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Everything posted by Suldaanka

  1. Somaliland Gov't will facilitate the peace conference to be held in Dhumay village in Southern Sool. Traditional leaders from Somaliland, Somali region of Ethiopia and Somalia (Puntland) have been invited.
  2. This was timed to coincide the arrival of the new SRSG Haysom in Garowe.
  3. Ciidamo Gadoodsan oo la wareegay Garoonka Diyaaradaha Garowe
  4. Camay wuxu yidhi iyo sidu u yidhi video ayaa laga daawan karaa. Inaad halkan dib u sharaxdid waxaan u arkaa qof wuxu so qoro garan waayay oo iska hadlay. Dadkuna hadii ay iska hadlaan, macno badan ma sameeyaan. Arinka halkan aan usoo dhigay maha wuxu yidhi, waxa weeye xukuumaddi maamulka MJteenjiya siday u dhamayd waxay taageereen Shirkii Garowe. Odey Camay hadii aanu ku raacsanayn xukuumadda uu ka midka yahay, waxa haboonaan lahayd inu ka cudur daarto kasii mid noqoshada xukuumad aanay isku mawqif ka ahayn. Laakin inu TV'ga so hor istaago waa daciifnimo. Halka aad so hadal qaaday Somaliland, of course, madaxdu hadii aany hadalka ka so baxaya la dhagaysanayn waxa haboon inay iska aamusnaadan ama iska casilaan xilka xukuumadda ay ka tirsanyihiiin. Laakin mid aan ku sheego, dhamaan madaxda Somaliland hadii yihiin reer Sool iyo hadii kale, hadalka ka so baxa waa hadal Xukuumaddu la qabto oo ay garab iyo gaashaanba ku helayaan. Waana go'aan laga so tashaday oo meel la so dhigay ayaa TV'ga laga sheegaa.
  5. Golaha Wasiirrada Puntland oo taageerray go'aamadii ka soo baxay shirkii maamul-gobolleedyada ee Garoowe Odaygii Camay ahaa meel u dhaanta Garowe ma waayay?
  6. Top 100 most influential and powerful black Britons
  7. Yes, this has been long coming. Hopefully with the new contractors, things will get done this time. This is the second phase which is the laying down of street level pipes - total over 180km of pipes. The first phase is almost complete, which was the laid down of transfer pipes that bring water from the wells - some 80km north of the city.
  8. Cheeseman has no idea what he is doing. The accidental president. He is the sort of person that is told what to do, not the other way round.
  9. German company Ludwig Pfeifer Hoch has won the contract to build the new Water Supply and Sewage system for Hargeisa.
  10. Asha Hassan, the head teacher of Sheikh Ali Osman School, stands with some of her students during lunch break. She has taught here for 22 years. Shared services help refugees and locals coexist in Somaliland Hargeisa is a vibrant city, thriving with potential as the local communities and the displaced enjoy shared services and equal opportunities. The region has approximately 18,000 registered refugees and asylum seekers mainly from Ethiopia and Yemen. “Life is good here and we have never experienced any problems with the Somali community,” she says. “They accommodate us, have taught us their language and given us food when we are lacking.”
  11. Quote of the day "Tartanka xalaalsha ah, qofku inu ku guulayso iyo in aanu ku guulaysan ma kala jecla"
  12. A couple of months back there was a Reer Burco girl and a local Syrian Refugee (now bakery owner) wedding taking place. I do not mind qofku hadii u muslim yahay muslim dhalay oo at least waxyaabaha waa-wayn aad iskaga fikir tihiin, dhaqanka hoose yeelkii ye.
  13. Af Carabiga maad fahmin yaa camoo. Waxa qofka aan hore u arag mucjusigu ugu noqonaysa kolka la adimo/eedaamo, dhamaan dadka meheradaha suuqa dhexe ayago aan wax ilaalo ah kaga tegin, ayaa lacagtii iyo dahabkii dhamaan wadhan banaanka oo aan wax dayr ah ama gidaar ah oo kaa xiga jirin laga wada dareeraya, oo masaajidka u dhaw loo wada salaad tagaya.
  14. Omar Al Bashir from Sudan is among those invited. Guest who is not there?
  15. Apparently some of history's bad-ass were short. Including Fircoon himself and Gengis Khan. That comments rings some truth. With Hirsi' book, I think it is locally available in Hargeisa only at the moment. The Print company is local. This book has thrown a lot of people side ways. I haven't read it but a lot of people are saying that this book contains honest recounts. He himself wasn't affraid to list all the things that went wrong and he did wrong. Which is Kudos.
  16. Villa AMISom waxa kali ah ee ay u jirtaa waa inay dano laga leeyahay laga fushado. Waa rubberstamp.