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Everything posted by Suldaanka

  1. I do not classify these as civil war. Yes, people die but they are more local clashes over resources and revenge killings going berserks. These inter-clan clashes have always been a hallmark of pastoralist lifestyle since time memorial. In the old ages, young men used to raid camels belonging to their local arch-rival clans. However, these days, no one can come up with a clear reasons enough to sanction such lost of lives other than purely reducing it to mindlessness and senselessness. Rewind the tape, a year or so ago it was the clans of Southern Sool region and the Clans of North Mudug going at each other in far border areas of Somaliland/Ethiopia/Somalia. Similar clashes in Ceel Afwayn area. In the case of Ceel Afwayn when the Ulumaa gathered and asked the two clans why they are doing this, neither side came up with satisfactory answer - Shaydaan ayaa naga dhex shaqaystay - was the overarching reasoning. With regards to the most deadly recent clan clashes in Sool region, they go back 2012. Somaliland has been involved in making peace between two clans. The Somaliland army was stationed between the two clans - which for quite a long time from 2017 until 2018 made the peace possible in those area. Just the day when the army moved out of the area and relocated to Saahdheer on the border between Somaliland/Ethiopia, the two clans went at each other again. It is next to impossible for the army to enforce peace for ever, it has to come from the two clans just like Eel-Afwayn. If not, then blood will be senselessly spilt there over and over again. Which is a shame. The issue with Col. Caare is totally different. It is a political issue and President MBC needs to resolve it as soon as possible. Col. Caare like he said many times, is a Somaliland soldier.
  2. One holds a grand meeting like this in a city that you have 100% control over it. Where you guarantee the law & order yourself. I didn't mind the IGAD meeting because IGAD countries are in control of the city and they can do whatever they want. But to invite Islamic Countries and yet get permissions for them to enter the city from Xalane. That is shameful. Just imagine the horrors after arriving at the Airport and getting strip searched by a Ugandan female without headscarf.
  3. This is good. Kenya's long time Somaliland supporter Raila Odinga is now holding a very high position in the African Union.
  4. Do not worry about the local Laaska clans. I am talking about Maamulka Garowe. If they make another mistake, Somaliland Army will be eating lunch inside Garowe.
  5. DPWorld is trying to tap into Ethiopia's market. They are actually building a huge dry land port in DireDawa which will be fed by Berbera. As soon as 70% capacity is reached with the new Port, that will trigger that start of the next phase which will add another 400m capacity.
  6. What the streets of Hargeisa think of Handraabka..
  7. It is a dance off what Col. Caare is doing. But for Puntland to do the same, they will be pushed out of their last hide out in Tog Qaboobe. The last two skirmesh in Tukaraq area was done by a desparate local Colnel called Falaalug. He will be given the run around until he tires himself and gives up.
  8. CNN's Money Program covers DP World's strategy and investments in Berbera Port.
  9. Ictrifaaku adiga ayu kula waynyahay. Hadii ictiraaf wax taraayo Mogadishu AMISom ma joogteen. South Sudan qaxoonti ma ahaateen. Ictrifaacka waxa ka wayn, kalsoonida aad naftaada ku qabtid. Reer Somaliland have spades of that.
  10. I know I will have the last laugh. Col. Caare is Somalilander. I have no doubt that he will be back to his camrades.
  11. @Gooni, Awoowe hadaan madaxda dhaqanka ee deegaanku ka go'nayn in xal loo helo, xal loo heli maayo. Waxa hore loo yidhi, gacantii tuugo baratay xataa hadii la gooyo gumudka ayaa dhaqdhaqaaqa. Arinka la isku haya waa dhaqan iyo xeer la jabiyay. Maha siyaasad. Kolka Kuwa Garowe jooga xil ayaa ka saaran, arimaha dhaqanka ayaa loo doortay siyaasad ayay ku asqoobeen oo toobad iyo talo labadiiba ku lumiyeen. Puntland meesha wax ay ku darayso iyo waxay ka dhimayso ma jirto. Ayaga iyo kuwa Mogadishu ka hadlaya waa isku mid. Ceel Afwayn xal waxa loo helay kolkii labada qabiil ee ka so jeedeen labada ardaa go'aan ku gaadheen in la dhexdhexaadiyo. Dawladuna waxay ka gaysatay gacan xaga lacag iyo gadiid iyo hawl fududayn. Waxa go'aanka dhexdhexaadinda loo xil saaray dad labada ardaaba ku kalsoonyihiin, wixii goaan ah ay kala saxeexdeena sidii ayaa lagu fuliyay. Reer Soolna waa inay la yimaadaan midnimo nabadeed dhamaan inta ay khusayso.
  12. Xildhibaan ka so jeeda deegaanka "Garaaddada Garoowe furashaanta ku seexda ha yimaadaan Dhumay iyo dhulka dirirtu ka socoto"
  13. @gooni Awoowe, arinku waa dagaal qabali ah. Dagaalka qabaliga ah waxa lagu dhameeya sidu dhaqanku yahay. Meelsha waxa ka maqan waa doorkii madaxdhaqameedka deegaanka oo ka doorbiday inay debad wareegaan, halka ay shaqadii loo igmaday ay dayaceen. Arinka Ceel Afwayn waxay nabaddu xidhantay kolkii labaddii ardaa dadkii xidhaalaha u ahaa goob fagaare ah la isku dhaarsaday, wixii aano qabiil ah xisaab xidh lagu sameeyay reer walba ogolaaday wixii daalac loo raacay. Hada Ceel Afwayn qofkii qof dila, reer ka u kaso jeedo ayaa isagoo garbo duub u xidhan ku so wareejinaya reerkii laga dilay. Xataa hadii uu Puntland u cararo, waa laga dabo imanaya dadka uu ka dhashay ayaana soo qabanaya oo ku wareejinaya reerka kale. Reeraha Dega Koonfurta laascaanood, wali daacad lagama aha in xal laga gaadho. Kolka Garaadku Garoowe ka yimaado oo dhex fadhiisto tolkii ayaa xal la gaadhi karaa.
  14. Somaliland's democracy is a journey. The people on vote day were exemplary. The way people casted their votes, kept their lines and respected each other and allowed the sick, the elders and the disabled to vote first. The way the volunteers were distributing water bottles to those still, patiently and peacefully, standing in the scorching sun waiting their turn to cast their votes. The people's level of understanding is comparison to those of advanced democracies in Europe and North America. However, no system is perfect as long as corrupted, self-interest individuals are willing to do whatever it takes to distort or rig the elections. It happens anywhere in the world, even here in Australia. In fact, a number of seats in Western Australia had to be re-run again because of vote rigging. Donald Trump used Russians in order to rig elections. These edge cases do not represent the achievements of the day which is overwhelmingly Free, Fair and Transparent. Somaliland is on the right track, with a good learning curve, there will come a day when everything is smoothly done.