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Everything posted by Suldaanka

  1. Afwayne's apologists would rather blame the people who refused to become second citizens in their own country, rather than the blood thirsty regime. Mingsitu of Ethiopia might have been a bloody dictator, but he was a nationalist. You can never accused of him not loving his country. You can see it from Eritrea's cities where they are as beaufiful as they were during the Italian era, today. You can see it from the way people were when TPLF rolled in and took over peaceful cities and communities that were not warring at each other. Unlike Afwayne who pitted Somali clans against one another, armed to the teeth friendly ones, hence leaving the country divided and deadly. The SNM on the other hand, initiated the healing process, organised peace conferences and started nation building. And became the first liberation force to volunteerly handover power to civilian leadership.
  2. All of Somaliland's public schools have been free for all school age kids for a longtime now. However, the quality of the public schools are not that great . The reasons are many but the main ones are that the gov't pays public school teachers much lower than their private counterparts hence all good teachers move to the privately owned institutions which has flourished. If you compare the privately owned institutions to pre-1991, they are better or on bar. With regards to healthcare, from 1980s onwards the health care in Somaliland/Northern regions was non-existent. In fact, activist groups like UFO were started primarily because of the dismall state of Hargeisa Group Hospital during 1980s. Today, Hargeisa Group Hospital is a primary health care referal hospital for the whole of Somaliland. It provides free health care to public. Having said that, Somaliland's achievements over the past couple of decades is nothing short of miracle. Specailly considering it has been achieved on shoe-string budget. At one stage, Hargeisa of early 1991s the class rooms were under the trees were students would sit on tin cans (qasacada caanaha). Somaliland has recovered from a society and country that has broken down in every sense of the word.
  3. Most of these are from donations by biliteral donor countries and Development Agencies. Even in military terms, the bileteral training and equipment provided by USSR/USA and others including Arab countries (Egypt, Iraq, Syria etc), can be said were the army's backbone. Mogadishu Port, Kismaio Port, Berbera Port were all funded by global powers at one stage or another. The question comes back, 21 years of rule what can you attribute from locally collected taxation. The only thing I can think of the Education system in the mid 1970s. In the 1980s the education system in Somaliland was on its knees, schools without roofs, sanitation issue, demoralised teachers and student protesting from injustice and heavy militarisation of city streets. The whole economy of Somalia was based on livestock and by 1980s when things got bad in Somaliland, that industry came to standstill which eventually caused the stagnation of economy of the whole country. By late 1980s, Afwayne regime was broke.
  4. Habartii docdii ay ku noolayd, daadku ugu so galay dadkii inu wada helay mooday, oo daad wararac bay tidhi... If you were in Mogadishu, that could have been true, because you were dining and wining and licking the icecream from your elbows. But if you were anywhere but Mogadishu, then that is absolutely a pipe-dream. I am sure you were happly welcoming Radio Banadir's famous broadcasting regarding regional football tournament between Hargeisa and Burco in 1988, when the facts on the ground were the stuff of nightmare. Both Burco and Hargeisa were smouldering like Nuclear hit with the air thick with decomposing bodies. On the contrary, Somalia of the 1980s was on its last legs. Everything that is wrong with Somalia/Somaliland can be traced right back to the dictatorial regime. From interclan wars, to border issues (clan borders), to corruption, to Qaad, Qabyaalad, Qudhun... everything.
  5. Gooni, Awoowe, Wadada waxa ku sadaqaystay China. Sido kale biyaha. Lacagtii Qaranku lahaa halkee la geeyay? Sow beeshu ka dhashay khamri iyo khamaar kumay dhameyn? Ileen waanu ognahay Garbohaaray iyo Buulo Xaawo inay buul Somali ka dhisanyihiin oo aanu waxba u qabane. Kolka laga yimaado sadaqada dawladaha shisheeye, bal sheeg hal shay oo taxation/cashuurtii dadka laga dhameeyay loogu qabtay? Ugu yaraan, Dawladii Afwayne burburkay magaalooyinka Somaliland u gaysatay ayaa 1000 jeer ku laba-laabmaya wixii ama sadaqo uga so gaadhay 21 sano oo dawlad la aqoonsanyay la ahaa. Waa ayaan daro aad u wayn runtii, qof kii caqli inun wali ku sii hadhay garanaayo.
  6. Dad ayaa bari ka maalin odhan doona Cabdi Iley nin wanaagsan ayu ahaa, bal eega Airportka iyo Jaamacda JIgjiga ayu dhisay.
