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Everything posted by Suldaanka

  1. Diktoore, Hadii fuwaaxisho topic laga hadlaayo, Nairobi iyo Mogadishu meel ka fuwaaxis badan ma jirto. I am not saying Hargeisa or any other part of the Somali region are saints but if there is anything it is isolated indivituals not organised criminal syndicates like in Mogadishu and Nairobi.
  2. The Eritrean dictator seems to be in control here. The odd one out is obviously clear who is just following which ever direction he is being led.
  3. Mohamed Hajji Ingris. Is this your latest source? He is a M00ryaan. A M00ryaan's opinion is as worthy as garbage. What is factual though is the thing that happens in Liido Beach today puts Paris to shame.
  4. Kenyan's Army vehicle runs over Somali soldier in Kismayo. MID KAMID AH GAADIIDKA DAGAALKA KENYA OO ASKARI KU JIIDHAY KISMAAYO Mid kamid gaadiidka dagaalka ciidanka Kenya ee kamid ah AMISOM ayaa shalay magaalada Kismaayo ku jiidhay askari ka tirsana ciidamada dowlad goboleedka Soomaaliyeed ee Jubaland. Gaadhi si xawli ah ku socda oo ay leeyihiin ciidanka Kenya ayaa askariga ku jiidhay bar-kantarool oo ku taalla gudaha magaalada Kismaayo,waxaana halkaasi ku dhintay askarigii,sida ay xaqiijiyeen mas’uuliyiinta amniga Jubaland. Sidoo kale sawir la soo geliyay baraha bulshada ayaa muujinaya meydka askariga oo hoos yaalla mid kamid ah gaadiidka dagaalka ciidanka Kenya ee ku hawlgala magaca AMISOM. Wararka qaar ayaa sheegaya in dareewalka gaadhi uu si kas ah u jiidhay askariga oo muran hore kala dhexeeyay,balse waxa warkaasi beeniyay saraakiisha ciidamada Jubaland oo dhacdada ku tilmaamay mid shil ah. PUNTLAND POST
  5. The traditional elders and Uluma from different regions will act as the Jury for the two brotherly clans. Somaliland authority will enforce the agreements that will be reached.
  6. It is not like they haven't tried, @Che -Guevara The two attacks by Puntland melitia, the first which was set as a surprise attack on the eve of Ramadan and Somaliland's Day. And the other which took place when the President was touring Awdal during the Sagar Cyclone disaster. Both these attacks, Puntland spent all it had. Somaliland easily, without breaking sweat, thwarted both attacks, and even captured Puntland's bases in Tog-Qaboobe. But in both cases, due to executive orders from Hargeisa, they had to come back to their original locations, despite winning more land. It is easy to say anything from the comfort of your North American home. Habar Fadhida legdin wax ula fudud. I think Gaas made a wise decision in not risking more humiliation.
  7. How can you expect anyone to kill their golden goose that is just keeps on giving. Ilogical. In fact, in Burundi, the gov't gets around 60% tax on salary from its soldiers in Mogadishu. It is part of its national budget.
  8. Waxaan maqli jiray, doqon hadalka sii (let him talk) isaga ayaa isku dabri doona.
  9. It is Reer Koonfur nature, they won't show you any respect until you put them in their place. The Ethiopians have done it, the Kenyans have done it. And now Somaliland is doing it. Reer Koonfur Ethiopia ka daba niicniicleh arki maysid, sido kale Kikiiyoda Kenya. After hitting brick wall which ever direction they ran to. Now the Villa Amisom folks and the headless chicken indivituals in their Parliament are threading quiet, just like a well behaved pets. Maxaa kolkii hore sida u diiday ee jar iska xoorka ugu wacnaa?
  10. If Somaliland's track record is any guidance, i.e. the work that needs to get done before a 1-person 1-vote can happen, then it will be after 2025 that South Somalia will be in such a position. 2021 will be a dejavu of 2016, the most corrupted selection process ever. The only voting system where candidates can secure a position if they have enough cash. Another sad reality, AMISom will not leave 2021. My predictions are, by end of 2019, things will get really really bad as candidates and clans prepare for the 2021 selection process. This time the stakes are very high. Qatar will leave no stone unturned to keep Cheeseman and Co in power, while the Saudi/UAE block will funnel the same to theirs. While the so called SNA will keep on selling its weapons to the clan melitia and Alshbab. That means, 2021 withdrawal timetable will not be achieveable.
  11. Every investment has a level of risk, there is no silver bullet investment anywhere in the world. Having said that, you are correct in saying that they were late to the party. But indeed they have made substantial investments to match both the reach and quality and in some cases like Mogadishu offer the latest state of the art technology. They are currently pulling their own submarine cable. Only Dalkom currently have a submarine cable in Mogadishu. Other competition buy wholesale from Dalkom. Hence, SomTel with their own Submrine cable, they want to become vertically integrated company which translate into offering more competitive pricing not only in the Mobile area but also the Internet Services area. With regards to your comment about losing money. I think Hajji Duaale was unequivocal about that. He said that the company is now at a stage where it is returning a healthy profit. He has no interest in selling a lie to his potential share holders.
  12. At $110 a share, it surely feels very expensive. But it depends on how many shares that is being offered.
  13. I didn't know Mogadishu was stuck in 3G. 4G arrived in Somaliland back in 2012.
  14. I second this. Obviously, everyone will need to do their own due-diligence and assess if this is fit for their own investment strategy.
  15. I beg to differ here Diktoore. I think this is a great move. Hajji Ducaale will still be controlling the company, but the fact that minority share holders will now come from every region, it means both the company and its operations will become partly locally owned. This will translate in many different ways including shielding the company from becoming an easy target for people who have nothing to lose. They will have something to lose after the selling of shares, so they will be bound to protect their investments. Besides, there are rumours that Hajji Ducaale is eyeing a big fish in Ethiopia. I heard Dahabshiil Group in joint venture with UAE's Etisalat want to bid for a controlling stake in Ethiopia's Telecom business. I think Hajji'gu is killing two birds with one stone here.
  16. This is a very good opportunity to join forces with one of the Somali people's elite business men. Somtel Somalia operates in all the Federal States of Somalia. Disclosure: Somtel Somaliland will remain privately held company of Dahabshiil Group.