Ibs lets say you had to choose between pres.bushy boi / Fat ARiel sharon was next to 2 would you give your last breath 2 ???????
  4. ^^^ Roll out the red carpet here comes cheeky-cheeky :eek: :eek: welcome AND stop chasin the dudes wiyth the low batty's
  5. ^^^^I bet your hip-hoppin to country an western songs...... I dont even think i have any favourite somali artist... :confused:
  6. ^^^^^^^your somali isnt bad :eek: :eek: come on now :cool:
  7. Originally posted by nameless_chick: Salam everyone, I am new and only joined SOL to increase my Somali... Maxaad af somali ugu hadli waysay. You keep replying back in english your not serious. plus was you born outside somali......
  8. have a talk with the gurls brother maybe he can have a talk with the dad.. If not Its best to leave it mate the parents wont give you their blessings.... so move on plenty of FISH in the sea
  9. Just make sure you dress up a white chick in a skimpy suit as your secretary...get a business plan DO alittle presentation and then the contract is yours........ The government loses millions to fake business plans....... I plan to be in there cashing my check
  10. Originally posted by Adna: what you guy's think of this problem that faces us.? Freedom they got the power to disgrace, disrespect and destroy.......... Can anything be done to stop these mad women? Sadly no and never.
  11. ^^^^what shop did you teeef "We r wht we pretend to be, so we must be careful about wat we pretend to be." I had enough of being rich now cant be bothered to put the posh accent on.
  12. friendship tactics you wanna borrow my gangiister card So how much is it going to cost "THE FRIENDSHIP"
  13. Originally posted by ibtisam: ^^you are nothing special. take the train like the rest of us hOOYO macaan always told me I was a special boy very rare indeed. So get your Chauffeur hat on and give me a lift to covent garden. Ibyy no chit-chat please roll up the window mmh Feeling kinda Rich today :cool: :cool:
  14. Very Nice Zafir but its better to get the job here first. Imagine getting interviewed by some dusty arab. he's worser than the white man Find out wether the company your working for has an office down there...I plan to re-locate down there in a years time inshallah. the place is beautifulll shame its run by racist reer baadiye arabs
  15. "I am an idealist. I don't know where I'm going but I'm on my way." It's the crowded bus then :mad: :mad: Anyone wanna give me a ride home
  16. Tukaaale your right brother. People go seek the proper knowledge before debating. It seems crazy how so many people come with so many different things that they dont really know it deep down. But they have the urge to argue and debate without having the proper knowledge Question have any of you studied the principles of Islam. You all properly stuck in your university lab rooms typing away..... Stop
  17. ^^^^ woow these are the same white people that when they ate on our plates back home we used to clean the plates 9/10 times like a DOG ATE ON IT. hilarious ******* RED NECKS And Plus back in the days even Princess Margrate couldnt set foot on somalia......Times changed Though :mad: :mad: :mad:
  18. Originally posted by Jimcaale: Can you image the reaction of EU, & the media if some Arab country sets similar measures to its western inhabitants/residents?? well you cant imagine because it would never happen most rich arab countries political system is dictated by western powers. If the western world says jump they would say how high. The arab world bows down to western world so how in the world can they set similar measures. The dutch are doing this because no immigrant has a firm grib on their economy/political system or any other things. Imagine the same bullshit happening in England it would never ever pass through because the immigrant population contributed so much to the economy/political system. you have muslim MP's but can you get the same People in Holland. the only way you get into their system is if you change your beliefs and culture. Ayan Xirsi has done that and look what she gets over a Million or so is spent on her security.... :eek: :eek: plus i remember someone told me when white people used to visit somalia. The somali people disliked them sooo much they used to throw stones at them.