  7. When you see girls going head of heals, then you know President MBC has got the swagger. This tweet and replies made me laugh.
  8. Inay fashilantay waad ogaatay oo waayeel dhaaftay. Tani waa saleelo, isagoo sidii Baadariyiinta Catholiga wiilasha qolka loogu xareeyo ka waran? Waxa iigu maqaalo ah inu diinta Catholiga qaatayna.
  9. Kolka Halsha awrka loo tu'iyo in tunka uu ka qaniino ama looga qaniino waan maqlay, laakin waa ii bilow in tartarta laga qaniino kolkay diidmo bilowdo. Lesson in Dhaqanka, si fiican waa in looga faa'iidaysta.
  10. No that is not his child. This is Oct 21th event and she is most likely a member of the Ubaxii Kacaanka. It is an open secret that leaders of the dictatorial junta used to pick pritty looking ones as confort girls. And this seems to be Afwayne's pick.
  11. Dadka caqliga u saaxiibka ah, aad iyo aad ayay ula yaabanyin Cheeseman. Nin isagii dul saar ku ah meesha u joogo, oo waliba ka so jeeda beelaha ugu taagta iyo tamarta yar Koonfurta Somalia, inu khiyaali isugu sheekeeyo waa wax aad loola yaabo. As the English say, what goes up must come down. We know where they all end up.
  12. Anigu waalid uma aqaane, paedophilia ayaan u aqaan. Sawirku wuxu qiimaynaya damiirka iyo halkuu diinta iyo dhaqanka ka joogay daaquudkii Afwayne.
  13. Toddobuu qabaa naaga xora, tuu falaa darane Kun towxiidsanaayuu sidii, Teys u gawracaye Taag niman lahayn iyo agoon, buu ka taajiraye Waa Afwayne oo caruurtii Ubaxa Kacaanka mid ka mida la raaxaysanaya.
  15. Ceerigaabo is an example of how we do things in Somaliland. Even if we are worlds apart in terms of politics, we know when to hold hands and unite. Well done to Reer Ceerigaabo. Gob iyo Caadkeed dheh.
  16. Talaabo, Saalax is frustrated that this is going so smoothly without any single incident. We know where ever Gaas visited there were deaths following him. In Badhan, a prominent traditional leader was killed by Gaas' body guards. In Bosaso two of his own body guards were gunned down. this is what is frustrating our poor soul.
  17. I have heard this talk before the election of 2017. And that was dealt a huge blow. Ilowshiiyo dhawaa ma umulbaa. Mise xaalkaagu waa Afnool waa hadlaa, Eyna waa ciyaa.
  18. Like I argued many times here, the best deal for Garowe is to accept the IGAD/UN brokered deal. The alternative is very dire for Garowe.
  19. I am not too sure about Somalia(Proper) But it will be a cold day in hell for foreign Troops to come inside Somaliland territories. That is a given. By the end of Cheeseman's term in just over 2 years, reer Somalia farta ayay dhexda ka qaniini doonaan.
  20. Cheeseman in the middle. Si fiican ayaa looga dhamaysanaya. Abiy: Eritrea, Ethiopia and Somalia will not have three presidents in the future Ethiopian Prime Minister Dr. Abiy Ahmed indicated that the Horn of Africa will have one president instead of three in a speech after the inauguration of the Tibebe Ghion Specialized Hospital in the City of Bahir Dar with Eritrean and Somalia presidents today.
  21. Muse Bixi ma doqonka Farmaajo ayaa moodaysa? He would have been driving the agenda not sitting there like a foolish. Like Diktoor Oodka, said, dhibaatada Cheeseman u gaysanaayo Somalia (Proper) will become very apparent long after he is gone. No body knows what exactly he is getting out of this. If all he got is to have Addis Abeba close doors on other Somali leaders including Somaliland. That may proof as a catalyst for Bay & Bakool 'gacan ku rimis' leaders who are creations of Ethiopia in the first place. just like Kenya is to Jubbaland. But as far as Somaliland is concerned or to some extent Puntland, it is not that big of a deal. Somaliland, specially, needed a wake up call to diversity its relationships and this may be a good opportunity. One of the unexpected results from this is that Djibouti is warming up to Somaliland. Where is our resident expert @galbeedi.
  22. This is the funniest caption... inay shaaha dul saartaan ayuunba u dhiman.