  19. kafaaxiye saxiib what was you doing infront of the club. I sense you was the dude in in the rented gaari. some undercover Fishing
  20. rudy let the halimo enjoy her freedom ShE's FREEE AND IN THE LAND OF THE FREEEEEEEEE plus she maxed out heR american express card poor soul I NEED THIS HALIMO TEll her to visit LONDON and i will make sure she maxes out the MASTERCARD Also known as the gangIISTER CARD
  21. I'm just wondering if there was any multiple choise answers. You was sitting in a we eed Coffee Shop and 2 gay men are kissing each other on the table next to you in the cafe... Would you do... :confused: Gelieve te tikken (Please Tick) Box1 Damn, I wish i was with them Box 2 Blimey, I don't fancy either Box 3 It's quite embarrasing but this coffee weed tastes great Box 4 I don't like it but hey it's a liberal country Box 5 Saqajaanka calek Mission Impossible tune dadadddene I must locate their car and place an explosive device after I finish my Zoot makalajabti which Box would you choose I THINK BOX NUMBER 1 REALLY SUITS YOU MMMH
  22. Look at what these cheese eating cadaans came up with. No wonder so many somali's moved from that country :eek: :eek: Dutch test immigrants with gay kiss UPDATED: 08:31, March 14, 2006 Two men kissing in a park and a topless woman bather are featured in a film that will be shown to would-be immigrants to the Netherlands. The reactions of applicants including Muslims will be examined to see whether they are able to accept the country's liberal attitudes. From tomorrow, the DVD which also shows the often crime-ridden ghettos where poorer immigrants might end up living will form part of an entrance test, in Dutch, covering the language and culture of the Netherlands. Those sitting the test will be expected to identify William of Orange and to know which country Crown Princess Maxima comes from (Argentina) and whether hitting women and female circumcision are permitted. Muslim leaders in the Netherlands say the film is offensive. "It really is a provocation aimed to limit immigration. It has nothing to do with the rights of homosexuals. Even Dutch people don't want to see that," said Abdou Menebhi, the Moroccan-born director of Emcemo, an organisation that helps immigrants to settle. He added: "They are trying to find every pretext to show that people should not come to the Netherlands because they are fundamentalist or not emancipated. They confront people with these things and then judge them afterwards." Famile Arslan, 34, an immigration lawyer of Turkish origin, agreed. "I have lived here for 30 years and have never been witness to two men kissing in the park. So why are they confronting people with that?" she said. She accused the government of preaching tolerance about civil rights while targeting non-westerners with harsh and discriminatory immigration curbs. The new test the first of its kind in the world marks another step in the transformation of the Netherlands from one of Europe's most liberal countries to the one cracking down hardest on immigration. Rita Verdonk, the immigration minister known as Iron Rita, has introduced compulsory integration classes, higher age limits for marriage to people from abroad and the removal of residency permits if immigrants commit petty crimes. She has also talked of banning the burqa. The measures were prompted in part by outrage over the 2004 murder of Theo Van Gogh, who had made a film about the oppression of women in Muslim communities. Applicants will sit the exam at one of 138 embassies around the world. They will answer 15 minutes of questions and those who pass the first stage will have to complete two "citizenship" tests over five years and swear a pledge of allegiance to the Netherlands and its constitution. The centre-right government of Jan Peter Balkenende, the prime minister, believes the tests will provide an objective way of assessing the suitability of applicants by gauging how well prepared they are to make the transition to Dutch life and their willingness to integrate. Critics complain that people living in the mountains of Morocco or rural villages in Pakistan will not be able to make the long journey to cities for Dutch language lessons. According to Instituut Oranje, a Dutch language school, someone with a low level of education would require 250 hours of tuition, costing US$2,000, to pass the tests. The total bill of US$2,580 including US$95 for a preparatory test pack and DVD and US$414 for the exam makes the process unaffordable for many. Dirk Nieuwboer, a Dutch journalist based in Istanbul, said the multiple-choice cultural test included a question about how to behave in a cafe if two men at the next table started kissing. "There was another question about which former Dutch colony a particular spice came from," said Nieuwboer. "Most Dutch people don't know these things." However, Jeroen Dijsselbloem, a socialist from the parliament's immigration committee, said the film had been created to help prepare people for "open-minded" attitudes on issues such as homosexuality. "We have lots of homo-discrimination, especially by Muslim youngsters who harass gay men and women on the streets. It is an issue here." A spokeswoman for Verdonk said an edited version of the DVD would be available for showing in Middle Eastern countries such as Iran where it would be illegal to possess images of homosexuality. Source
  23. ^^he was the maskiin of the lot..
  24. ^^ Hustle is back USA people can Anyone got the entire series of PRISON BREAK. I cant be bothered to tune in every monday for just one lousy hour :mad: :mad: :mad: The treatment at guantanamo was ******* lousy, desecrating the qur'an may allah destroy that place. did you see the part where they got a rally done by OSAMA and the boys where there. The brothers insisted that thier employment records and court dates be checked out to clear them of being accused of being present at the rallies in afghanistan. One was stuck in police station for dealing drugs, voilent disorder and the other working in curry's. and the part where they remenicing about the past and eating @ pizza hut. checking out the gurls got me laughin and got me thinking it could be anyone of us.... mashaallah their deen became even stronger though they got the long beards and went back to get married...... BIG up THE TIP-TON brothers. What happend to MONIR the bengali boy?
  25. Originally posted by Jaylaani: Black people in Europe invaded and abused welfare system, free medical and subsidized housing. Not to mention selling crack and f.ucking white women. jaylaani YOU HAVE REALLY LOST it. you'r very welcome to see my psychiatrist. always happy to help out a fellow farah who has lost his plot